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View Full Version : Ok seriously wtf is wrong?

01-14-2007, 07:14 PM
Ok I'm gettin really pissed off with my comp and newsgroup programs. Whenever I use newsleecher or grabit, it only let's me download with 4 threads, and it goes at a f*ckin speed of 100 kbs a second. Just the other week it was going at like 400-600-800 kbs a second. And about a month ago i could download with 8 threads. My cousin has the same internet provider as me but he has a faster computer and he can download with 8 threads. Is it possibly my slower comp? Please u gotta help me im gettin so frustrated here and my parents are gettin pissed that im tying up the comp for long download times. For god's sake, it takes 20 minutes just to update the xbox 360 server on my programs. Help would be appreciated on a level so high that if i were to take a dump, it would land on the window of a space shuttle.

01-14-2007, 09:39 PM
Whom is your Usenet provider?

Have you taken an internet speed test (http://www.speakeasy.net/speedtest/)? Maybe your internet provider is throttling (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandwidth_throttling) your connection because of the amount of data you have downloaded lately.

On a side note...
If you type in one long run-on paragraph it makes it really hard to understand what the hell you are trying to ask.

01-14-2007, 10:00 PM
thnx for the help but i looked on a speed test and it said my speed was about 675 kb/s. And i have not really been downloading as much. My internet provider is cogeco but i dunno if that's the same as usenet. (i don't pay monthly for a service)

01-14-2007, 10:50 PM
could always save yourself the headache and sign up with like usenetserver or newshosting, newshosting has 85 day retention using nzbs for $15/a month, who knows who your isp gets their news feed from could just be a crappy reseller.

01-14-2007, 11:28 PM
K thnx for the tips but i only make like 10 bucks a week and i have to put half into my bank account. I don't have a job yet cuz im only 14. I have crappy cogeco right now if anybody has heard of it, and i'm gettin sympatico like tomorrow if anyboy has heard of that, so do u think that could affect speed?

01-15-2007, 03:49 AM
If you are relying on your ISP for newsgroups you are totally at their mercy.

It is possible that they are just doing some service work on their servers and things will soon be back to normal for you - or it might be a result of them not doing any work on their servers and it's all going to be downhill.

Even though Usenet service is a "courtesy service". If you call your provider they might be able to tell you if they are doing any work.

Long and short of it; you get what you get, when you are getting it for free.

01-19-2007, 12:15 PM
[QUOTE=Broken;1666325]Long and short of it; you get what you get, when you are getting it for free.

That is basically it in a nutshell. If you are wanting decent service, you may have to go with a paid newsserver or just use what you have for free. But DON'T expect to get great service from an ISP news service, as the good ones are few and far between. You get what you pay for....That's just the way it is. Especially with newsgroup hosting.

Very few ISP newsgroup services are even worth mentioning.