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View Full Version : Robotech Macross series + Macross Plus Movie ??

02-08-2007, 08:51 AM
Hola amigos ,

I've been cruising the internet now for the past few hours searching for a reliable torrent for the Macross Plus Movie to no avail ... I even hopped onto youtube but got stalled out 10 min. into it because it stopped loading.

I then went to amazon thinking of actually purchasing the movie as long as I could find a DVD that wasn't "copied from VHS" like my DVD of Ninja Scroll obviously was ...

I then stumbled across the original Macross series - the first Robotech series and decided I NEED to watch it ... maybe its because of the late night ... I dont know.

Anyhow I was writing to ask if anyone out there had any good links for either one or both of these.

Any help is greatly appreciated
~ gh0st

mr. nails
02-08-2007, 10:35 AM
grab this (http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/Torrent-Harvester-b-Download-34987.html#download_locations) and search macross plus. u'll find LOTS of great quality versions available. ur gonna have to have .net framework installed in order for that program to work. when u install it make sure u update it! after u use it, u will NEVER use anything else again. welcome to the boards.

02-08-2007, 08:24 PM
Awesome. Thanks for the assistance and the welcome Mr. Nails ...

~ gh0st

02-09-2007, 02:29 AM
I think I officially just crapped my pants at the amount of results I just got ...

You weren't joking when you said "NEVER use anything else again." huh ??

This program will also search any torrent sites you're a member of as well right ??

mr. nails
02-09-2007, 02:46 AM
This program will also search any torrent sites you're a member of as well right ??

pretty much. just make sure u save the cookie.

03-01-2007, 04:02 AM
Just finished watching macross plus last night - excellent flick.

Started watching the first part of the robotech series and it struck me as a bit too kidish for my taste - to a degree so I decided to free up some HD space and delete the 36 episodes I DL'd.