View Full Version : sport on newsgroups?

03-06-2007, 02:06 AM

i'm kinda new on such things like newsgroups, and i'm interesting how much sport games like baskaetball, soccer, any kind of racing I can find there.

would someone do me a favour and make some screenshot or smth...

maybe there is some provider which has more such files than the others?

thnks for any info ;)

03-06-2007, 04:45 AM

if you wanna see the content on newsgroups do a usenet search.
for example, if you are looking for racing content, try a search like "nascar" in a usenet search engine, like binsearch.info. then you will be able to see what's available.

you should probably go with giganews as far as providers are concernesd since they carry more groups than anyone. they would be most likely have this sports content you are referring to if it is available.

03-06-2007, 12:08 PM

you should probably go with giganews as far as providers are concernesd since they carry more groups than anyone. they would be most likely have this sports content you are referring to if it is available.

Im guessing giganews has that impressive 110,000 + newsgroups because it retains all newsgroups ever created even if only one article was ever posted. so most of them groups will be useless.

on the subject of sports i have never really seen alot posted but i may not be looking in the right groups.

03-06-2007, 12:13 PM
Well, I've found a lot of basketball games last time.

Just search for what you are interested and see if the results are ok for you.

03-08-2007, 12:31 AM
Boneless has lots of fishing mainly UK Carp (dont say it) DVD's.

As you can see your question is rather wide ranging. I would suggest you specify what sort of sport. There are also lot of wrestling videos but thats not my cup of tea.