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View Full Version : Offering FSC invite for seedbox upload

03-10-2007, 08:10 PM
*FOUND* Offer over.

If anyone with a seedbox wants to buffer my FSC account with 50 gigs at a ratio of at least 2, I'll get them an invite. Thanks. All other offers for FSC at this time will be ignored.

03-10-2007, 11:24 PM
<< i dont understand all this 'buffering' going on? Whats the point. We base HnR on an individual torrent basis, so you can have 300gb buffer you will still get a warning for a HnR.
-The only reason i can think of for 'buffering' an account would be so you could trade it. Which i hope your not trying to do :mellow:

03-10-2007, 11:27 PM
plus on fsc if you cant seed back just leave the torrent running for 10 days... no point to buffer on fsc.

03-10-2007, 11:33 PM
plus on fsc if you cant seed back just leave the torrent running for 10 days... no point to buffer on fsc.

03-10-2007, 11:39 PM
ok, so if ill download for example 100 torrents and seed nothnig on it but for 10 days, will it be ok?

03-10-2007, 11:43 PM
plus on fsc if you cant seed back just leave the torrent running for 10 days... no point to buffer on fsc.

Haha, sorry DV8, just impatient for invites actually. That's why only 50 gigs.

03-10-2007, 11:44 PM
@Hedonist: PM me on FSC....i'll see what i can do.

@9oolie: Yes, as long as you have a Share Index of 1.0 on each torrent, you are good to go.

<< For those that dont know, the Share Index is a your File Ratio (how much you upload)+Share Ratio (how long you stay on a torrent)

03-10-2007, 11:55 PM

<< For those that dont know, the Share Index is a your File Ratio (how much you upload)+Share Ratio (how long you stay on a torrent)[/quote]

= the best ratio system on all bittorrent sites actualy :)

03-10-2007, 11:55 PM
@Hedonist: PM me on FSC....i'll see what i can do.

@9oolie: Yes, as long as you have a Share Index of 1.0 on each torrent, you are good to go.

<< For those that dont know, the Share Index is a your File Ratio (how much you upload)+Share Ratio (how long you stay on a torrent)

and you get .10 SHARE RATIO per day the torrent is active...so 10 days to reach 1.00 . Its really great for people with slower u/l speeds.

03-10-2007, 11:56 PM
= the best ratio system on all bittorrent sites actualy :)

<< We like to think so :P ;) :naughty:

03-11-2007, 12:01 AM
Sorry DV8, surely you realize I'm collecting invites to trade. Besides in the past I've admitted trading FSC accounts. Thanks for the offer, though.

Don't worry, I have an excellent invite record at pretty much every tracker. And I'm actually starting to use FSC more and more these days, so this offer may be void soon. And the last time I registered on FSC, it was with my real nick, so I won't be trading it or letting anything bad happen to it.

Share Index program is fantastic btw., especially because it's so rare on a tracker of FSC's caliber.

03-11-2007, 12:05 AM
:O :mellow:

03-11-2007, 12:44 AM
Jesus, I had no idea about a share index. What an amazing system... i struggle with my upload cap of 38 kB/s. DV8type, I heard that FSC and FTN are close-knit. Are you on FTN, and could I possibly PM you about an account if I upload more on FTN? (I only have ~8 gigs up..only been on for about a week and a half, maybe two, but my ratio is fine-1.5).

Don't get me wrong, I love FTN. It's really an awesome tracker, with tons of freebies. But for some bigger non-freebie files, a share-index system would be wonderful.

03-11-2007, 12:48 AM
Found someone, but I'm leaving this open for now in case bcpnikhil's hijack goes anywhere :)

03-11-2007, 12:50 AM
Thanks Hedonist7 :)

Err, sorry for hijacking your thread.

03-11-2007, 02:29 AM
share index is amazing.

03-11-2007, 08:55 AM
Dv8, what is HnR ?

03-11-2007, 08:59 AM
Hit and Run

03-11-2007, 09:11 AM
I dont really get it...if I get some crappy connection, what the point ? I can download let's say 50 giga and seed only 10...what about the other 40 giga? You'll buy a server to seed them for me?

03-11-2007, 09:13 AM
its pretty easy to maintain ratio on FSC but the only thing is that they don't have much leechers..I am interetsed in real upload there ( wud love to give back for members of such nice community) but don't find any takers. But then the share index takes care of me

btw DV8 whts Share Ratio .. I have good share index but bad share ratio ( 0.7) .. dunno why . Should I be worried ??

also I don't think u need to have 50 GB upload to get invites... I alteast got for very few GBs of upload

Friendly Fire
03-11-2007, 09:17 AM
I dont really get it...if I get some crappy connection, what the point ? I can download let's say 50 giga and seed only 10...what about the other 40 giga? You'll buy a server to seed them for me?

It's about being willing to share. If you cant seed back everything at least you tried, and you're rewarded for that. Its about sharing not how much you share. It looks like a great system, not everybody has crazy speeds. Of course it's not perfect since it can lead to some abuse.

