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View Full Version : Music From New Lynx Dry Advert

05-18-2003, 04:27 PM
Here people,whats the crack with the song from the new Lynx Advert, GirlsGirls or summit shite like that! Somebody giz a hand man!!

the advert were it says men are attracted to other mens sweat...

07-21-2003, 08:39 PM
Yes I also want this song, any help much appreciated :)

07-22-2003, 06:22 AM
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/DisplayAnsw...y_id=16&index=0 (http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/DisplayAnswers.go?question_id=29557&category_id=16&index=0)
Hope this helps.
This is quite a good website for this kind of enquiry.

07-22-2003, 11:35 AM
Thanks Zacspeed, can't believe they are not releasing it...

07-22-2003, 11:55 AM
they will, there's money to be made! ;)