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View Full Version : Is there any way to increase speeds in newsleecher for getting headers?

02-20-2007, 05:35 PM
It seems that I can download at my max in newsleecher which is about 650KB/s....but when I try to get headers for groups....I only go sometimes at 60 to 90 KB/s....is there any way to set newsleecher to increase the speed for getting headers quicker? I use Newsleecher 3.9 beta 1.

02-20-2007, 07:39 PM
I have the same issue but it's an up and down thing for me, but for the most part it's up. On good days I pull about 600kbps and on crappy days about 100kbps on a 10mbps connection. Though somethings it depends on which group your grabbing the headers from.

What usenet provider are you using?

02-20-2007, 08:36 PM
I use Giganews....and I have the same problem you have....some days it does great and some days like today, it does awful. I am wondering if the time of day and more users being on the network has anything to do with it?

For example, late at night I can FLY and get headers real fast.....it is in the daytime that I don't get them so fast. And some days are slower than others.

I was just wondering if there was anything on my end I could try with my newsreader client that would help.

02-20-2007, 09:22 PM
I use Giganews....and I have the same problem you have....some days it does great and some days like today, it does awful. I am wondering if the time of day and more users being on the network has anything to do with it?

For example, late at night I can FLY and get headers real fast.....it is in the daytime that I don't get them so fast. And some days are slower than others.

I was just wondering if there was anything on my end I could try with my newsreader client that would help.

I have Giganews and I haven't noticed any ups and downs. I use Newsbin Pro.
Only thing is that it takes about 5-10 seconds before Newsbin reaches the "top speed".
This is on 8 Mbps

02-20-2007, 10:29 PM
I use Giganews....and I have the same problem you have....some days it does great and some days like today, it does awful. I am wondering if the time of day and more users being on the network has anything to do with it?

For example, late at night I can FLY and get headers real fast.....it is in the daytime that I don't get them so fast. And some days are slower than others.

I was just wondering if there was anything on my end I could try with my newsreader client that would help.

I have Giganews and I haven't noticed any ups and downs. I use Newsbin Pro.
Only thing is that it takes about 5-10 seconds before Newsbin reaches the "top speed".
This is on 8 Mbps

Well that may be you, but just because you don't, does not mean that others have not. I use newsleecher
3.9 beta 1 ,but it has happened on other news readers as well.

02-22-2007, 12:34 AM
Only one server is used to download an entire group's headers. I think this is where the problem lies. If the servers were shared (like downloading binaries) then it would max every time. I bet if you set max number of servers in newsleecher to 1 it would do the same thing if you started downloading binaries. Depends on how saturated that particular server is.

I'll give it a shot here in a few minutes.

Result: Just what I thought. I max out at 600KB/s if using just the one connection. I can max out at 1000KB/s and over 2000KB/s with Comcast powerboost when all 10 connections are used.

02-24-2007, 02:26 AM
Only one server is used to download an entire group's headers. I think this is where the problem lies. If the servers were shared (like downloading binaries) then it would max every time. I bet if you set max number of servers in newsleecher to 1 it would do the same thing if you started downloading binaries. Depends on how saturated that particular server is.

I'll give it a shot here in a few minutes.

Result: Just what I thought. I max out at 600KB/s if using just the one connection. I can max out at 1000KB/s and over 2000KB/s with Comcast powerboost when all 10 connections are used.

So I guess there is really nothing that a user can do on his end? I kind of suspected that could be the way it was, but I was hoping it was different.

I guess it is just up to the server you are using at a particular time and how saturated it is?

Well I guess patience is a virtue when it comes to getting headers on some days. Thanks for the explanation.

02-24-2007, 02:47 PM
Only one server is used to download an entire group's headers. I think this is where the problem lies. If the servers were shared (like downloading binaries) then it would max every time. I bet if you set max number of servers in newsleecher to 1 it would do the same thing if you started downloading binaries. Depends on how saturated that particular server is.

I'll give it a shot here in a few minutes.

Result: Just what I thought. I max out at 600KB/s if using just the one connection. I can max out at 1000KB/s and over 2000KB/s with Comcast powerboost when all 10 connections are used.

So I guess there is really nothing that a user can do on his end? I kind of suspected that could be the way it was, but I was hoping it was different.

I guess it is just up to the server you are using at a particular time and how saturated it is?

Well I guess patience is a virtue when it comes to getting headers on some days. Thanks for the explanation.

Don't take my word for it, this is just my theory and it may just be related to NewsLeecher. I haven't used any other client so if someone knows another answer please give it.

02-24-2007, 08:26 PM
BNR2, an old and buggy free client, has been able to open multiple connections to a news server to download headers in a single group, since August 2004. Newsleecher programmers noticed this skill of BNR2 and added the feature to their to-do list. It is still there.

02-24-2007, 08:31 PM
I had this problem with newsdemon, usually I would get around 60-90KB/s on headers but sometimes it would max out my connection. Im with GigaNews now and so far no problems, constantly maxed out :D