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View Full Version : Artists like Nine Inch Nails?

03-26-2007, 10:33 PM
I've recently been getting into Nine Inch Nails (especially The Downward Spiral). I need more of this kind of music and the attitude of this music.
Can anyone recommend to me some albums like The Downward Spiral of any artist?

mr. nails
03-28-2007, 12:39 PM
u mite like these.

1. stabbing westward
2. early marilyn manson
3. filter
4. gravity kills
5. static-x
6. skinny puppy
7. orgy
8. deadsy
9. ministry

03-28-2007, 12:55 PM
suppose maybe Vast as well

and with a chick singer nocturne I rate this band real well

03-28-2007, 11:00 PM
Now when you say like NIN, do you mean the style of music, or the poppy emo lyrics?

If your really interested in the style of music, I'd suggest giving real industrial music a chance. Artist like Manson, Stabbing Westward, and Orgy are all based off of Nine Inch Nails, which is in turn based loosely on the industrial genre.

My suggestions:
KMFDM, Wumpscut, EisBrecher, and anything by Andy LaPlegua.

Andy LaPlegua was the frontman for Icon of Coil, then started 2 side projects Panzer AG, and Combichrist. Everything he makes is great. Panzer AG is more the raw old Manson style, but better. Where Combichrist really set itself aside as it's own genre.

I also second Mr. Nails' suggestion for Skinny Puppy, their new album Mythmaker has some really good songs, like their older stuff.

03-29-2007, 12:42 AM
ahh enough about people with the word fucking emo!!! god I hate that word!!! fucking curse the teenagers for today for coming up with that word now its used everywhere!

its called Dark Music lyrics

when you think about it isn't all music so called Emotional? for me Happy music makes me depressed

03-29-2007, 12:41 PM
Throbbing Gristle

03-31-2007, 12:02 AM
i just heard that nine inch nails has been leaving zip drives of there new cd in bathrooms all over europe.
why, wouldnt you just hand to these drives to the people direct, and let them know who you are?

04-06-2007, 09:22 AM
great site to find similar artist ,e.g :

04-06-2007, 06:25 PM
It depends which side of Nine Inch Nails you like.

If you like the bouncy electro sound of "Only", check out LCD Soundsystem or Soulwax.

If you like the nice instrumentals like "A Warm Place" or "La Mer", try Sigur Ros or God is an Astronaut.

04-06-2007, 06:44 PM
I love the older ministry albums... Not to impressed with the newer ones though. The album with the fat chic with a dunce cap sucked horribly!

04-07-2007, 08:05 AM
Hi thanks for all the suggestions
i've checked out some kmfdm, ministry & skinny puppy - some goodness there.

regarding the "nin = poppy mainstream b/s debate", i agree that sometimes the lyrics are shyt, such as the love songs but the thing i love about nin is that they have nice music & itrent reznor is a fucking amazing vocalist - better than the skinny puppy / kmfdm / ministry vocalists by far (of what i've heard from them). & to me vocals either make or fuck up a band.

04-16-2007, 12:06 AM
Like great lyrics and the industrial synth-pop sound? Try VNV Nation!

The newest album Judgment is not so great, good lyrics, not so great music. FuturePerfect and Praise the Fallen are really good ones though.