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View Full Version : quite lame...

12-30-2006, 07:02 PM
This topic is about www.Torrenting.org

All I have to say is that they've opened like 20 in like 20 forums claiming it's a great site and shit... like it's rare to get invitations and they gave away like 9999999 already...now watch that - There are only 32 torrents in it

every and each one of them is old.. been even in TL like half a year before.

Torrents 36
Dead Torrents 5
Live Torrents 31
Peers 33
Seeders 33
Leechers 0

Power Users 0

Registered Users 219

what's up with that?

they are desperate.
I'm sorry... it's not that I wanna screw their reputation.. but it is false.

let the site growing up a little first...and start with open signups.
You can ignore this topic or learn from it.

Have a nice day.

12-30-2006, 07:08 PM
I don't see the point of this, they just want to get new users, it's new tracker.

12-30-2006, 07:42 PM
This topic is about www.Torrenting.org (http://www.Torrenting.org)

i am designing a stylesheet for them