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View Full Version : RIAA Torrents...info??

03-15-2007, 05:45 PM
Hey guys I'm writing this seminar paper about music downloading, what the RIAA has been doing, and what solutions there are.

Obviously no one sane person wants to pay for movies, music, or whatever when you can download from so many other places....

I myself have thousands of cds, every season of all my favorite tv shows, etc.

I use IRC now to download most of my stuff, and have just been getting into BitTorrent.....

What do you think is the fastest, the safest, and any other info would be great!


03-16-2007, 12:41 AM
That's a pretty open ended question. Maybe you should ask people face to face instead of hiding behind your screen name. Since you are so hip to the scene you should have no problem finding volunteers.

Hey guys I'm writing this seminar paper about music downloading, what the RIAA has been doing, and what solutions there are.

Obviously no one sane person wants to pay for movies, music, or whatever when you can download from so many other places....

I myself have thousands of cds, every season of all my favorite tv shows, etc.

I use IRC now to download most of my stuff, and have just been getting into BitTorrent.....

What do you think is the fastest, the safest, and any other info would be great!


03-16-2007, 02:05 AM
Fastest: Newsgroups
Safest: Newsgroups
Cheapest: Bittorrent/ED2k/other P2P :P

03-16-2007, 04:45 AM
Fastest: Newsgroups
Safest: Newsgroups
Cheapest: Bittorrent/ED2k/other P2P :P

Most people however, are too cheap to pay for newsgroups.

Either that or they are too young to have a way to pay for them. LOL

03-17-2007, 06:24 AM
superfuzzy, ur an idiot....

"since im so hip to the scene" i chose to be vague, i was probably downloading music way before you ever even had a computer......i started w/ napster, then morpheus, kazaa, and now limewire and IRC...but thats not the point, ur just a sarcastic idiot... i'm 23 not 53, and i have talked to friends that use Torrents, I just wanted to get other peoples opinions......

obviously, this place is just full of overweight, no life, idiots...... since i dont want to offend all y'all little children

ask people face to face, great idea, so i could jab u in the eye...lets be realistic...

screw this, i'm out

quote=superfuzzy;1826683]That's a pretty open ended question. Maybe you should ask people face to face instead of hiding behind your screen name. Since you are so hip to the scene you should have no problem finding volunteers.

Hey guys I'm writing this seminar paper about music downloading, what the RIAA has been doing, and what solutions there are.

Obviously no one sane person wants to pay for movies, music, or whatever when you can download from so many other places....

I myself have thousands of cds, every season of all my favorite tv shows, etc.

I use IRC now to download most of my stuff, and have just been getting into BitTorrent.....

What do you think is the fastest, the safest, and any other info would be great!


03-21-2007, 05:31 PM
everything with peerguardian2

03-21-2007, 05:52 PM
superfuzzy, ur an idiot....

"since im so hip to the scene" i chose to be vague, i was probably downloading music way before you ever even had a computer......i started w/ napster, then morpheus, kazaa, and now limewire and IRC...but thats not the point, ur just a sarcastic idiot... i'm 23 not 53, and i have talked to friends that use Torrents, I just wanted to get other peoples opinions......

obviously, this place is just full of overweight, no life, idiots...... since i dont want to offend all y'all little children

ask people face to face, great idea, so i could jab u in the eye...lets be realistic...

screw this, i'm out

quote=superfuzzy;1826683]That's a pretty open ended question. Maybe you should ask people face to face instead of hiding behind your screen name. Since you are so hip to the scene you should have no problem finding volunteers.

[quote=F***theRIAA;1825671]Hey guys I'm writing this seminar paper about music downloading, what the RIAA has been doing, and what solutions there are.

Obviously no one sane person wants to pay for movies, music, or whatever when you can download from so many other places....

I myself have thousands of cds, every season of all my favorite tv shows, etc.

I use IRC now to download most of my stuff, and have just been getting into BitTorrent.....

What do you think is the fastest, the safest, and any other info would be great!


Don't let yourself be intimidated by a noob :P . To be honest I do enjoy the Cinema experience, if only the iced Cola was a little cheaper...

Crazy? Yes!

03-21-2007, 08:44 PM
I don't have many posts, but I did find the initial post irritating.

Maybe it was this:

Obviously no one sane person wants to pay for movies, music, or whatever when you can download from so many other places....

Actually, sane people do still pay for stuff. Many sane people download some things and buy others.

You may want to check out this fine site:


Good luck!

03-22-2007, 03:00 AM
Years ago everyone was concerned about getting busted by the RIAA...well everyone in the US who dowloaded music. Even people on slsk were paranoid about getting busted. But really what is the law? Is it downloading, uploading? What is it? Has the paranoia about the RIAA diminished or completely disappeared because of the rise of the downloading of movies? Are people more concerned about getting busted by the MPAA as well? Are people really worried at all? Are these agencies really after us? Do we care? I surely think about this stuff... but am I worried? Nope, and I will tell you why... because they aren't looking for me... they are looking for you... the paranoid. The old addage goes like this.... "if you are worried and paranoid, they will get you". I just made that up. It is the truth. Live it!!

teh mm has spoken :naughty:

"afterthought: I was responding to the initial post here... and didn't read any of the others... but a semi-response to the initial post would be that I do in fact, like teh wizzy had mentioned, thoroughly enjoy going to a theatre to see a good flick... and yes I surely buy music and movies, but not in the normal manner... I look for things that I really want, need, and usually cannot find in your run of the mill store. I also buy used. This is a great way to buy movies and music."

03-25-2007, 06:15 AM
OK, people do buy movies/music/etc. otherwise there'd be no market...

its against the law because without a copyright no person has the right to make a duplicate of a cd, even if you own the cd. Without the express written consent, you have no right. Sharing music online, is copying it for others, and a person has no distribution rights.

If you dont share, then you wont get caught; but if no one shares then no one gets free material.....

there has to be a small number of people who end up "losing" for the rest of us to win...