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View Full Version : Photoshop best version to get ?

03-09-2007, 10:54 PM
Hi Guys

I have Photoshop 7.00

I want to get a newer version I see there is CS.

Which is the best to get ? version 8 or 9 ?

Are there many difference from 7 to CS ?



03-09-2007, 11:00 PM
Im not sure as to the differences but there is not CS 2 not just CS.

03-09-2007, 11:12 PM
Current version is: Adobe Photoshop 9.0 CS2



A newer version (currently Beta CS3) is coming soon:


03-10-2007, 07:15 AM
The overall feel from 7 is almost the same in CS 2. Eventually you'll forget you switched.

03-11-2007, 12:20 AM
Thanks for that guys.

I just find that with Photoshop, everything I try to do never works the first time. There is always some probelm with a layer, or you can't do that now, or this does not work. I follow tutorials and they all look so easy.

It just seems so fussy, everything has to be just right. And then if you try to do something again in 6 months time it does not work again !

Why does it have to be so hard ?



03-21-2007, 03:41 AM
I just find that with Photoshop, everything I try to do never works the first time. There is always some probelm with a layer, or you can't do that now, or this does not work. I follow tutorials and they all look so easy.

It just seems so fussy, everything has to be just right. And then if you try to do something again in 6 months time it does not work again !

Why does it have to be so hard ?

Man I feel you on this! I've just recently tried following some tutorials to try and get the hang of it. Definately not something you can learn quickly.

BTW Adobe is working on CS3 right now...they've released a beta for mainly mac users to try on apple's new intel based computers.