03-11-2007, 10:07 AM
So I'm willing to share, who give a damn? People want to download as fast as they can. If people won't share what they've downloaded, someone else will have to do it, and this someone is the FSC's server. That's my point.

03-12-2007, 08:09 AM
It's about being willing to share. If you cant seed back everything at least you tried, and you're rewarded for that. Its about sharing not how much you share. It looks like a great system, not everybody has crazy speeds. Of course it's not perfect since it can lead to some abuse.

< Exactly. Can lead to abuses, but for the most part it works. We're only interested in good users. We're not interested in a quick fix, we want members to feel at home. We might not have the best Pre's (although were definately better than a lot of others) but we have a dedicated core users....and the share index allows for the file to be alive for a longer period of time.

btw DV8 whts Share Ratio .. I have good share index but bad share ratio ( 0.7) .. dunno why . Should I be worried ??

Share ratio is how long you have stayed on torrents, too keep them alive.

-As for speeds, we got that aswell, we have the same standard as all other sites....but the share index allows for people w/out seedboxes to keep up. We're all about sharing, there are other sites for adding a few inches to your wee wee :P

03-12-2007, 08:54 AM
btw DV8 whts Share Ratio .. I have good share index but bad share ratio ( 0.7) .. dunno why . Should I be worried ??

Share ratio is how long you have stayed on torrents, too keep them alive.

-As for speeds, we got that aswell, we have the same standard as all other sites....but the share index allows for people w/out seedboxes to keep up. We're all about sharing, there are other sites for adding a few inches to your wee wee :P
I never tried downloading stuff from FSC due to my low seeders and leechers... but I always try to upload wht i already have got from other sites..

btw this Free Leech slots available are given one time or morw will be provided later on too... though that would not be ideal case but I won't mind getting more :D

also thnx for the reply

03-12-2007, 09:56 AM
Freeleech slots/tokens are give out regularly. They are rewards given for helping, being active, good stats, enjoying yourself :)
>> Give us a try sometime, you can jump on something early or just stay on for a while....

03-12-2007, 10:39 AM
sorry for being abiit naive here, but is FSC a general site for everything or a specialist site as in oINK and BitMeTV. I've read a bit saying they have a good community and userbase and one of the fairest sites. I may have to ask a couple of friends to recommend me. Pretty bored with some of the sites I'm on now and need to look for new content. [new as in something I haven't downloaded not new as in 0day/0sec] I'm a bit past all that ' I got it first' etc rubbish. Everyone gets everything eventually.

Great site btw for info, never needed to have invites or trade so can't comment on that side.

03-12-2007, 10:46 AM
sorry for being abiit naive here, but is FSC a general site for everything or a specialist site as in oINK and BitMeTV. I've read a bit saying they have a good community and userbase and one of the fairest sites. I may have to ask a couple of friends to recommend me. Pretty bored with some of the sites I'm on now and need to look for new content. [new as in something I haven't downloaded not new as in 0day/0sec] I'm a bit past all that ' I got it first' etc rubbish. Everyone gets everything eventually.

Great site btw for info, never needed to have invites or trade so can't comment on that side.
its a general site... they have lot of new and rare stuff....

btw detailed info is already on forum.. here u go


Freeleech slots/tokens are give out regularly. They are rewards given for helping, being active, good stats, enjoying yourself :)
>> Give us a try sometime, you can jump on something early or just stay on for a while....
yup.. I am going to try for sure...:)

03-13-2007, 12:02 AM
sorry for being abiit naive here, but is FSC a general site for everything or a specialist site as in oINK and BitMeTV. I've read a bit saying they have a good community and userbase and one of the fairest sites. I may have to ask a couple of friends to recommend me. Pretty bored with some of the sites I'm on now and need to look for new content. [new as in something I haven't downloaded not new as in 0day/0sec] I'm a bit past all that ' I got it first' etc rubbish. Everyone gets everything eventually.

Great site btw for info, never needed to have invites or trade so can't comment on that side.

Well were similar to a lot of 0sec/day trackers, we have all the major uploads that are up’d everywhere.
I think what set us apart is our Clubs which is like mini trackers within, they each upload there own “special” torrents, which are exclusives, rare, packs, etc.
-Were also all about community.... ;)

03-13-2007, 06:16 AM
<3 FSC, but the only thing I don't like are speeds for older torrents.Once I was downloading some documentary for couple of days, average speed 0.1

03-13-2007, 06:21 AM
<3 FSC, but the only thing I don't like are speeds for older torrents.Once I was downloading some documentary for couple of days, average speed 0.1yeah it's really the few nice packs and rare content plus community that make fsc a nice tracker to have. anybody who says it sucks is really just a leech
edit: since the original poster found what he was looking for, let's just turn this into an fsc appreciation thread.

03-13-2007, 06:34 AM
let's just turn this into an fsc appreciation thread.

:lol: :yahoo: :thumbsup: :smoke: :clap: :drunk: :hooray: :cheers: :yay: