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View Full Version : I Searched! Audio Volume Changes

05-25-2003, 06:28 AM
I searched and did not find any threads on this:

Recently I am experiencing a problem with my volume when playing a movie (it goes up and down). This problem has shown itself only with We we're Soldiers and Triple X. Actually the first time I played We We're Soldiers in BSplayer the sound was fine, but now the sound goes from soft to loud, and back to soft again when somebody in the movie speaks or other sudden change in audio volume in the movie itself. Real strange and really annoying. The movie becomes unwatchable. When I play it in Videolan I do not have this problem, but I can't get subtitles with that (I tried, but nothing was there). I prefer subtitles since I am a non-english film-lover.

Does anybody know what this problem is and how to fix it?

05-25-2003, 12:38 PM
Did you installed many codecs and which one cuz that may cause the problem.

If you have Vobsub,then you can rename your subtitles to same name as the movie and the subtitles will show up automatic.

Example if you have a movie called Dreamquest,then rename the subitles to Dreamquest too.
I dont know if it will show up on VideoLAN cuz I have never tried it but I think it will.