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View Full Version : Mohaa

05-24-2003, 03:31 PM
I downloaded the 2 disc .iso, I'm playing it fine right now, but the multiplayer won't work over internet. It works over lan, but the internet games with Gamespy won't work. Can anyone help me out? :( ;)

05-24-2003, 03:42 PM
yeh it need the new patch from EA-Games

and then you will need the no-cd file again it's on Kazaa

i went through same stuff with my pirate copy

you may need to do a reg-edit to install patch as some games don't recognise it even the real games don't

if you search using Copernic pro (from kazaa) you will fine the files you need

there usually on CLAN sites dedicated to the game along with skins and new maps ect...