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View Full Version : WTF is wrong with FTN !!

02-19-2007, 01:07 PM

My friend sent me an inv ..

i registered .. & after 10 min ... my account disappeared ..

i told my friend to check .. & he cud find nth !!!

the acc aint disabled .. but it doesn`t exist .. ( not anymore )

++ my friend cud not find me in the list of his invitees

can some1 help me ?


im really confused !!


02-19-2007, 01:10 PM
Sometimes its just the site borking.

Maybe their db dropped your account after a few minutes.
This sometimes happens due to bad scripting or if someone is edited something in their cleanup scripts at times. If your not banned im guessing it was just an error somewhere in their site.

Also on the sidenote sometimes if your account is disabled it wont showup in the users list unless your a staff member.

P.S. You are also known throughout the torrent communities as an invite/account SELLER. Meaning you sell accounts for $$$ on Ebay and other sites like EBAY. So maybe one of their staff noticed your account and auto deleted it right off the site.

02-19-2007, 01:19 PM
Sometimes its just the site borking.

Maybe their db dropped your account after a few minutes.
This sometimes happens due to bad scripting or if someone is edited something in their cleanup scripts at times. If your not banned im guessing it was just an error somewhere in their site.

Also on the sidenote sometimes if your account is disabled it wont showup in the users list unless your a staff member.

Maybe .. & thx for info ...

P.S. You are also known throughout the torrent communities as an invite/account SELLER. Meaning you sell accounts for $$$ on Ebay and other sites like EBAY. So maybe one of their staff noticed your account and auto deleted it right off the site.

WTF !! ? ... me ?
if so .. i really dont wana waste time ..
.. any proof or just a f*cking reply that i dont need atm ..


02-19-2007, 01:27 PM
According to information provided to me VIA your own accounts that I have seen. As well as word of mouth through other people I know.
You and Servernet as well as SomeOne1 are in fact 1 and the same person(s).

Yahoo (notice the email address used on the account, also notice he was using r********** to hack his ratio on this account which is the main reason this account was flagged and disabled.)

--> Picture omitted cause I proved my point they are 1 and the same <--
Someone1 (Notice the email address used on this account. Also the ip addresses used on this account were the same as used on the other 2 accounts.)
--> Picture omitted cause I proved my point they are 1 and the same <--

--> Picture omitted cause I proved my point they are 1 and the same <--

If you all are not the same person than maybe you should stop trading for/to or buying accounts from the Jack (Donkey).

Again the info provided is what I have verified for myself. You may not be the same person but you have logged into same accounts that the person selling accounts on ebay uses as well as used the same login info on a few other sites.

02-19-2007, 01:34 PM
lol .. ^

im not any of them !!

& yeh .. SomeOne1 is my previous nick .. now i changed it ..

YAH00 .. is my forums name .. Yah00 ( zeros ) not ( double o )

Edit :: severnet was ( was ) my friend .. & he used to be my middle-man ..
now i dont even need him

about IPs ..... he`s from egypt & im for Israel ..

if u wana know more things ......( send me ur msn )


02-19-2007, 01:38 PM
Someone1 has been verified on this site alone a few weeks ago as being the same person (servernet) who was selling accounts on EBAY. So you litterally just proved my info correct by stating you were him, and your trying to plead innocent?

Either case should you be correct in the
Yah00 ( zeros ) not ( double o ) plead I STILL assume your the 1 and the same. So im guessing other sites ASSUME the same as me.

If yahoo is not you what would he be doing using the same exact email address as your VERIFIED name of Someone1???
Can you perhaps explain that?

02-19-2007, 01:44 PM
Someone1 has been verified on this site alone a few weeks ago as being the same person (servernet) who was selling accounts on EBAY. So you litterally just proved my info correct by stating you were him, and your trying to plead innocent?

Either case should you be correct in the
Yah00 ( zeros ) not ( double o ) plead I STILL assume your the 1 and the same. So im guessing other sites ASSUME the same as me.

btw .. i dont need to defence myself ..

but anyway .... why the f*ck ppl here are too stupid that they think servernet an invite seller !!
that son of a b*tch called florin or somethin like that .. is the invites seller ..
he offered server to buy Oink invites from him ... & he did ..

but that Florin is the f*cking real seller .. not server .. just to let u know dudes .. i dont care anyway .. let them both burn in hell ..

