View Full Version : Preventing keyloggers (for those who encrypt hard disk's)

02-21-2007, 03:51 PM
How do you prevent your passwords to encrypted drives being recorded by keyboard loggers, external or software based? On screen keyboards are simple, but a screen capturing device could be recording.

I found these 2 programs but i'm unsure about there effectiveness


Discussion... what do you use / effectiveness ?

02-21-2007, 05:40 PM
use a linux live disc if your really paranoid.

Hard drive encryption is really only useful if you actually have anything worthwhile to protect. businesses should use it to protect customer or financial records but the average home user has no need for it. Lets face it your pr0n and music collection really dont need to be encrypted.

Those 2 bits of software you linked to i personally would not trust.

02-21-2007, 07:56 PM
use something like linux or mac. That, or just get a good antivirus and firewall and keep them up to date.