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View Full Version : Installation Problem

05-19-2003, 04:38 PM
help? i am new to all of this,i have downloaded a game from kazaa lite and i opened it through winzip saved it to computer and when i go to play it it tells me i need a disk,how do i sought out this problem???????????

05-19-2003, 04:39 PM
U need a crack for it
A no cd crack
If u cnt find one or dnt hav 1 it wnt let u play the game :(

05-19-2003, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by bluetulip@19 May 2003 - 16:38
help? i am new to all of this,i have downloaded a game from kazaa lite and i opened it through winzip saved it to computer and when i go to play it it tells me i need a disk,how do i sought out this problem???????????
Or sometimes you can go through your registry, Usually Hkey local machine -- software -- game and change the read path from D: to the install directory

if you are familier with REGEDIT you shouldnt have a problom at all understanding this

05-19-2003, 05:20 PM
he mosst likely is NOT or elase he would have already done it... c'mon ppl! but the method he was telling you will and can work but try gettting a crack serch kazaa or thing for it type in the game name a put cd crack after the name.