Melvinmeow :: u`r proof is shit .. any other 1 ?

02-19-2007, 01:45 PM
melvin pm sent you

02-19-2007, 01:45 PM
fucking hell lol

02-19-2007, 01:46 PM
1 more thing .......
i think u`r good in photoshoping .. congratz mate ..

& for fuck`s sake .. how cud be two accounts with the same f*cking mail !!!!

f*ck u & fuck severnet ..... u both nth but trouble makers

02-19-2007, 01:50 PM
That was not done in photoshop, The only changed made to the snapshots were the blurring of your IP information. (Which was for your own protection not mine.) If Reality or someone else would like to verify it for themselves I can provide them direct links to such info as needed.
(In all honesty I dont even have photoshop installed on this computer. Those snapshots were acctually made in paintbrush if you need to know the facts)

In reguards to the same emails.... Some sites dont limit you to 1 account nor 1 email address per accounts. Also sometimes if you change the email address after you creating the account with another address it will allow 2 emails in the same account as well.

In refrence to someone1 and servernet or whomever was caught selling accounts. If he took the bad rap for doing so then sorry. Either way he was trading accounts for money as the other person openly addmitted he was paying them x amount of $$$ for their accounts. So whether he/you were selling them on ebay or not they were still be sold in some way, shape, or form to the person who was selling them on EBAY for $$$.
(thus meaning both parties were getting $$$ for the accounts)

You can call my proof what you like. You are the one asking why your account was disabled. I was only suggesting why it may have been disabled. I myself am unsure of why it was disabled on FTN. Im quite certain it probably was due to info similiar to what I provided though, but again im not 100% sure of that. I was only providing it for informational use only. Not in refrence to anything else.

02-19-2007, 01:54 PM
That was not done in photoshop, The only changed made to the snapshots were the blurring of your IP information. (Which was for your own protection not mine.) If Reality or someone else would like to verify it for themselves I can provide them direct links to such info as needed.

In refrence to someone1 and servernet or whomever was caught selling accounts. If he took the bad rap for doing so then sorry. Either way he was trading accounts for money as the other person openly addmitted he was paying them x amount of $$$ for their accounts. So whether he/you were selling them on ebay or not they were still be sold in some way, shape, or form to the person who was selling them on EBAY for $$$.

man .. i dont care about my own protection .. ( cuz its not me )

show tthe whole pic ..

& i`ll show u ( on pm ) any of my f*cking accounts ( u choose )

with my f*cking IP .. but dont accuse me again .. plzz ..:huh:

i can do anything to prove that im a f*cking innocent !!!

02-19-2007, 02:00 PM
That was not done in photoshop, The only changed made to the snapshots were the blurring of your IP information. (Which was for your own protection not mine.) If Reality or someone else would like to verify it for themselves I can provide them direct links to such info as needed.

In refrence to someone1 and servernet or whomever was caught selling accounts. If he took the bad rap for doing so then sorry. Either way he was trading accounts for money as the other person openly addmitted he was paying them x amount of $$$ for their accounts. So whether he/you were selling them on ebay or not they were still be sold in some way, shape, or form to the person who was selling them on EBAY for $$$.

man .. i dont care about my own protection .. ( cuz its not me )

show tthe whole pic ..

& i`ll show u ( on pm ) any of my f*cking accounts ( u choose )

with my f*cking IP .. but dont accuse me again .. plzz ..:huh:

i can do anything to prove that im a f*cking innocent !!!

Why would I need to accuse you of anything? You asked for the info and you even pleaded guilty that you were the same person. So where am I trying to frame you? You framed yourself guilty of being the same person the way I see. My Snapshots were just snapshots until you openly confirmed you as being the same person. Also if I was making this info up how would I have known you and someone1 were even the same person?

Why not message one of the F*N staff yourself and find out why your banned there. Im only showing proof of why you were banned off my site. Who at all knows why you were banned there other than that particular sites staff.

P.S. I removed those pictures which were not altered other than omitting your ips. You saw what I had to say so I think we should end it there.
I hope you can contact the staff there and get your account issue sorted have a nice day.

