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03-12-2007, 08:09 PM
Would you agree that giving away (Oink) BitTorrents invites is far too serious a business to be posted in the BitTorrent invite section and more suitable for the drawing room?

03-12-2007, 08:12 PM
:blink: No.

EDit: and also: wtf?

03-12-2007, 09:26 PM
Would you agree that giving away (Oink) BitTorrents invites is far too serious a business to be posted in the BitTorrent invite section and more suitable for the drawing room?

Without having the slightest idea what manner of porcine mischief you have in mind, I will bid you very carefully tip-toe around any possible infractions in order to inform us what you speak of.

03-13-2007, 11:49 AM
:blink: No.

EDit: and also: WTF (http://rcmedia.town-local.net/software/index.php?option=articles&task=viewarticle&artid=37)?

I find WTF (http://rcmedia.town-local.net/software/index.php?option=articles&task=viewarticle&artid=37) a very handy and free spyware, task manager, manager SnnY...with it you can check if un-needed programs are slylently running in the back ground, eating away at your RAM and with an intergrated Google search browser that automatically copies the name of the process you highlight in the WTF window to the search browser. You can then search the desired information on the INTERNET, and decide if you can kill the process ..or not, without crashing your system.Within seconds.

Does that help?

Regarding the No, what I was looking for was for guidance, if ever I received some private invites to give away. Oink is one such example, but there are more. Oink is for music, and a good source I heard. I mean we Google information and we Oink the best music.

For example, I noticed some users sharing music files on one of my servers, with a bit-rate of 80Kbs. The problem being, that ring-tones, can be shared too...any file in fact that you can think of are shared in large numbers on my servers. Now the minimum bit-rate on Oink I heard should be at least 192 kbs which says for me enough. Trans-codes are a problem too, and I believe those are not allowed. Luckily I have a filter on my server so that bit-rates lower than 128 are filtered out, I raised this recently to 192...this helps keeps the trash out of the search returns. While, still allowing ring-tones to be shared on the network.What to do with one's old Album collections? Adobe Audition is a good program for checking them. A quick way to check though is the freeware Audio Identifier http://www.free-codecs.com/download/Audio_Identifier.htm program. You will be surprised how many of your original albums collection are actually compilations using all sorts of different ripping formats for the same album! Tag and Rename is also handy and gives a lot of information and I believe both can create a quality html list of the file properties which can be exported to be included in a folder.

But I digress..If I had some invites to give away for a private site , I think I would need at least an email address, with some info about their motivation and why they want one. What sort of information do you think one would need to help decide who should actually receive the desired invites? Do most of the invites in the Bittorrent section mainly go to senior, active members here? I think I would tend to give them to users I know for some time.

03-13-2007, 04:01 PM
No, invites there go to people most of us have never heard about, who have a bunch of rep points they've given each other, points which mean nothing to most of us :dabs:

EDit: I sure wouldn't go there for invites, and I'm not giving anyone in there any, either (assuming they aren't people I know otherwise, anyways).

TBH, in my case I'd use cheebus's board, or ask in the lounge (if I have extras beyond what I give IRL-people, which hasn't happened yet). And I'm only giving stuff like that to people I like, anyways.

My advice would be to do the same.

I'd not say that the drawing room is the place for it, hence the "No".

Colt Seevers
03-13-2007, 04:21 PM
Would you agree that giving away (Oink) BitTorrents invites is far too serious a business to be posted in the BitTorrent invite section and more suitable for the drawing room?


If anything I feel this thread should have been posted in Everything Related to the Board (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-everything-related-board-9/) since the issues you are raising aren't really what the drawing room is for. Apart from you wanting to trade invites in this section, which is just wrong and defeats the purpose of the invites section, where it's supposed to be done, although most of the regulars make their trades via PM and the lounge, but that's another story, just ask JP about 'trading' invites in the lounge. :noes::whistling:ermm:

03-13-2007, 04:26 PM
Would you agree that giving away (Oink) BitTorrents invites is far too serious a business to be posted in the BitTorrent invite section and more suitable for the drawing room?

I think "No" too. Isn't that what the bittorrent invites section is for, or am I missing something :unsure:

03-13-2007, 05:11 PM
I was hoping for a serious discussion on how to go about it.

