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View Full Version : A Question re: Alcohol 120

02-23-2007, 11:43 PM
This might seem like a stupid question, but here it goes anyway!

I have all of the Sims 2 games. I'm using Alcohol 120%. Do I have to keep all of the games .cue, .CCD & .iso files? Can I just keep the last game's files I downloaded on Alcohol? I don't want to delete the files out of Alcohol & lose the game.


mr. nails
02-24-2007, 12:13 AM
all u need are the iso's. burn those and ur set.

02-24-2007, 12:16 AM
I'm not sure what your asking here but I read that you have duplicate files for the same game and you want to keep just one set. The original files you downloaded are probably the most important. If sometime in the future you stop using alcohol and switch to some other method you might find it easier to use the originals than Alcohol images. Since you want to keep the alcohol files I assume your using alcohol to mount and run the games. I used to do that but I didn't like having to install the game and keep an image on the hard drive as well (install 5 cd's 5x650mb = 3250mb plus a 650mb image stored for alcohol =total 3900mb space used).
When I swithched to installing the games and using no-cd fixed exe's to replace the play cd, not only did I save room but I didn't have to spend time with alcohol creating images anymore. And since I burn the games to cd or dvd, I can delete the downloaded images after testing the burned disks, and save storage space as well.

02-24-2007, 01:18 AM
Ohh, I didn't think about doing that - using no-cd fix! Thx! They aren't duplicate files. There are 2 files each for each epi of Sims. I'll dl the no-cd files for each game. :)