View Full Version : NewsGroup/Server Choice

04-04-2007, 08:18 PM
I've posted this within another thread when newgroups came up in a discussion about bitorrent problems i've been having. I thought it would be better placed in here tho.

I've actually started on the whole newgroups thing, since i've heard such good things about it.. but i think i've gone and signed up with a rubbish provider since I can't find much there, and stuff i've tried to access from binsearch won't download, (don't think i can add the server). I've signed up with thundernews.com

i had wanted to sign with newsggroups but they don't take uk debit cards and they cant accept paypal anymore. that's basically why i went with thundernews as it could take my payment.... so far, have found nothing good tho. is the co you choose to sign up with that critical or am i just doing this wrong?

04-04-2007, 08:49 PM
NewsGroups are far better than bittorrent in terms of speed and the amount of files but you need a good indexing site and news server. I used to have NewsDemon, they are a reseller of highwinds-media just like ThunderNews is so I was using the same servers, I thought they were ok at first but quite alot of files wouldn't download because they weren't on the server and I had other problems, I switched to giganews and have had no problems its great service. As for an indexing site you should go with v3.newzbin.com its by far the best but it costs £1/month.

04-04-2007, 08:59 PM
wen you say indexing site is that the sort of thing binsearch is? somewhere to search files and find their location so you can use your client to get fetch them direct?

Okie dokie, so i've signed up to newsgroups, managed to sort out the payment problem. I'm wondering, do you have to sort out port forwarding etc. It's telling me i'm disconnected from the two connections it's made

04-04-2007, 10:24 PM
wen you say indexing site is that the sort of thing binsearch is? somewhere to search files and find their location so you can use your client to get fetch them direct?

Binsearch is a search site where you can create .nzb files. Newzbin is more of an index site but you have to pay to create an .nzb. It is free to browse so why not browse newzbin for free and then use binsearch to create the .nzb file. You should then be downloading at super fast speeds.

You could also browse this great site for .nzb downloads. Even post a few .nzb files to help this community.

04-04-2007, 10:25 PM
um, nevermind, they're connected now *blush*. How would I create an nzb in binsearch with what i find on newzbin?

Thanks for all the help, that goes to everyone who's put up with my noob questions these past few days.

I'm currently in the middle of downloading my first via newsgroups, so will post the nzb file here incase anyone else would like a go at it too.

I've not completed it yet so feel i should wait for it to finish and make sure there's nothing funky about it before passing it along.

Do we also do requests here too? I know there's a function for that on the actual newsgroups themselves, but thought I'd ask

Thanks again all :)

04-05-2007, 03:53 PM
um, nevermind, they're connected now *blush*. How would I create an nzb in binsearch with what i find on newzbin?
Thanks for all the help, that goes to everyone who's put up with my noob questions these past few days.
I'm currently in the middle of downloading my first via newsgroups, so will post the nzb file here incase anyone else would like a go at it too.
I've not completed it yet so feel i should wait for it to finish and make sure there's nothing funky about it before passing it along.
Do we also do requests here too? I know there's a function for that on the actual newsgroups themselves, but thought I'd ask
Thanks again all :)

No requests on the forum.

Usually you can search things up on binsearch with the whole or parts of the file name/release name from newzbin. Binsearch does not always find things by writing the whole name (dunno how it is searching the database). You can also test newzleech.com.

Releases that are posted other places, like FTD, binaries4all etc. usually don't need any verification. I always download the releases and test them before posting them here anyway in case of problems.

04-09-2007, 08:02 AM
Wow, thanks guys, this thread really helped me out :)

04-09-2007, 09:10 PM
http://www.angelfire.com/gundam/newsgroupguide/ <<--noobie newsgroup tutorial

04-11-2007, 10:04 AM