View Full Version : Weird Email. Need Translation

03-19-2007, 11:09 AM
Hi I just recieved this email

Waarschuwing tegen het illegaal aanbieden van content. Voorkom onrechtmatig
of zelfs strafbaar handelen.

U heeft gebruik gemaakt van dsb-scene.org (http://dsb-scene.org/), een Bittorrent site die toegang
tot voornamelijk illegale entertainment content aanbood. Deze site
organiseerde de ongeautoriseerde uitwisseling van populaire films, muziek
en games tussen geregistreerde gebruikers, waaronder uzelf. Wij wijzen u
erop dat gebruikers van uitwisselnetwerken de bestanden die ze downloaden
tegelijkertijd ook weer aan de andere gebruikers ter beschikking stellen
(uploaden). Bittorrent sites bieden daarbij niet de mogelijkheid dit te
voorkomen. Uiteraard is het mooi om van films, muziek en andere content te
genieten. Maar het is iets heel anders om zelf zulk materiaal aan te bieden
want daarvoor is de voorafgaande toestemming van de rechthebbenden nodig.
Het is uitgesloten dat u als individueel persoon de vereiste toestemming
van de rechthebbenden heeft gekregen om populaire films, muziek of games
met Bittorrent (of andere 'p2p' uitwisselnetwerken) aan anderen ter
beschikking te stellen. Doet u dat toch, dan maakt u inbreuk op het
Intellectueel Eigendomsrecht van auteurs, uitvoerende kunstenaars en
producenten. Zij en de vele andere mensen die hun brood verdienen met het
creëren en aan de man brengen van muziek, films en interactieve software
lijden grote schade door deze vorm van illegale verspreiding. Die is dan
ook onrechtmatig en wanneer die opzettelijk gebeurt ook strafbaar.

Wij verzoeken u creativiteit te steunen en voor legaal product te kiezen.

Stichting BREIN, www.anti-piracy.nl (http://www.anti-piracy.nl/)
Handhaving voor auteurs, uitvoerende kunstenaars, uitgevers, producenten en
distributeurs tegen piraterij van muziek, film, games en interactieve

Can anyone translate it for me and tell me whats going on please?

03-19-2007, 11:17 AM
Roughly means:

Warning against illegal offering content. Prevent unlawfully or even illegal actions.
YOU have used dsb-scene.org, Bittorrent that access to mainly illegal entertainment to site content offered. This site organised the ongeautoriseerde exchange of popular films, music and games users registered between, among which yourself. We indicate you that users of uitwisselnetwerken put the files which they download at the same time also to the other users for the arrangement (uploaden). Bittorrent sites do not offer thereby to the possibility of preventing this. Of course it is beautiful for of films, content music and other to enjoy. But it is something very differently itself such material offer because for that the preceding authorisation of the claimants is necessary.
It has been excluded that you if person of the claimants has individually got the require authorisation for popular films, to others music or games with Bittorrent available (or other p2p uitwisselnetwerken) to make. You nevertheless do that, then you make breach of the intellectual Eigendomsrecht of authors, executive artists and producers. They and vele other people who deserve their bread with creating and to the man bring of music, films and interactive software suffer large damage by this form of illegal distribution. Those are thus unlawful and when that happens deliberately also illegal.
We request you support creativity and for legal product to choose.
Foundation BREIN, www.anti-piracy.Netherlands
maintaining for authors, executive artists, editors, producers and distributors against piracy of music, film, games and interactive software

03-19-2007, 11:17 AM
Warning against illegal offering content. Onrechtmatigof even illegal act you prevent have used dsb-scene.org, Bittorrent site which offered to mainly illegal entertainment content. These siteorganiseerde the ongeautoriseerde exchange of popular films, musics games users registered between, among which yourself. We indicate uerop that users of uitwisselnetwerken the files which them downloadentegelijkertijd make available also to the other users (uploaden). Bittorrent sites do not offer thereby this tevoorkomen to the possibility. Of course it is beautiful for of films, music and other content tegenieten. But it is something very differently itself such material to at biedenwant for that is the preceding authorisation of the claimants necessary it has been excluded that you if individually required of has got person the claimants to appoint others terbeschikking popular films, music or gamesmet Bittorrent (or other ' p2p ' uitwisselnetwerken). You do that nevertheless, then you make violation on the intellectual eigendomsrecht of authors, executive artists enproducenten. They and vele other people who deserve their bread with hetcreëren and to the man bring large damage of music, films and interactive software suffering by this form of illegal distribution. Those are danook unlawfully and when that also illegal we request you happen deliberately support creativity and for legal product foundation BREIN, www.anti piracy.nlHan

03-19-2007, 07:56 PM
busted burn your computer

03-20-2007, 08:33 AM
Anyone know what consequences will come of this? Anyone else get one?

03-20-2007, 08:40 AM
Anyone know what consequences will come of this? Anyone else get one?
Ignore, and continue downloading.

03-20-2007, 11:59 AM
honga monga lalla is this african?