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05-27-2003, 10:01 PM
i obviously want my video biterate to be of the highest quality. so i put it to a respectable size. therefore i increased the size of a svcd i made. now i manged to get the size down to 799MB. thats all of my movie of one cd IF I USE A 90MIN 800MB cd.

now heres the question. will a sttand alone dvd player read a 90minite 800mb cdr.

second question, when i burn my svcd to this cd. i understand i will have to over burn which i know how to do. But can i burn it as normal data, i dnt have to click create video cd in nero do i. can i just go to create data cd.??

if u ppl can answer these questions i praise u.


05-28-2003, 12:59 AM
If you are burning it as SVCD, then the filesize doesnt matter. The minutes need to be less than the media allows, in your case 90 minutes or less. Very few players will recognize SVCD. VCD is fairly common, but SVCD is still pretty rare for standalones. B)