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View Full Version : Open Reg on RmvBusters.Pl

02-07-2007, 11:25 PM
At Friday 9th of February on our site will be an Open Registration. We'll close it by 11 of February. Please spread this message into all your friends and people who are interested in registration on our site because we don't know when the next big open will be or will it be ever again.

I don't know if it is good news but i know that some of you are looking for Inv on our site.It's easier way to do it

02-07-2007, 11:31 PM
Its Great News
Thanks Alot

Dr. Lecter
02-08-2007, 03:14 AM
will the questions in the registration form removed ?
the questions & the faq r not in english...

02-08-2007, 04:02 AM
is there any test? or questions before signup


02-08-2007, 05:20 AM
thanks a lot... I wanted to join the site since long time back but invites were difficult to get

02-08-2007, 07:48 AM
so, on rmvbusters will be the open registration, but there will also be the test - questions and answers :naughty: I can help - write to me PM

02-08-2007, 08:08 AM
here u go guys heres the questions in english incase there left in for the signup.

Mając ratio globalne 2.43 po ściągnieciu pozycji musisz ją seedować :
a. 8 godzin
b. Zależy od ratia uzyskanego na pozycji
c. Nie muszę gdyż moje ratio jest większe niż 2.0

Having global ratio 2.43, after downloading movie you have to seed:
a. 8 hours
b. Depends on ratio on this movie after downloading
c. I don't have to because my ratio is higher than 2.0


Co to jest ratio ?
a. Stosunek danych wysłanych do pobranych
b. Stosunek danych pobranych do wysłanych
c. Stosunek prędkości wysyłania do prędkości pobierania

What is ratio?
a. Proportion between sum of data uploaded and downloaded
b. Proportion between sum of data downloaded and uploaded
c. Proportion between speed of uploading and downloading


Co oznacza złota skrzyneczka przy opisie torrenta
a. Torrent jest popularny - sciąga go wiecej niż 50 osób
b. Torrent przekroczył granice 500 ściągnięć
c. Torrent nie nalicza ściągnietych danych

What does the golden box near torrent description means?
a. Torrent is popular - downloading by more than 50 people
b. Torrent cross the limit of 500 downloads
c. Torrent does not count downloaded data


Jakie klienty sieci torrent są akceptowane przez nasz tracker?
a. Wszystkie
b. Wszystkie oprócz BitCommeta i jego odmian
c. Azureus, BitCommet, µTorrent

What torrent clients are acceptable by our tracker?
a. All clients
b. All clients except BitCommet and his brands
c. Azureus, BitCommet, µTorrent


Czym różni się ratio globalne od ratia na pozycji?
a. Ratio na pozycji nie różni się niczym od ratia globalnego
b. Ratio na pozycji to ogólny stosunek danych wysłanych między mną a innym peerem, a ratio globalne to stosunek danych pobranych do wysłanych widoczny w kliencie
c. Ratio na pozycji to ratio z pojedynczego pliku torrent a ratio globalne to ogólny stosunek danych wysłanych do pobranych

What is the difference between global ratio and ratio on the position
a. There is no difference between them
b. Ratio on the position is general proportion of sent data between me and another peer, and global ratio is proportion between data downloaded and uploaded visible in torrent client
c. Ratio on the position is a ratio from particular torrent file, and global ratio is general proportion between data uploaded and downloaded


Gdzie możesz dowiedzieć się ile seedujesz pozycję?
a. Na stronie mojego profilu w zakładce [Pobrane pozycje]
b. W opcjach edycji profilu po kliknięciu na [Pobrane pozycje]
c. Tylko moderatorzy i wyżej wiedzą ile seedowałem

Where can you find out how long are you seeding particular torrent?
a. On my profile site in [Downloaded torrents]
b. In options while editing profile after clicking [Downloaded torrents]
c. Only moderators and higher rangs know how long I've been seeding torrent

02-08-2007, 08:26 AM
that is NOT all in english

02-08-2007, 08:29 AM
ok thx

now we need answers Lol :)

02-08-2007, 08:37 AM
that is NOT all in english

well its better than nothin, if u dont appreciate it then dont comment.

also that was from there site, it was there conversion not mine

02-08-2007, 09:41 AM
It's true that we don't have FAQ in English but in Rules You can choose Your language

Answers for question witch ps2king gave to You : b,a,c,b,c,a

If You will have any problems to reg on site give me PM here and i'll help you

02-08-2007, 09:42 AM
feel free to pm me, if u will have any questions regarding this test))

02-08-2007, 01:10 PM
Great work, Rmvbusters. I was actually hoping to register at this site coz my connection's real slow these days and these guys offer everythin in 1/3rd the size i hear. Is it true? I dont care that much about quality if filesizes are low because of my slow connection.

Also kudos for coming and announcing the open registration yourself and also answering the questions. Its always a better feeling when you see the admin is interested in interaction on other forums and not too stuck up.

02-08-2007, 01:37 PM
thanks for opening

02-08-2007, 03:31 PM
I was actually hoping to register at this site coz my connection's real slow these days and these guys offer everythin in 1/3rd the size i hear. Is it true? I dont care that much about quality if filesizes are low because of my slow connection.
Yep it's true. :) For example, a new released movie in XviD has 1.41 GB, converted to rmvb only 505.93 MB (without the sample). :) And the quality isn't much worse! But find out for yourself. :)

02-09-2007, 05:05 AM
Wow .. Registration opened finally ... Registered.

Is there any way to change the UI to English btw??

Is there any translation forthcoming?

02-09-2007, 10:40 AM
Questions are del. during open reg. weekend. It's because we don't have transl. FAQ .If You wanna know sth about rules on site e.g how long You have to seed give me PM on Our site - my nick is biszat

02-09-2007, 11:38 AM
nice site.

02-09-2007, 01:18 PM
Thxxxx Man

02-09-2007, 03:59 PM
It's a lot better to get Xvid stuff

02-10-2007, 03:42 AM
On our site it'll be posible soon =] but only ours rel.