View Full Version : Downloading Only Part Of File

05-23-2003, 11:59 AM
How can I download only a part of file?
I have downloaded movie and it has frames damaged at the end of file.
It took me ages to download so I don't want to download it again :)
What software you can suggest? Or any information related on .dat file structure? Anything...
Please help...
Thank's in advance

05-23-2003, 12:19 PM
hi there !
this site has an excellent forum/help info on video probs.
also try www.vcdhelp.com/convert.
all questions receive a response.
m8t :D

05-23-2003, 10:56 PM
I know how to edit avi files with VirtualDub and so on... :)
But i wanna know is it possible to download ONLY part of file in Kazaa?
I suppose it is... but is there any software for that?
Or maybe can any kazaa profie help me with ideas how to do that?
I can make that software myself B)