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View Full Version : Searching.....

05-21-2003, 08:01 PM
I thought I'd try and help people, I'm fairly new to the forums, but here is advice for finding a program or an application to do something specific.

If you know something's possible, but you don't know what to use or how to do it, most of the time, if you use an internet browser, go to a search engine, and type exactly what you are trying to do. I've used this "secret" technique more times than the fingers on my hands (and no, I don't have and extra fingers or thumbs). The results are always on target, and I find exactly what I need to know. Just remember, when you do search on the net, sometimes there are things that come up, but have nothing to do with your subject. Don't forget that you can alter your search results by using a few key things:

+ : Finds specifically what text is entered right after the +
- : Does not display pages that contain text followed after the -
"" : Quotes will find exactly what is in the quotes, these are perfect for finding specific programs or applications that have different versions or builds. Quotes can also be used in combination with +/-.

mp3 editing software +"free download"
mp3 software -price

Thought this might help; before I joined this forum, I did all my research myself with no ones help. And now I have everything I could ever need.

05-21-2003, 09:27 PM
great tip

05-22-2003, 11:54 AM
Excellent tip Porps :)

05-23-2003, 03:03 PM
No Prob, but hopefully all of those people who need the tip the most, are actually looking at it....