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View Full Version : Verizon Bans P2P, Streaming Services and Online Gaming.

04-05-2007, 03:03 PM
http://torrentfreak.com//images/verizon-wireless.gifThey say that the devil is in the detail and to always read the small print. Well, if your ISP happens to be Verizon and you’re on the EVDO Wireless Data Service, this is great advice. Read their Terms of Service and you will see; P2P is banned, as are streaming services such as YouTube. And the ‘Unlimited’ transfers you were paying for? Forget those too, 5gig a month is the limit.

Verizon customers on the EVDO Wireless Data Service are in for a surprise if they read the Terms of Service (TOS) The Unlimited Data Plan is - yes, thats right limited to 5gigs of transfers each month but don’t worry, you won’t need anywhere near that amount because your internet multimedia experience is about to be ruined by the banning of your favourite activities; There is to be no continuous uploading nor downloading, no streaming (that means no YouTube for you to enjoy and no internet radio) and no playing games either, they’re banned too. No P2P is allowed whatsoever. If you get caught going over your ‘Unlimited’ service’s cap of 5gig in one month, Verizon say that you will be “presumed to be using the service in a manner prohibited above, and we reserve the right to immediately terminate the service of any such person without notice”
You can visit the source site for Verizon's EVDO TOS - doubt this will last...

:source: Source: TorrentFreak (http://torrentfreak.com/verizon-bans-p2p-streaming-services-and-online-gaming/)

04-05-2007, 04:59 PM
thats too weired to be true
what the heck they think people do on the net.

04-05-2007, 06:59 PM
I hope they dont do the same thing with Verizon Fios

04-05-2007, 10:09 PM
That is a good article, thanks for posting

I'm in Canada so we don't have Verizon, but it is the American partner to my ISP, Telus. I am confident Telus won't follow suit, but if they have it in their agreement, I didn't read it and they don't enforce it.

If Verizon does enforce this policy, how many internet users are left not doing those things? Is it just the people who check email? There would be almost no families on their service since children are using the internet often for gaming or youtube-like sites.

silent h3ro
04-05-2007, 10:45 PM
Fuck Verizon. In my area we are only offered Comcast so I'm happy.

Colt Seevers
04-05-2007, 10:46 PM
Wow, dump these llamas.

Some ISPs are just taking the piss.