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View Full Version : is there a program...

02-11-2007, 07:27 AM
...that you can just edit a .torrent file with? instead of making 3 .torrents of the same torrent. just edit the .torrent you made and change the tracker real quick? for uploading the same file to multiple trackers. or am i suppose to add all the trackers the .torrent will use when i make the original? i feel like im missing something here...there has to be a quicker way.

02-11-2007, 08:54 AM
If you're using uTorrent, you can't do that 'cause there's no "Save as..." option there - you can edit the tracker's url but you can't save it in order to upload it to a tracker. BitComet has that option (you edit the tracker in the torrent's propreties, then you save it as smth different than the first one) and I think Azureus has that option, too. If you don't like to use any of those clients, you can use a small app called maketorrent http://krypt.dyndns.org:81/torrent/maketorrent/ that I think will do the job.

Small tip though: when you're just editing the tracker's url, the piece size will stay the same, and that will cause peers from the different trackers to connect to each other even if the torrent is marked private ( somebody always forgets to turn off the DHT in their client). I would recomend creating the torrent with different piece sizes for every tracker ( I know ... it takes time, and you wanna get it up first).

02-12-2007, 07:23 PM
Azureus for sure has that option...

As far as adding trackers utorrent can do that too

for both the torrent has to be first opened in the client

02-12-2007, 08:10 PM
so wait...i can just right click a torrent in utorrent goto properties and add a tracker in there instead of having like 5 torrents of the same thing??

02-12-2007, 10:27 PM
sure; only if all the trackers are pointing to the same down load (hash ??).