02-19-2007, 02:07 PM
man .. i dont care about my own protection .. ( cuz its not me )

show tthe whole pic ..

& i`ll show u ( on pm ) any of my f*cking accounts ( u choose )

with my f*cking IP .. but dont accuse me again .. plzz ..:huh:

i can do anything to prove that im a f*cking innocent !!!

Why would I need to accuse you of anything? You asked for the info and you even pleaded guilty that you were the same person. So where am I trying to frame you? You framed yourself guilty of being the same person the way I see. My Snapshots were just snapshots until you openly confirmed you as being the same person. Also if I was making this info up how would I have known you and someone1 were even the same person?

Why not message one of the F*N staff yourself and find out why your banned there. Im only showing proof of why you were banned off my site. Who at all knows why you were banned there other than that particular sites staff.

what`s the point ?

different IPs = Different ppl = i gave my accounts to him = show full pics plz

02-19-2007, 02:10 PM
All 3 accounts were using the same ips. I dont really have any need to show the ips since you should already know your ip. If you dont know it you can find it on one of these sites.

Also differant ips do not always mean differant people for future refrence. I own almost a full range .1 - .245 of ips and all computers on them are mine just to prove that case wrong. (Which the differant ips do not even apply)

Also you might have noticed I stated if they werent you... then you should stop trading accounts for/to the person who I stated you as being. In other words you were somewhat innocent until you put your own foot in your mouth by stating you were the same.

02-19-2007, 02:17 PM
All 3 accounts were using the same ips. I dont really have any need to show the ips since you should already know your ip. If you dont know it you can find it on one of these sites.
www.ipchicken.com (http://www.ipchicken.com)
www.ipmoose.com (http://www.ipmoose.com)

Also differant ips do not always mean differant people for future refrence. I own almost a full range .1 - .245 of ips and all computers on them are mine just to prove that case wrong. (Which the differant ips do not even apply)

Also you might have noticed I stated if they werent you... then you should stop trading accounts for/to the person who I stated you as being. In other words you were somewhat innocent until you put your own foot in your mouth by stating you were the same.

look .. i told u .. we were friends ( not anymore for fuck`s sake .. use ur brain ) .. using the same accounts ..
he`s form egypt .. me from Israel ..

i dont have anything else to add ...

i never been to u`r site btw ......


02-19-2007, 02:22 PM
& who the f*ck wud sell/buy tophos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

02-19-2007, 02:26 PM
lol .. ^

im not any of them !!

>>>>> & yeh .. SomeOne1 is my previous nick .. now i changed it .. <<<<<

YAH00 .. is my forums name .. Yah00 ( zeros ) not ( double o )

Edit :: severnet was ( was ) my friend .. & he used to be my middle-man ..
now i dont even need him

about IPs ..... he`s from egypt & im for Israel ..

if u wana know more things ......( send me ur msn )


Again I say if the evidence was faltered how would I have even known you and someone1 were the same person?? I posted that you were the same person prior to you yourself openly addmitted it to all.

If you havent been to my site how would I have the snapshots with YOUR email address on them? I find it hard to beleive theres 2 people who would use the same names let alone them being spelled the same way (Caps in the same exact spots ect..) Let alone them being in the same exact ip range that you are using.

& who the f*ck wud sell/buy tophos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Ive seen accounts being sold on ebay for Tophos in the past.
Also if you havent been on the site as you so said how would you even know whats on it?

Also where did I even mention my site. As the topic stated this was about your F*N account so how did my site even come into this conversation at all?

I really think you should end your dispute. I removed the pictures which were proof to plead my case and your still going on. There is nothing left to make you look guilty other than your own comments you keep adding that prove the case of you being guilty. Do yourself a favor and stop posting your remarks which prove my case to be true. Your providing the proof that in turn is making you guilty so I dont even need to have my snapshots up anymore. (Your quotes are enough to deem my remarks to be factual)

02-19-2007, 02:28 PM
lol .. ^

im not any of them !!

>>>>> & yeh .. SomeOne1 is my previous nick .. now i changed it .. <<<<<

YAH00 .. is my forums name .. Yah00 ( zeros ) not ( double o )

Edit :: severnet was ( was ) my friend .. & he used to be my middle-man ..
now i dont even need him

about IPs ..... he`s from egypt & im for Israel ..

if u wana know more things ......( send me ur msn )


Again I say if the evidence was faltered how would I have even known you and someone1 were the same person?? I posted that you were the same person prior to you yourself openly addmitted it to all.

