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View Full Version : how to boost ur ratio

12-28-2006, 09:13 PM
here a little help for those who need a little ratio help. i read about this on another site and tried it out and it works on all the sites im on from s*t to ilt.

1st look for a dvdr or large pack.

2nd download just a few rars or the sample and 1 rar.

3rd let it seed for 8 hrs

this is best when file is a new release. i just download 3-6 rars and go to work. heres a pic of what one file did in under 8 hrs and i only download 212 mb of it :cool:


i can upload @ around 80-100 kB/s

12-28-2006, 09:33 PM
One tip for those with slow connection, when you see scene release, search the file on public trackers, make sure files match(rars and group release), after dl, seed it on private tracker.

12-28-2006, 09:44 PM
One tip for those with slow connection, when you see scene release, search the file on public trackers, make sure files match(rars and group release), after dl, seed it on private tracker.

This is what I've been doing at ST and I've uploaded 52gb in 6 days, my maximum upload is about 120kB/sec. But a ratio of 31,857.666 does look dodgy, but that's also due to the free leech.

12-28-2006, 09:59 PM
Great advice! I've been trying to get a way to up my 0 ratio at my newly created account at TorrentBytes.

Btw, Corey - What's "scene release?" (I'm pretty new at this torrent thing even though I've been a member of BitSoup for a few months).

Thanks again!

12-28-2006, 10:01 PM
i always use this metod

12-28-2006, 10:27 PM
Btw, Corey - What's "scene release?" (I'm pretty new at this torrent thing even though I've been a member of BitSoup for a few months).

It's release that's not older that one weeks, example of some tv show episode, I like to seed them for weeks.

12-28-2006, 10:37 PM
Btw, Corey - What's "scene release?" (I'm pretty new at this torrent thing even though I've been a member of BitSoup for a few months).

It's release that's not older that one weeks, example of some tv show episode, I like to seed them for weeks.

I think you misinturpreted the rules part of a tracker.

Simple. a scene release is any torrent (and the files of course) that is released by a scene group. Otherwise it would be a homerip or request. Almost everything on 0day trackers is from the scene. Some scene groups are: mVs, PORNOLATiON, CORE, DiAMOND, DoNE, OMiCRON, COCACOLA among others.

12-29-2006, 12:03 AM
Ofc I meant that it's released by scene groups.Noone wouldn't deticate at home to rip and publish it to scene.

12-29-2006, 02:37 AM
That's quite clever.
Not that I really need to do that right now. It would only confuse me.
I have something like 200+ torrents seeding right now.

12-29-2006, 03:05 AM
That was a kickass idear. Doing it now, thanks for the free tip.

12-29-2006, 03:08 AM
yeah, its a great way to increase your ratio. If your ratio is fine though, you should download the whole thing so it helps everyone gets the credit they need to the tracker.

12-29-2006, 03:56 AM
yeah, its a great way to increase your ratio. If your ratio is fine though, you should download the whole thing so it helps everyone gets the credit they need to the tracker.

Tell that to the members of ScT:P I have seen accounts with 1-5GB down and over 200GB upped. Guess they love ScT:lol:

12-29-2006, 04:54 AM
God nice idea..i read it someone aswell..but how do i just download a few winrar files? and seed the rest?i dunno how to do it!

12-29-2006, 05:03 AM
when you open the torrentfile in your client you have the choice (in any decent client) to uncheck what you dont want.

12-29-2006, 05:31 AM
O yeh, thanks i closed that option in utorrent hehe ill find it again :)

12-29-2006, 07:31 AM
this is not recommended by torrentsites... if everyone did this then a lot of the torrents would have a shit load of leechers but in reality no one is downloading everyone is uploading but its shows 100 leechers...

i jump on new dvdr's with my seedbox i download the whole thing in a few min and in about 8 hours i can upload 40 gigs easy

12-29-2006, 12:22 PM
but how do i just download a few winrar files? and seed the rest?i dunno how to do it!
:lol: :lol:

12-29-2006, 01:13 PM
i jump on new dvdr's with my seedbox i download the whole thing in a few min and in about 8 hours i can upload 40 gigs easy

its to bad we dont all have seedboxes. im glad every1 has liked the idea.

12-29-2006, 01:29 PM
Ive been doing it like this for ages def great for samplers and such you can get a constant rate def a good tip man

12-29-2006, 01:51 PM
I just dont understand people, if they have money to pay seedboxes, they could easily pay for newz.

12-29-2006, 03:13 PM
another good little trick that i used back in the day was to hit scene releases on irc then seed back on bt trackers. i havent done this in sometime. it worked back when irc had faster pre times then bt, but may still work if ur in the right channel.

12-29-2006, 06:11 PM
I just dont understand people, if they have money to pay seedboxes, they could easily pay for newz.
Maybe they prefer the stuff that they can get on bittorrent, and the whole community?

12-29-2006, 06:24 PM
There's no difference between the files on bittorrent and newz.
And what about the community ?

