View Full Version : Mathematical review of buffer theory

04-05-2007, 02:23 PM
As we all know, the standard definition of buffer is the amount uploaded minus the amount downloaded, but what is buffer useful for? :unsure:
Well, it tells you how much you can download before your reach a 1:1 ratio :yup:
But some trackers do not require a 1:1 ratio :huh:
and for some people, It is important to maintain a VIP or PU status, and that requires more than 1:1 ratio:O

Let's take Bitmetv for example, first we need to define some variables

let U = upload
D = download
SB = buffer as we now know it (standard buffer) => (SB=U-D)
MB = maximum buffer (amount you can download before reaching 0.7 ratio and getting a warning)
PUB = power user buffer (amount you can download before reaching 0.95 ratio and losing your power user status)

starting from the following simple equation


and the differnet minimum ratio requirements equations

for MB

for PUB

in simple steps we reach the following two equations to calculate the useful buffers from the standard buffer and upload (you can substitute U-D for SB to calculate the useful buffers from download and upload)

MB = (3/7) x U + SB
PUB = (1/19) x U + SB :smartass:

of course values differ according to tracker minimum ratio requirements
so when you are trading with someone you don't just ask "what is the buffer?"
you ask "what is the PUB?" which is equivelant of "how much can I download and still be power user?"
or "what is the MB?" which is equivelant of "how much can i download before getting a warning?"
or "what is the VIPB on this account?" which is the equivelant of "how much can i download and still be VIP?" ... etc

Ok ok, I am bored to death, so let the mockery begin :tease:

04-05-2007, 02:30 PM
please some1 translate to english

How can someone translate mathematics into English? :D

yeah, that's the point :D

04-05-2007, 02:31 PM
How can someone translate mathematics into English? :D

Anyways, I didn't bother to read the whole post.

04-05-2007, 02:31 PM
As we all know, the standard definition of buffer is the amount uploaded minus the amount downloaded, but what is buffer useful for? :unsure:
Well, it tells you how much you can download before your reach a 1:1 ratio :yup:
But some trackers do not require a 1:1 ratio :huh:
and for some people, It is important to maintain a VIP or PU status, and that requires more than 1:1 ratio
Let's take Bitmetv for example, first we need to define some values
U > upload
D > download
SB > buffer as we now know it (standard buffer) => SB=U-D
MB > maximum buffer (amount you can download before reaching 0.7 ratio and getting a warning)
PUB > power user buffer (amount you can download before reaching 0.95 ratio and losing your power user status)
starting from the following simple equation
and the differnet minimum ratio requirements equations
for MB U/D=7/10
for PUB U/D=95/100
in simple steps we reach the following two equations to calculate the useful buffers from the standard buffer
MB = (3/7) x U + SB
PUB = (1/19) x U + SB :smartass:

of course values differ according to tracker minimum ratio requirements

Ok ok, I am bored to death, so let the mockery begin :tease:
Half of it doesn't even make sense..

04-05-2007, 02:32 PM
I know, lol, i am not a native english speaker and i didn't study math in english, so God help you understand this

I made some changing maybe it will make more sense

04-05-2007, 02:35 PM

04-05-2007, 02:51 PM
Strangely it all made sense to me :P...

But I think keeping to the definition of buffer = GBs above 1:1 makes things more simple.

04-05-2007, 03:08 PM
prima1 - i think u didnt take the right pills this morning...

04-05-2007, 03:25 PM

damn, i took the night one this morning :wacko:

Art Vandelay
04-05-2007, 04:19 PM
I for one applaud your efforts :) In practice, SB is really completely irrelevant, as a 1:1 ratio has only cosmetic value most of the time, and the important figures are, as you say, MB and PUB. There is definitely a case for encouraging the use of these figures in trades. Now how about formulating a relationship between buffers and invite value to standardize what a certain buffer is worth on a tracker at a certain level? That's your next challenge :)

04-05-2007, 04:23 PM
omg what the f*ck is going on ?
i don't understand what's the point of all this reading m8
i hope at least u had fun writing it :D

04-05-2007, 04:41 PM
I for one applaud your efforts :) In practice, SB is really completely irrelevant, as a 1:1 ratio has only cosmetic value most of the time, and the important figures are, as you say, MB and PUB. There is definitely a case for encouraging the use of these figures in trades. Now how about formulating a relationship between buffers and invite value to standardize what a certain buffer is worth on a tracker at a certain level? That's your next challenge :)

I salute you my friend, you seem to understand my theory better than I do :D
You made my day


Now how about formulating a relationship between buffers and invite value to standardize what a certain buffer is worth on a tracker at a certain level?

:blink: now that I need some time to figure out what it means

oh I get it, well, buffer value depends on difficulty of seeding and that's a whole new area of research, I will think about it the next time I'm bored. lol

Art Vandelay
04-05-2007, 05:53 PM
oh I get it, well, buffer value depends on difficulty of seeding and that's a whole new area of research, I will think about it the next time I'm bored. lol
Yea the idea is to decide how big of a buffer you need on a level 3 tracker to make it equivalent in value to an invite to a level 4 tracker.

04-05-2007, 06:57 PM
i hate math

04-05-2007, 08:21 PM

damn, i took the night one this morning :wacko:

04-05-2007, 08:22 PM
lol... i didn't even bother reading after i saw... bunch of derivations ... nething usefull in that mess???

Art Vandelay
04-05-2007, 09:07 PM
lol... i didn't even bother reading after i saw... bunch of derivations ... nething usefull in that mess???
Very useful in fact. Looks like myself and prima are up against it here :) I'll put it as simply as I can. Currently people advertise buffers as how many GB can be downloaded before you reach a ratio of 1. However, this is not actually important in practice. What IS important is 2 things, each of which will vary from tracker to tracker: How much can I download before receiving a warning on my account? (typically a ratio between 0.5 and 1) How much can I download before I lose my Power User status? These are more useful figures to someone considering trading.

04-05-2007, 09:09 PM
I get the formulas, not what you said though :P