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View Full Version : Movie Collectors

03-23-2007, 04:16 AM
Hey fellow collectors, let's hear about your collections!

My collection began about 2 years ago with the purchase of a dvd player and the included movie, Empire of the Sun. As it stands I currently have 55 DVD's and 65 DVD-R's. My favorite of the collection is The Shawshank Redemption DVD because it's both my favorite movie and my most satisfying purchase.

So what about you?

Whats your rarest?

Which was your first?

Which is your favorite?


03-23-2007, 12:18 PM
id have to say I have about 400 DVDrs now mixed in with bought ones and DVDrs ive downloaded off the net

classic films form the 1930s lots of trilogs jeez do i have to type up the entire list? lol

my first DVD was Jaws first film I ever seen was superman

first VHS (hmmm I think it was Neverending Story)