I think it's probably better to keep an open site, that allows users to freely create an own account. As trading is against my principle regarding P2P filesharing. also there is no real protectionn and maybe give a false sense of security. Users logging on that try to trade, eventually, when found, will and do get banned from our servers. So no, this is not a surreptitious attempt to trade Invites. I do though hope to improve the quality of shared data on my network through discussion here. :)

03-13-2007, 05:19 PM
I was hoping for a serious discussion on how to go about it.

I think it's probably better to keep an open site, that allows users to freely create an own account. As trading is against my principle regarding P2P filesharing. also there is no real protectionn and maybe give a false sense of security. Users logging on that try to trade, eventually, when found, will and do get banned from our servers. So no, this is not a surreptitious attempt to trade Invites. I do though hope to improve the quality of shared data on my network through discussion here. :)

What is that a quote from? The OinK forum?

On the contrary though, OinK account trades are rarely disabled. Obviously, they would like members to feel otherwise.

There are plenty of conversations about this in the Bittorrent section. :whistling

03-13-2007, 06:06 PM
Of course this is not what I wish to discuss. If I post there skizo then there might be a lot of posts from say members with join date, say, January 2007, yet here I have already seen advice coming in from two members with join year 2002 :)

That is not a quote from Oink's by the way skizo, as far as I know, it is the policy of my filesharing network that you can find here http://mensap2p.com/ and others you can find at this URL http://www.gotnap.com/index.php?loc=list Most of them block or ban traders. Remember FST's advice, "Never Pay For FileShaing" Thats also our reason. It is and should remain free.

03-13-2007, 06:06 PM
Why do you think it's a quote.

Would it be possible that he's talking about the site in his sig, at all?

And nigel, I see what you are on about, but as for me, I'd not be trading invites per se. It might be possible that I might, at some point give someone an invite in return for another invite, but I wouldn't be trading for trading's sake, then. And as for giving them away, well, I'd not need to ask for emails or somesuch, 'cos in one way or another, I'd be giving them to someone I knew (and liked).

And that's my advice for you too to do. And what invites are meant for, I'da thunk.

So in short, if I were you, I'd not be announcing I had invites to give away, I'd be asking somewhere where people I like hang out, or pm those people.

Having said that, I don't really see how I can contribute, wrt what you should be asking for if you go to the invites section or if you decide to pass out invites to strangers. So I'll stay out of this now.

03-13-2007, 07:25 PM
Well I have been running a small private site myself. It has been invite only.

It's good to still see members like you SnnY, still posting here, I remember you joining FST, it will be 4 years this year :O Do you speak any Danish by any chance, I am try to find some info on music by kim larsen - fru fortuna ? thanks for your feedback ...take care.

03-13-2007, 07:29 PM
Well, according to my grades, I understand both written and spoken danish well :dabs:

As for Kim Larsen, my dad listened to her when I was younger. What do you need to know exactly? :unsure:

Edit: The song comes from an album called "Gammel Hankat", which was released late 2006, I think. (Early in 2007 in Sweden).

Here are the lyrics: in danish (http://www.kjukken.dk/tekster/kim/frufortuna.php).

03-13-2007, 08:16 PM
Would you agree that giving away (Oink) BitTorrents invites is far too serious a business to be posted in the BitTorrent invite section and more suitable for the drawing room?

I think "No" too. Isn't that what the bittorrent invites section is for, or am I missing something :unsure:

I'd have to concur.

Torrent invites: trading of, discussion of, any variation of either...it still relates exclusively to the subject of torrents.

Why should it occur to anyone to go anywhere else to talk about the dynamics of the activity?

This is not a mere reference to torrents or trading/inviting generally (which would indeed be proper for the ERttB or The Drawing Room, and I see this as very specifically and directly belonging in the Bittorrent section.

So, Nigel-

Is your aim to distribute Oink invites, or to discuss the merits/efficacy of doing so?

The first should land it in the invites section, the latter in main torrent discussion.

03-13-2007, 08:32 PM
I think "No" too. Isn't that what the bittorrent invites section is for, or am I missing something :unsure:

I'd have to concur.

Torrent invites: trading of, discussion of, any variation of either...it's still relates exclusively to the subject of torrents.

