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View Full Version : to all torrent tracker staff

02-19-2007, 11:16 PM
it s been a while know that it s becomed harder and harder to trade invite in the the torrent community with out being banned and specially in here
because it s the best place ever for it.
but my point is
what s the problem with that
i mean your suppose to invite a "friend"
none of my friend are able to be nerd enough to keep a good ratio
in the opposite all the guy in here that i have invited are good user
and are fully envolved in that torrent community and loves it and finnaly because it s the most important they SEED
so what s the problem with that
just care about ratio and not the way we got your invites
sorry to complain but it s like it doesn t make sense lately
i love torrents and i love my trackers

02-19-2007, 11:20 PM
hell ye m8,

02-19-2007, 11:21 PM
it s been a while know that it s becomed harder and harder to trade invite in the the torrent community with out being banned and specially in here
because it s the best place ever for it.
but my point is
what s the problem with that
i mean your suppose to invite a "friend"
none of my friend are able to be nerd enough to keep a good ratio
in the opposite all the guy in here that i have invited are good user
and are fully envolved in that torrent community and loves it and finnaly because it s the most important they SEED
so what s the problem with that
just care about ratio and not the way we got your invites
sorry to complain but it s like it doesn t make sense lately
i love torrents and i love my trackers

Its because many sites bann people for being a dumbass or cheating or just rude to other members and staff.. Then what these guys go and do is go to sites like this and other sites like it and look for trades and invites, so they can get back in.. Pretty much why many sites now look and bann accounts that have been traded....


LinkS v2.0
02-19-2007, 11:25 PM
Because people are trading/selling them when theyre supposed to be given out for free. Not traded for an account/invite elsewhere.

02-19-2007, 11:30 PM
i mean they ban people because thy are spying in here
and my point is that there is not many cheater in filesharing talk
they should noy ban because we trade in that place

02-19-2007, 11:31 PM
That's true. Besides, even if a cheater is invited, he/she's disabled almost immediately.

Although one can argue that it's because invites are so strict that the people who are invited are good members. If the invites are strict, then people will only trade it for very good offers. In order to have these good offers, you have to work your way up in the BT community, proving that youo're a good user first.

02-19-2007, 11:34 PM
having invite to trade mean by definition that i am a good user