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View Full Version : [Rainbow Six: Las Vegas] Destroys 8800GTX in SLi

mr. nails
12-29-2006, 06:13 AM
w0w, i kinda figured the 8800GTX (as buggy and shit as they are) would be pretty unstoppable with "todays" games, but i was just proven wrong. even though i'm sure rb6lv in it's early days still has some bugz to squash u'd figure 2 8800gtx's would get more that 10fps. huh? well, even with quad fx (i for one do believe intel is the better chip also) the game drops to a lousy 10 fps. seems pretty damn retarded especially after dishing out over 4k for a newly built pc. lol, here's to being broke!

RB6LV Torture Test (http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=36608)

12-29-2006, 10:04 AM
Thats interesting, RB6: Las Vegas has some insane looking graphics that I thought would easily be taken care of with a 8800GTX.

12-29-2006, 11:26 AM
I got the impression that it isn't so much a problem with the card, but with the way the software handles it.

The sort of thing that could be happening:
request card to perform red/blue analysis on each pixel, then discard the information relating to green pixels because it isn't relevant.
compared to
request card to perform red/blue analysis on each non-green pixel
or even
request card to perform red/blue analysis (card itself ignores green pixels)

Poorly written software will kill the mightiest of processors, whether it's graphics related or simply handling your accounts.

mr. nails
12-29-2006, 12:06 PM
no, i concur, but even with the rig mentioned u'd figure it would do better than that. at least i would figure. i'm sure the code is dogshit atm simply becuz it is the first game using the new unreal engine. it's bound to happen. just figured i'd post this for i thought it was funny. 4k down and u can't play ur games seems hilarious to me.

12-30-2006, 06:39 AM
I could not even play the game why they did not make it to support more cards :( I have x800

01-03-2007, 09:49 AM
Feck, I wanted to download this but i'm sure it'll rip my comp a new asshole. :dry:

01-04-2007, 09:57 PM
SLi is a buggy new system...future driver updates might fix that game's performance

01-05-2007, 01:35 AM
I run it on 1280x1024 with everything on high at around 70fps.:dabs:

01-05-2007, 03:22 AM
That game raped my system..but it looked good while doing so. It actually wasnt too bad..but I couldnt find an option to turn the settings down..therefor I got frustrated and uninstalled it.

Didnt care much for the game anyways :P

Colt Seevers
01-05-2007, 06:53 PM
Good game! With lots of "OMG, WTF SHIT, OMG, DUCK, SHIT" balls to the wall firefights.

Using 7950GTX, 4 gig dual channel ram, and in a few instances the game did perform bad, a wee bit, for a few seconds. Generally it was very playable. Thats everything on high @ 1360 x 768.

Although the game doesn't support my res, and seems to have a bug with logitech x64 mouse drivers.... managed to sort those problems out but I do hate BUYING a game like this and as soon as I get it I need to surf the wonderful support forums to go hunting for an answer.

mr. nails
01-05-2007, 07:46 PM
I do hate BUYING a game like this and as soon as I get it I need to surf the wonderful support forums to go hunting for an answer.

welcome to the wonderful world of "PC" games?

Colt Seevers
01-05-2007, 08:07 PM
I do hate BUYING a game like this and as soon as I get it I need to surf the wonderful support forums to go hunting for an answer.

welcome to the wonderful world of "PC" games?

I'm just bowled over by your sarcastic and yet true remark.. Doesn't mean I need to like it, nor should we accept it as the norm.

Some games work without a hitch and others are slack jawed faggots. Is it any wonder so many people try before they buy?...and some of them just keep trying, and never buy... :)

mr. nails
01-06-2007, 12:15 AM
Some games work without a hitch and others are "slack jawed faggots."

my biggest recent gribe was that of Titan Quest. w0w, that game played like dog shit until i updated to the newest patch and that "stuff will make you a sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me."

01-06-2007, 04:53 AM
This was quoted in the latest review of Rainbow Six: Vegas from anandtech:

We mentioned in the introduction that the game had a few issues we wish would have been addressed before Rainbow Six: Vegas was released. One of them is that as of right now, there doesn't seem to be any support for SLI or Crossfire setups. This is bad news because Vegas is one game that could use the type of flexibility a multi-GPU system could provide. Another issue that could be seen as a drawback is the lack of antialiasing in the game. There is no option for turning on AA and we aren't extremely surprised about this given that the game uses the very new Unreal Engine 3. Hopefully we will see support for this in the future though, as the fastest GPUs should be able to handle HDR as well as FSAA.