Why should it occur to anyone to go anywhere else to talk about the dynamics of the activity?

This is not a mere reference to torrents or trading/inviting generally (which would indeed be proper for the ERttB or The Drawing Room, and I see this as very specifically and directly belonging in the Bittorrent section.

So, Nigel-

Is your aim to distribute Oink invites, or to discuss the merits/efficacy of doing so?

The first should land it in the invites section, the latter in main torrent discussion.

I'm taking that as a yes.

03-13-2007, 08:33 PM
I'd have to concur.

Torrent invites: trading of, discussion of, any variation of either...it's still relates exclusively to the subject of torrents.

Why should it occur to anyone to go anywhere else to talk about the dynamics of the activity?

This is not a mere reference to torrents or trading/inviting generally (which would indeed be proper for the ERttB or The Drawing Room, and I see this as very specifically and directly belonging in the Bittorrent section.

So, Nigel-

Is your aim to distribute Oink invites, or to discuss the merits/efficacy of doing so?

The first should land it in the invites section, the latter in main torrent discussion.

I'm taking that as a yes.


03-13-2007, 09:02 PM
im lost

03-13-2007, 10:09 PM
I'd have to concur.

Torrent invites: trading of, discussion of, any variation of either...it's still relates exclusively to the subject of torrents.

Why should it occur to anyone to go anywhere else to talk about the dynamics of the activity?

This is not a mere reference to torrents or trading/inviting generally (which would indeed be proper for the ERttB or The Drawing Room, and I see this as very specifically and directly belonging in the Bittorrent section.

So, Nigel-

Is your aim to distribute Oink invites, or to discuss the merits/efficacy of doing so?

The first should land it in the invites section, the latter in main torrent discussion.

I'm taking that as a yes.

Ah, you've placed a cherry on top. :P

Well, then.

I'm going with "the latter".


I have further decided this matter cries out for the involvement of, let's see...Skizo, I think.

03-13-2007, 10:40 PM
Indeed, bring in the voice of reason in a World run mad.

You can always count on him.

03-13-2007, 11:36 PM
Indeed, bring in the voice of reason in a World run mad.

You can always count on him.

Glad you agree. :P

03-14-2007, 07:01 AM
OK, well j2k4, before you move your very first topic and this thread gets swamped by newbie posters, begging for an invite and becomes abandoned by the creator; who then probably will have to empty daily, his pm box, what was your opinion. remembering in the back of your head, this has northing to do with invites, but more the merits of the system.

This thread could evolve into a guide for creating and in particular the sharing of higher quality music.... or could end up abandoned in the BitTorrent section. :)

PS remember, hardly any of you would have noticed this thread in that section and the feedback and expertise I am looking for, can probably only be found in the Drawing Room..or maybe the lounge, and perhaps in Lilmiss's famous thread "Whatcha Listening To"

03-14-2007, 09:52 AM
OK, well j2k4, before you move your very first topic and this thread gets swamped by newbie posters, begging for an invite and becomes abandoned by the creator; who then probably will have to empty daily, his pm box, what was your opinion. remembering in the back of your head, this has northing to do with invites, but more the merits of the system.

This thread could evolve into a guide for creating and in particular the sharing of higher quality music.... or could end up abandoned in the BitTorrent section. :)

PS remember, hardly any of you would have noticed this thread in that section and the feedback and expertise I am looking for, can probably only be found in the Drawing Room..or maybe the lounge, and perhaps in Lilmiss's famous thread "Whatcha Listening To"

Upon reflection, I'm inclined to go with ERttB, as this is a filesharing forum at bottom, and that is the subject.

Let's let it marinate until I get done with work today, and gather opinions as to the long-term possibilities.

I've already made such a hash of things we might best start over, yes?

03-14-2007, 10:51 AM
:O ..now I have gone and forgotten what I was going to say :D

03-14-2007, 07:18 PM
:O ..now I have gone and forgotten what I was going to say :D

I was counting on that. :naughty:

03-14-2007, 08:47 PM
Do what you like, change the name of the thread, I do hope you will let it marinate for a while :)

03-14-2007, 08:56 PM

You were going to point out that the idea of this thread was to discuss the rights and wrongs of the concept of invite trading, particularly in light of the fact that it is against the wishes of most boards. As opposed to proposing that invite sharing take place anywhere other than in the section where it's allowed.

