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Chip Monk
02-15-2007, 03:45 PM
£17,500,000 pre tax profits in the 6 months to end Dec 2006.

Mon the Hoops.

02-15-2007, 03:51 PM
£17,500,000 pre tax profits in the 6 months to end Dec 2006.

Mon the Hoops.
Yeah but it could have been so much more without all that money you pay to buy off players and referees.

You're as bad as the huns in that respect and even FC Kaunas are a match for you on the pitch.

Mr JP Fugley
02-15-2007, 04:53 PM
He's a genious. I read it on the way home tonight.

It would be funny as fuck if Celtic and the forces of evil and darkness sued him in a joint action.

02-15-2007, 05:16 PM
Reading on the way home :o

I take it Squarehead has commandeered t'hairdresser's car again and consigned you to public transport.

02-15-2007, 05:24 PM
I take it Squarehead has commandeered t'hairdresser's car again and consigned you to public transport.

If anyone is wondering wtf I'm talking about - JP often car-shares with t'local hairdresser because the solicitors JP works at is above the hair salon and Squarehead (JP's lad) thinks there is something going on and oft times nicks his car to eliminate any chance of frottage on t'way to work.

Mr JP Fugley
02-15-2007, 07:34 PM
I'm doing a thing just now which involves me being in a place which is not the place I usually do things. It is more convenient to use the train to go to that place.

In any case squarehead got the wee black car, I took Mrs JP's hairdresser's car and she got a new car. I thought I told you that.

02-16-2007, 11:25 AM
In any case squarehead got the wee black car, I took Mrs JP's hairdresser's car and she got a new car. I thought I told you that.No, no you didn't. What car is it?

FFS, I gave you first refusal on a pristine 626, the least you can do is keep me updated on your family's vehicular arrangements.