12-29-2006, 06:42 PM
That's what I usually do. That or download the file from a public tracker and seed on a private one. My upload speed is really slow, about 25kb's. :S

12-29-2006, 08:36 PM
by the time it hits a public tracker its to late to seed anything back more 1 gb on a private tracker.

12-29-2006, 08:52 PM
There's no difference between the files on bittorrent and newz.
And what about the community ?
I used to use usenet. I thought the DVD-R/HDTV selection was much better - and you could get them faster.
I didn't like the music selection. OiNK is way better for that.

Leeching and seeding are very seperate on usenet, and I didn't really like that. While there were some people on the sites (nzbzone ;,( ) I visited that uploaded stuff most of them were just leechers.

12-29-2006, 09:01 PM
Seeding on newz, I'm confused, you don't have to do that.

12-29-2006, 11:56 PM
Seeding on newz, I'm confused, you don't have to do that.
I meant uploading.

12-30-2006, 12:17 AM
Also, you don't need to upload at news.

12-30-2006, 06:25 AM
The reason this works so well is the tit-for-tat system that is incompatible with the ratio system. tft system means that while downloading you are not upping at full possible speed, only to those that upload to you. When you download just a few rars you go into seeding mode and you can upload at full possible speed.

In essence, what you are doing is really disabling the this-for-that system.

01-01-2007, 01:26 AM
i can upload@300 kbps

01-01-2007, 01:31 AM
Awesome advice. :D Thanks for sharing this because it can be really difficult to improve ratios sometimes.

01-01-2007, 04:36 AM
i"m very sad because my maximum upload speed is 5 k/b

i cant do that

01-01-2007, 05:16 AM
thx a lot m8 4 the info need it

01-01-2007, 11:34 AM
you can also cross pollinate along with part seeding. grab the whole release or a few files from one site, best being full leech then seed to all your other torrents. of course the sites that give extra for seeding you're better off getting the whole release.

As far as PRE times there are many super fast bots all across irc that have a new release 5 min to 3 hours after PRE with up to 10mbit download, use any of the packet search pages and pick the bots that you want (packetnews for example). News as said is another very good/fast alternative which is FULL leech, many ISP have FREE axxs to news anywhere from 2 to 50 days retention. Yes some groups on news are leech only which kills the group fast but there are many that use both IRC and news creating a similar setup as torrent EXCEPT news is fully anonymous, you can make requests (SCENE files ONLY) this is done for all categories APPS, GAMES, MP3, DVDR ETC...

i"m very sad because my maximum upload speed is 5 k/b

i cant do that

YES you can,, it will just take longer and YOU MUST or you'll get yourself banned for bad ratio unless you have some secret that allows you to download without seeding back. ;)

01-01-2007, 05:48 PM
That's quite clever.
Not that I really need to do that right now. It would only confuse me.
I have something like 200+ torrents seeding right now.

Max number i ever had seeded was something like 35.:lol:

01-01-2007, 08:06 PM
I use the same technique

01-03-2007, 01:32 AM
i"m very sad because my maximum upload speed is 5 k/b

you must not be connectable

01-23-2007, 03:16 PM
nice tip thx

01-23-2007, 11:21 PM
always the best way to go...for starters... han

01-24-2007, 12:57 AM
i usally use this idea & its going well ...lol

01-24-2007, 01:08 AM
im glad i could help everyone. so hows it going with the ratios? let see some client screens.

01-24-2007, 01:12 PM
Port forward.com great to get connectable with routers and single IP addy's

01-24-2007, 08:44 PM
uploading a movie is a great idea. I have done this twice just to give myself a buffer in my ratio. I make things easier for people by removing the copy protection and encoding it into an iso that will fit onto a single-layer DVD. I am one of those who doesn't like those 700MB avi rips but the full quality instead.

01-28-2007, 11:34 PM
The best way is to download some files from a popular torrent and seed them back for a long time.... or if you can, you can just upload quality stuff and it will increase your ratio and of course, get connectable!!!

01-29-2007, 01:02 AM
seed seed seed

03-03-2007, 11:21 PM
partial seeding is sooooo annoying though. just take a look at OiNK..torrents with 200+ leechers who are downloading nothing because they're partial seeders. I wish someone would just update the TBSource to include a separate column for partial seeders. It would make life sooo much easier.

03-03-2007, 11:44 PM
"I wish someone would just update the TBSource to include a separate column for partial seeders. It would make life sooo much easier."
word.Hope some coder will read this :)

03-03-2007, 11:50 PM
yeah, that would for sure smooth things out a bit...

03-04-2007, 04:48 AM
always computers on ^^

03-04-2007, 08:15 AM
yeah, that would for sure smooth things out a bit...

03-04-2007, 04:34 PM

thank u man

peat moss
03-04-2007, 04:48 PM
Funny I was looking at what I was seeding as I usually delete after a 3 or 4 ratio and found one I missed . Registry Mechanic 6.0 was showing as my best @ 10 thought hey nice program but ? Very small program as well 4.64 MB .