You wanted this to be a subject dealt with in a serious, mostly spam free manner. As such The Drawing Room was the place to have this discussion. You're more looking for a discussion on internet morality and manners than anything else.

I am very much agin' it. Invites should only be GIVEN to people who you know (albeit on the internet). They should not be traded, as that goes against the whole concept of "private" trackers, which should be inhabited by people who know and/or trust one another. This provides 2 main advantages. Firstly security against law enforcement or civil bodies like FACT. Secondly it prevents high levels of leeching. To trade invites is to be a traitor to the basic tenets of file sharing.

03-14-2007, 09:26 PM

You were going to point out that the idea of this thread was to discuss the rights and wrongs of the concept of invite trading, particularly in light of the fact that it is against the wishes of most boards. As opposed to proposing that invite sharing take place anywhere other than in the section where it's allowed.

You wanted this to be a subject dealt with in a serious, mostly spam free manner. As such The Drawing Room was the place to have this discussion. You're more looking for a discussion on internet morality and manners than anything else.

I am very much agin' it. Invites should only be GIVEN to people who you know (albeit on the internet). They should not be traded, as that goes against the whole concept of "private" trackers, which should be inhabited by people who know and/or trust one another. This provides 2 main advantages. Firstly security against law enforcement or civil bodies like FACT. Secondly it prevents high levels of leeching. To trade invites is to be a traitor to the basic tenets of file sharing.

Good points, and thank you for helping me to decide this belongs in ERttB, on the main strength that it is a topic which relates primarily to the basic raison d'etre of this forum.

That alone is the reason for moving it out of The Drawing Room.

03-14-2007, 09:44 PM
How is it ERttB.

That's stuff which relates to the board. i.e. the board itself and not the subject it is dedicated to. Bet if it were originally posted there it would have been moved out.

Anyway it's a discussion on morality, rather than filesharing.

Sorry for finishing that sentence with a preposition btw. The huns have just been knocked out of Europe and their season is over, so I'm a bit high spirited.

03-14-2007, 10:06 PM
How is it ERttB.

That's stuff which relates to the board. i.e. the board itself and not the subject it is dedicated to. Bet if it were originally posted there it would have been moved out.

Anyway it's a discussion on morality, rather than filesharing.

Sorry for finishing that sentence with a preposition btw. The huns have just been knocked out of Europe and their season is over, so I'm a bit high spirited.

It is a subject which aligns rather nicely with the business of this board, as in FileSharingTalk.

Do you suppose we ought to create a sub-forum there titled Moral Issues in the arena of illicit file procurement?

03-14-2007, 11:47 PM
Public offering of free invites should be made in the BT Invites section.
FST does have a rule pertaining specifically to this and to allow regular (read established) members the freedom to offer them outside of the permissable section could encourage n00bs to similarly flaunt the rules instead of 'earning' access to that restricted area.

PMing members you are familiar with is the preferred method, outside of the BT Invites section, of offering any Oink (or other) invites you may wish to distribute.

That should clear things up. I hope.

03-15-2007, 12:53 AM
Well, no... but it was to help me decide whether or not I should make my own site open or invite only and to find ways of keeping the quality of the shared files high and perhaps learn some tips from experienced members on how to check one's own collection, particularly the older more extensive ones. The idea, was the thread should evolve.

03-15-2007, 01:00 AM
Still don't see how this is ERttB.

03-15-2007, 01:11 AM
Well if it does go there, ( BitTorrent Section) please can you change the thread title..to something like , In Search Of the Lost Forum ... :)

03-15-2007, 01:12 AM
Well, no... but it was to help me decide whether or not I should make my own site open or invite only and to find ways of keeping the quality of the shared files high and perhaps learn some tips from experienced members on how to check one's own collection, particularly the older more extensive ones. The idea, was the thread should evolve.

Then mayhap you could re-formulate your topic by expanding on this ^ post, and do it in the BitTorrent section?

Seems more straightforward the way you've just stated it, Nigel.

Make it as comprehensive as you like, then we can close this, as not much that is helpful to you has been accomplished.

