View Full Version : Rename Files

foot loose
05-20-2003, 08:54 AM
in 2002 when i started 2 use Kazaa there was not that many renamed files, but this year the renamed files that i have come across has tripled.

is there more muppets using Kazaa?
or is the renaming of files done delibratly by companies 2 try 2 put a stop 2 file sharing? :(

05-20-2003, 09:04 AM
its both, but there is more dickeads that just rename files for some unknown reason then there is companies renaming them.. but yeah, more of them are just stupid dicks with no life that wanna see someone download a file that isnt real. :angry:

05-20-2003, 10:09 AM
biggest problem is all the people not renaming it right.
The filename but also the properties in Klite. It only takes a minute to do that.
Would help stopping fakes...

But thank god, that's why there are such lovely verifieds! :lol:

05-20-2003, 10:35 AM
yep assholes thats one word to describe them all the new stuff is turning it to crap

and why is it people reckon its being sabatarged like the RIAA for example

its crap u think of it put a fake out that is something else, whats the difference???? its still a file and that person might like the fake