If you havent been to my site how would I have the snapshots with YOUR email address on them? I find it hard to beleive theres 2 people who would use the same names let alone them being spelled the same way (Caps in the same exact spots ect..) Let alone them being in the same exact ip range that you are using.

give me u`r msn .. & im sure i can persuade u .........


02-19-2007, 02:30 PM
Also where did I even mention my site. As the topic stated this was about your F*N account so how did my site even come into this conversation at all?

lol .. then from where u got these pics ?

02-19-2007, 02:33 PM
Also where did I even mention my site. As the topic stated this was about your F*N account so how did my site even come into this conversation at all?

lol .. then from where u got these pics ?

I thought you said I made them in photoshop lmao

Now your admitting they came off a real site... I rest my case about you providing the info to prove your guilty hahahahaha

02-19-2007, 02:34 PM
Still need u`r msn .. or anything that we can talk on ( alone )
& im 100% sure that u`ll regret accusing me ..


02-19-2007, 02:35 PM
lol .. then from where u got these pics ?

I thought you said I made them in photoshop lmao

Now your admitting they came off a real site... I rest my case about you providing the info to prove your guilty hahahahaha

yup .. & u told me that u didnt

so .. no photoshoping .. & not from ur site ..

i dont think GOD wud load them to ur PC ......

02-19-2007, 02:36 PM
Still need u`r msn .. or anything that we can talk on ( alone )
& im 100% sure that u`ll regret accusing me ..


Again I didnt accuse you. I was only showing you refrences. There was nothing saying you were the same person. I only stated those 3 accounts all used the same login information. You later verified 1 of the 3 names as being you. As far as msn check your pms.

02-19-2007, 03:41 PM
If he is the same person as Someone1, his picture, his dad's picture, his home address and phone # were put up by several sites, starting with Oink (much to my disgust). Surprised that he's still up to his old games.

His account disappearing is odd as well. AFAIK, sites never delete disabled accounts; they may delete inactive ones.

02-19-2007, 04:02 PM
If he is the same person as Someone1, his picture, his dad's picture, his home address and phone # were put up by several sites, starting with Oink (much to my disgust). Surprised that he's still up to his old games.

His account disappearing is odd as well. AFAIK, sites never delete disabled accounts; they may delete inactive ones.



everything is fine now .. ( u can ask Melvinmeow )

Thread Closed

02-19-2007, 05:08 PM
lol... Yah00 u were totally pwned.. btw is ur FTN issue resolved ??

anyways Melvin let us know wht u think abt him after his supposedly conversation with u on MSN

02-19-2007, 05:24 PM
lol YAH00 (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/yah00-147559) u OiNK ebay trader !

02-21-2007, 12:59 AM
We had a nice chat on msn yesterday afternoon, he invited another person as well who was allegedly the oink invite seller. Their info matched the info I had on them. Yahoo seems to have only shared an account with this other person which is why I was asking if they were the same person since they shared similiar info on several accounts. It seems they arent the same people but they do know each other and are friends. I also am lead to beleive due to new evidence that servernet aka.. someone1 wasnt even the person that oink should have directed their crappy information threads about either.

(Youll notice if im in any way wrong I am man enough to admit it. Due to facts presented I was partially correct in them being affiliated. But the evidence OINK produced were incorrect)

02-21-2007, 01:36 AM

02-21-2007, 03:11 AM

This is why I love FST so much... there is drama here everyday! One day it is Bor, then the case of invite sellers and if they are not enough, we get the occasional scammer trouble :lol:

This thread makes a fascinating reading btw.. I'm sorry for YAHOO if you were a good user caught at the wrong place at the wrong time.. :)

02-21-2007, 04:13 AM

This is why I love FST so much... there is drama here everyday! One day it is Bor, then the case of invite sellers and if they are not enough, we get the occasional scammer trouble :lol:

This thread makes a fascinating reading btw.. I'm sorry for YAHOO if you were a good user caught at the wrong place at the wrong time.. :)

You could not be more ryt sometimes when I'm bored at work I read some of these threads for entertainment:)

02-21-2007, 06:51 AM
We had a nice chat on msn yesterday afternoon, he invited another person as well who was allegedly the oink invite seller. Their info matched the info I had on them. Yahoo seems to have only shared an account with this other person which is why I was asking if they were the same person since they shared similiar info on several accounts. It seems they arent the same people but they do know each other and are friends. I also am lead to beleive due to new evidence that servernet aka.. someone1 wasnt even the person that oink should have directed their crappy information threads about either.

