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View Full Version : Need BT client advise; for multiple uploading.

03-09-2007, 10:05 PM
I currently use Utorrent however it constantly has a problem if I am seeding 1 file on more then 1 tracker. I dont remember the exact error but basically one of the torrents fails and I have to run recheck and when it rechecks it comes out to be 99% instead of 100% (its a big problem if I am the one that uploaded the torrent in the first place).

Is there any client that I can use to seed 1 torrent on lets say 2 or 3 trackers?

03-09-2007, 10:08 PM
nothing to do with invites :/
but you can use every bt client I suppose
Try uTorrent it's the most famous one..

03-09-2007, 10:10 PM
The 99% thing happens because you get a file from one site, then you try to upload to another. On the second site the file size is different because the uploader there modified something in the folder being uploaded. When that happens you have to download more or have to much. You must check file sizes and the number of files in the folder you are gonna help seed on. If it is different on the second site then don't waste your time.

It Is Not Utorrents Fault In Any Way.

03-09-2007, 10:10 PM
Opps! I thought I was posting in the Bittorrent section. My bad!

The 99% thing happens because you get a file from one site, then you try to upload to another. On the second site the file size is different because the uploader there modified something in the folder being uploaded. When that happens you have to download more or have to much. You must check file sizes and the number of files in the folder you are gonna help seed on. If it is different on the second site then don't waste your time.

That cant be right. Some times I upload the SAME IDENTICAL release on 2 trackers and it still fails...

03-09-2007, 11:13 PM
I have that same problem and i hate it

in azureus i cant even figure out how to download from one place and seed in 2 places. Its uselessly complicated. (unless im doing something wrong...)

03-10-2007, 12:52 AM
just download the last %1. how is this such a big problem for you?