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View Full Version : Haunted House Movies

05-18-2003, 05:31 PM
Any recommendations for horror movies centered about forboding mansions such as Rose Red, The Legend of Hell House, The Haunting, House on Haunted Hill, Th13rteen Ghosts, Ghost Story, the Shining, Ghost Ship The Fog.

Doesn't have to actually be a house, a haunted anything.

In the genre of horror, I like the subcategory of "creepy" over "slash and maim" or "stumbling zombies".

05-18-2003, 05:39 PM
Hmm...normally Id be able to think of more, but for now all I can think of are Poltergeist (the first...and maybe 2nd) and Maximum Overdrive (yeah I know possesed cars....stupid...but it has its moments).

05-18-2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by thegroggman@18 May 2003 - 18:39
Hmm...normally Id be able to think of more, but for now all I can think of are Poltergeist (the first...and maybe 2nd) and Maximum Overdrive (yeah I know possesed cars....stupid...but it has its moments).
Poltergeist is good but I've seen it.

Maximum Overdrive is just like Tremors with cars- not bad.

NightShift is one I forgot.
Also, the Legacy

05-18-2003, 06:58 PM
what about the Amityville horror

and no movie is as "creepy" as the exorcist

05-18-2003, 07:28 PM
the gate
pet cemetary

these weren't bad

05-26-2003, 03:00 AM
An unapologetic bump

05-26-2003, 03:05 AM
Ok I got one for you....sure it ventures off into the comedy realm quite a bit, but its fun to watch never-the-less. House. Yup....the titel says it all. Oh but stay away from the sequel...

05-26-2003, 08:24 AM
hey, what about evil dead ? i remmember some of them where in houses, i think they were all great, and i love movies that mix with comedy and other, eg: x-men is like science fiction, but tis got funny parts. evil dead is horror with funny parts kekeke

05-26-2003, 08:29 AM
LOL...yup the first two took place in the exact same cabin. Actually in the first film Raimi wasnt going for camp, but it turned out people really liked it like that, so he stuck in more comedy for Evil Dead 2.

05-26-2003, 08:32 AM
hehehe yeah evil dead rocks!, oh and if u really wanna shit your pants, get HELL RAISER i saw that when i was like 10yo and had nightmare for bout 1 week, lol.

btw, your avartar is broken

05-26-2003, 08:33 AM
Event Horizon - Fairly good, haunted spacecraft film.

Evil Dead

Evil Dead II - don't bother with the 3rd film. Not 1/2 as good.

The Others - quite atmospheric creeper.

A good creepy film seems to stay with me longer than a gorefest. Saying that you gotta love the gore!! :D

05-26-2003, 08:48 AM
Evil Dead II - don't bother with the 3rd film. Not 1/2 as good. Really? You didnt like Army of Darkness? Wow...thats a first. I guess everyone is entitled to there opinion though. Sure it wasnt scary...but I found it quite entertaining. And actually...come to think of it, Id say most people have only seen Army of Darkness and not the first two films...which is sad :(

05-26-2003, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by thegroggman@26 May 2003 - 09:48

Evil Dead II - don't bother with the 3rd film. Not 1/2 as good. Really? You didnt like Army of Darkness? Wow...thats a first. I guess everyone is entitled to there opinion though. Sure it wasnt scary...but I found it quite entertaining. And actually...come to think of it, Id say most people have only seen Army of Darkness and not the first two films...which is sad :(

I don't hate Army of Darkness, I just thought it was a disappointment after the first two which were classics. In England Army of Darkness was given a 15 certificate against the first two's 18 certs. This was no doubt because it was aimed at a more widespread and commercial audience. It's just not as creepy as the first two. I particularly liked the "Playing Card" sequence where the blonde girl reads the cards out as they are drawn but she has her back turned, etc. Good shit!!

Sam Raimi at his peak I think.

05-26-2003, 11:12 AM
Hi, Have you heard of an older movie called The Changling?? Its had George C. Scott in it, its from the early 80's, but man that is one spooky ass movie!

05-26-2003, 12:03 PM