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View Full Version : What happen to Learnbits ?

02-25-2007, 08:47 AM
Hi all,
anyone know what happen to learnbits ? why did they reset their site ? do we have to signup again ?


02-25-2007, 08:53 AM
they switched servers and lost everything. yes, you must signup again

02-25-2007, 09:18 AM
wow, it's a big lost for me then :(
the worst thing is they don't have the backup

02-25-2007, 12:09 PM
That's bad. They better have a backup

02-25-2007, 12:16 PM
Oh well i never used my account there anyway.

02-25-2007, 12:21 PM
Well, kind of annoying, but not that bad. I already signed up again...

02-25-2007, 02:24 PM
For you who previously is learnbits member and have good upload size there, just go and ask the moderator to restore your account. Well I did it and my a/c is restored :D

02-25-2007, 09:59 PM
They switched which software they were running the site on and bringing over the data didn't work as expected. There were a bunch of truly puzzling bugs - I was discussing it with some of their staff online as OiNK's Pink Palace runs a modified TB version (which is what they were switching to).

02-25-2007, 11:33 PM
That's bad. They better have a backup

what kind of site was that then? if they didnt even have a backup.......:dabs:
well its not a big loss

02-26-2007, 12:04 AM
I think the new site is better anyway, as for the stats. just pm a mod to bring your stats over. np