View Full Version : My Assistant

05-30-2003, 05:22 PM
The board has a 'My Assistant' in the upper right. In it there is 'My Last 10 posts' feature. I was wondering if this could be modified a bit. Maybe make it 'My last 25 posts' or even user adjustable?

I use this feature a lot to see if users have replied to posts I've made. A lot of times they answer a day or 2 after I have posted so by that time they no longer show up in the 'Last 10 list'. It would make it a lot easier to keep track of those posts.

I know there is the 'Find all posts by this member' but it is not organized by time of posts but a strange combination of threads and time/date.

I don't know if anything can be done but it would add functionality to the board.

Thanks in advance. :)

05-30-2003, 05:42 PM
I'd like that too but I don't think it's possible though.
If You want it sorted by dates just do as I did bellow for the best results.



05-30-2003, 09:59 PM
Merci beaucoup de l'effort que vous avez mis à répondre admirablement à ma question. J'apprécie. :D

J'ai remarqué que vous aidez beaucoup ce forum en ayant ciblé les gens qui "uploadent" des images pour leurs avatars et leurs signatures. Je tenais à le souligner, cela prends du temps et vous y mettez aussi des efforts.

Je souhaiterais quand même que les administrateurs trouvent un moyen de rendre l'assistant capable de voir plus que les derniers 10 "posts". :shifty:

Le français surprendra sûrement les abonnés du forum. <_< Qu&#39;importe... ils n&#39;auront qu&#39;à dire : Mille million de mille sabords de tonnerre de Brest. LOL. WTF, en anglais &#33; L&#39;art du juron élégant se perd...