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05-24-2003, 01:45 PM
it seems that people think that if your connected to them your sucking all thier bandwidth from them thats just not true as you all know the whole idea behind this program is the more people have the files the faster you can download from people so everybody please share if you want others to do the same for you.

05-24-2003, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by ruffernator@24 May 2003 - 13:45
it seems that people think that if your connected to them your sucking all thier bandwidth from them thats just not true as you all know the whole idea behind this program is the more people have the files the faster you can download from people so everybody please share if you want others to do the same for you.
ruffernator makes an important point. However i don't think anybody cares, this post has been up for at least 3 hours and only 9 people have viewed it.

I wish people would just understand that if nobody shared then there would be no kazaa. :D

05-24-2003, 09:47 PM
Well, i beleive that most people on this board (at least those who post), share.

Also, sharing does hog up your bandwidith. With 56k/ISDN it totally kills you (shared), while it's more tolerable with cable. ADSL is very different, however, if you're uploading on your maximum, you'll still usually be wasting ~10%-20% of your downstream. I think it's because you also need to receive packets when you send or... something.

But people should share not for bandwidth reasons - it's to increase the amount of files on the network. It even does you good - say, you wasted a long time downloading a rare file, then you had to reformat, and if you didn't share, you'll have to look for that rare file again. If you shared, someone most likely got it and so you'll get an extra source. Besides, sharing gives you a good feeling... that you contributed :)

05-24-2003, 10:40 PM
If you put reasonable upload bandwidth limits for your connection, the slowdowns caused by sharing are a non-issue.

I have 256 kilobits/sec upload bandwidth on my cablemodem and even uploads set as high as 232 kilobits/sec causes very little slowdowns on my downloads unless I'm downloading at well over 50 KB/sec... but when that happens I can reduce uploads to 200 kilobits/sec and then I can download at >150 KB/sec with no slowdowns on uploads OR downloads.

And I can surf the web with very few problems while all that's going on...

For a 56k, you almost HAVE to use the lowest allowed settings:
1 upload, upload bandwidth max=24 kilobits/sec

05-25-2003, 07:49 PM
Well there is KazaA and millions of people do share, the ones who don't are a small minority.
*****Not worthy of a second thought*****

05-26-2003, 02:51 AM
I only share junk/crappy files, all the quality stuff are kept to me self. Pretty cool, huh?

05-26-2003, 03:03 AM
It doesn't matter what connection you have i got dsl when i share other users slow me down to about 25k when i disable sharing (only when i am downloading a big file or alot of files) my speed goes up to at least 80k

05-26-2003, 03:09 AM
Those lamer type joe can kiss me ass, i have had it up to here :angry: . either share or we will find ways to make their life miserable. :blink:
I'm getting fed up, I don't use kazaa as much as I use to anymore due to lack of files that I want, but there are folk who leeches off me and most have next to nothing to share or none at all!!!

05-26-2003, 03:11 AM
Good point people

05-26-2003, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by Gre1@25 May 2003 - 22:03
It doesn't matter what connection you have i got dsl when i share other users slow me down to about 25k when i disable sharing (only when i am downloading a big file or alot of files) my speed goes up to at least 80k
What's your upload and download speeds officially rated at?
And have you tried different upload bandwidth and limiting max uploads to see if that improves your download speeds?