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View Full Version : Overburning

05-21-2003, 11:11 PM
pleae help...does anyone know how to change settings so i can burn upto 900mb of disk space!!! i know it can be done just dont know how....cheers people :)

05-21-2003, 11:26 PM
Easy, just make sure you don't overburn too much. Go here:


This site is in french (no I don't know any french), but just look at the pictures and match it to what you see in Nero (I hope you are using Nero and not some cheap Easy CD Creater crap, which should come bundled with AOL :D ).

http://ibelgique.ifrance.com/blueskytuning...overburning.htm (http://ibelgique.ifrance.com/blueskytuning/overburning.htm)

05-22-2003, 01:07 PM
hi there !
click onto file-preferences-expert features and check overburn box, type in cd length APPLY.
i use 90 minute cdr's for overburn, just to be on the safe side.
when you drag and drop files into compilation keep an eye on the graph on bottom. you will get a warning box from Nero before you burn, but if you have checked everything properly, just ignore it .
m8t :D