03-15-2007, 01:23 AM
Honestly, tho'.

I think that he's right in thinking that most of the people he wanted to reach aren't checking up on that forum very often.

03-15-2007, 07:56 AM
In any case please remove Oink out of the title thread otherwise the lads will think it's an invite offer.. please :) change it to erm... What's wrong with "In Search Of The Lost Forum"? I quite like that, and who knows, it might eventually end up on the music forum :)

Snee is correct, although the goal been achieved. The forum does mention, "any subject"and "serious discussion" So moving it was incorrect IMO. Still it's been chastened and initiated; tarred and feathered so maybe it's ready for it's entry into the"BitTorrent forums... :cry:

If the Drawing room hawks would keep a friendly eye on this thread and offer ideas, if and when they bubble up to the surface, I would appreciate that.:wave:

Ava Estelle
03-15-2007, 08:38 AM
Why was this thread moved?

The author wanted it in the Drawing Room because those were the people he wanted to address.

How come a thread from someone about his upcoming driving test was kept in the Drawing Room and this was moved?

Over-modding, in my opinion.

03-15-2007, 01:39 PM
Over-modding, in my opinion.

Too many mods :dabs:

03-15-2007, 05:50 PM
lol who are all those people in the invites section?

03-15-2007, 08:56 PM

with answers like this, who needs to be in the drawing room?

Thanks SIGMA-ZERO for your extended opinion...

name in use
03-16-2007, 08:47 AM
i would say the OiNK invite thing,its not that serious. just invite them if they know how to download.

03-19-2007, 08:39 PM
dont invite unless u trust them with ur life...otehrwise its not worth it

03-19-2007, 09:23 PM
..after checking some of my music collection, I was surprised to find some of my music collection were actually compilations. I use Adobe Audition, or rather I am trying to use it. A good guide on that software would be really handy :tip:

04-17-2007, 09:06 PM
..anyway so I have been thinking and seeing other signs like flying pink power+ users that "own" traded accounts. If they have treated it, sort of "reasonably" should be offered a sort amnesty and make their accounts "all legal right" and get to keep them too. I think I know one way to do it. This especially for the larger buffered accounts.

What do you think ? ..and one pinned thread ( no not for bittorrent versus kazaa skizo) but for all those pink requests Oink!@ nuff said

04-17-2007, 09:11 PM
..anyway so I have been thinking and seeing other signs like flying pink power+ users that "own" traded accounts. If they have treated it, sort of "reasonably" should be offered a sort amnesty and make their accounts "all legal right" and get to keep them too. I think I know one way to do it. This especially for the larger buffered accounts.

What do you think ? ..and one pinned thread ( no not for bittorrent versus kazaa skizo) but for all those pink requests Oink!@ nuff said


04-18-2007, 03:35 AM
dont invite unless u trust them with ur life...otehrwise its not worth it

I have invited a few people I did not personally know, and even though they are behaving quite nicely, I still feel I need to check up on them from time to time and give them guidence if they need it.

Remember when you invite someone, that they might reach PU+ as well and who they invite can in a worse case scenario affect your account.

Just search the forums for florin and you see what I mean

04-18-2007, 08:10 AM
..anyway so I have been thinking and seeing other signs like flying pink power+ users that "own" traded accounts. If they have treated it, sort of "reasonably" should be offered a sort amnesty and make their accounts "all legal right" and get to keep them too. I think I know one way to do it. This especially for the larger buffered accounts.

What do you think ? ..and one pinned thread ( no not for bittorrent versus kazaa skizo) but for all those pink requests Oink!@ nuff said


ah Skizo you comments are growing shorter yet the amount of wisdom transfered by your extremely unusual choice of smilies is mind baffling :) While you work out your next smilie answer please could you attach a poll to this thread below? you will find the poll choices if you scroll up a little :)


and you dont have to pin it, I will with pleasure bump it now and then ...

look I even make it easy for you http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p-bittorrent-kazaa--post1915669/postcount93 :cool:

05-05-2007, 10:19 PM
Anyway in a surprising change of fortune, Oink, will be having a change of administration, very soon. No matter what they say. Three will lose their position of arrogance too. I am not sure why a private tracker should find a place on this particular forum. That's all I have to say for now on this subject!

except for this...
