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03-26-2007, 03:35 AM
whats the worst pain you ever been in?? mine have to be when I fucked my ankle up

03-26-2007, 03:38 AM

03-26-2007, 03:43 AM

03-26-2007, 03:44 AM
um, when i got jumped by this chick and her boyfriend

me: heels skirt at work

him: held me down on ground
she: kicked the shit outta me

03-26-2007, 04:01 AM
you should have hit them back!

03-26-2007, 04:02 AM
you should have hit them back!
well i wouldve but i was held down by a dude

if it had been jsut me n her thats another story

03-26-2007, 04:03 AM
cant say ive ever been bashed around ive been lucky

03-26-2007, 04:19 AM
When I was like 15, it was winter or at least I think so, cus it was very cold,
and I got a nasty pain in the left of my back, and then at night it moved also to my chest
and it was kinda painful when I breathed,
so my mom took me to the Doc´.
He said it was a muscle contraction or something like it, cus of the cold,
so I got an injection and... ´Buffff, the pain was gone in like minutes.

...I know, it´s nothing
but again, thanks God nothing Really bad has ever happen to me,
and Im afraid when it does I won´t know how to handle it :cry: .

03-26-2007, 04:20 AM
cant say ive ever been bashed around ive been lucky

take my word for it, it aint fun

03-26-2007, 04:21 AM
cant say ive ever been bashed around ive been lucky

take my word for it, it aint fun

I bet it wasnt I hope she wasnt wearing high heels

03-26-2007, 04:27 AM
i seperated my shoulder dirt jumping. class 2 seperation i think.. i met a cutie at the clinic tho..

i can still feel the effects of the injury and its about 3 years past now.

03-26-2007, 04:27 AM
nah she was an ungly cunt to boot

03-26-2007, 04:29 AM
yeah my ankle is still always weak when I play sports if I roll it a bit it hurts I gotta go easy on it

ive heard a knee pain is the worst pain ever if you fuck up your ACL

03-26-2007, 06:21 AM
The worst I've had was a second degree ankle sprain that occurred during a judo tournament - happened as my opponent tried to throw me but didn't work, I landed on top of him. I still won the match by hold down; had to do it obviously cuz I couldn't stand right. Went and got it taped, came back and fought twice more and secured my 3rd place provincial finish. The next day the ankle was acting up, burning sensation most of the day from the tissue tears. It took 12 weeks of physiotherapy, and I never got it to fully heal.

I have a couple friends though that take the cake. Read only if you have a strong stomach and/or want to laugh

First, one of my friends was admitted to hospital and emergency surgery because his testicles got wrapped around each other. Don't ask me how! He called me when he woke up from his surgery, and I could definitely tell he was in pain.
The second guy I know from hockey, and he went fishing with his dad on the open water. The hook somehow got caught on his pants, and when he reeled in thinking his line was in the water, he tore his...sack. He passed out from seeing all the blood, and his dad had to take the boat back to shore which was a 45 minute ride. For 45 minutes, he held a towel to his balls...surgery for him too...

Sorry if that was too much for you people! :lol:

03-26-2007, 07:21 AM
OUCH!! ahhh that last one has me crindgeing

03-26-2007, 08:13 AM
Getting heeled in the kidneys and kicked in the balls by a pair of steel toecapped boots,