(Youll notice if im in any way wrong I am man enough to admit it. Due to facts presented I was partially correct in them being affiliated. But the evidence OINK produced were incorrect)

after all that, oink didn't even get it right. I actually suspected something may be wrong when they did the classy thing and removed the info. Oink admins appearing classy is a sure sign something's not right.

02-21-2007, 08:05 AM
Thnks for the clarification Melvinmeow ...

it seems Yah00 was accused wrongly...

02-21-2007, 08:28 AM
We had a nice chat on msn yesterday afternoon, he invited another person as well who was allegedly the oink invite seller. Their info matched the info I had on them. Yahoo seems to have only shared an account with this other person which is why I was asking if they were the same person since they shared similiar info on several accounts. It seems they arent the same people but they do know each other and are friends. I also am lead to beleive due to new evidence that servernet aka.. someone1 wasnt even the person that oink should have directed their crappy information threads about either.

(Youll notice if im in any way wrong I am man enough to admit it. Due to facts presented I was partially correct in them being affiliated. But the evidence OINK produced were incorrect)
Ive known this for some time though hadnt thought anybody with knowledge of this thought SERVERNET was Utunes who was the seller. The list that OiNK made was all involved. This shouldnt be preseneted as fact that they were all the same. What Utunes did was get invites from others and sell them. What SERVERNET mentioned was Utunes offered to donate to a site for invites. He says he dosent even have a PayPal account. The site donated to was ScT which is how they became connected and may appear as the same. There were also others who took donations to sites for invites and may be viewed as the same.

Those that took part of this that Ive spoken with say they didnt know where those invites were going and that Utunes mentioned they were for friends. This may be true and may not though at any rate they were involved. Its a bit grey to some perhaps if having somebody donate to your favorite tracker for an invite is wrong. Ive spoken to those who were members on FST who say they wouldnt do this again and regret whats happened and those affeceted. Theyve taken theyre bans understanding they can no longer be members on this site since they were involved.

Regarding YAH00 Im guessing he shared an account with SERVERNET or something similar. Im not aware of him having giving invites to Utunes the seller. If he hasnt sold any invites or taken any donations like the others he may be in the middle of the mess as were others.

When I last spoke with SERVERNET he mentioned being upset for those affeceted. He was also upset that he had everything crash around him from what Utunes was doing with those invites...

06-27-2007, 07:15 AM
Wow, Melvinmeow destroys kids.

06-27-2007, 07:28 AM
Wow, all I need is a beer and this is better than the theater

06-27-2007, 07:42 AM
Once again someone was pwned by melvin:D

06-27-2007, 07:44 AM
Once again someone was pwned by melvin:D

Good times, good times.

06-27-2007, 08:04 AM
Well I for one loved that Oink thread. And it showed how much some asshole can be f*cked in a few hours. Can't wait for the next moron who tries to turn Oink into a business.

And BTW I'm pretty sure noone was completely innocent and got dragged into it.

06-27-2007, 08:07 AM
wow so much drama over last day or 2, what will be next a tracker to ban every fst user like the rabbit scandal a while ago lol

06-27-2007, 08:30 AM
Did anyone notice that this thread is very old?

06-27-2007, 08:34 AM
wow so much drama over last day or 2, what will be next a tracker to ban every fst user like the rabbit scandal a while ago lol

I remember that FTWR for n00bs guide. :lol:

06-27-2007, 09:25 AM
Did anyone notice that this thread is very old?

i did,
i remember when this actually happened :/

06-27-2007, 09:37 AM
you people are really dumb .. why would we use the same nick if he was a cheater ?? he could have started a new account and started cheating ..

06-27-2007, 09:49 AM
Look at the time stamps before posting a reply unless you want to look silly. Don't dig up threads from the grave rapesauce10.