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View Full Version : Watching Avi Movies

06-01-2003, 04:16 PM
I know this Qustion has been ask be for but if you will answer it just one more time.. were is a good site so I can watch my AVI movies!! can any one tell me??? thank you..

oops I guess I just let the cat out of the Bag of what kind of movies I am wanting to watch LOL.. :D :lol:

may be know one will know me if I wear this................... :ph34r: B)

06-01-2003, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by raydeen54@1 June 2003 - 16:16
I know this Qustion has been ask be for but if you will answer it just one more time.. were is a good site so I can watch my AVI movies!! can any one tell me???  thank you..

oops I guess I just let the cat out of the Bag of what kind of movies I am wanting to watch LOL.. :D  :lol:

may be know one will know me if I wear this................... :ph34r:    B)
Download and install k-lite codec pack. Get Bs player.
Download Windows media player.
Download real one player
Downlaod i am stupid and not funny when i post my smilies
or cant you do that cos ur too stupid

CLICK HERE DUMBOY (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=media+player)

06-02-2003, 05:23 AM
hey javni do you get your nuts off when you give smart ass answers like you gave me. or is it just the way you are?? us new guys has to find out these things, just the way you have had to you mite know some of the answers but I bet you had to get help befor.and as far as the smily faces if we was'ent post to use them they would'ent be here :D :lol: think about it :huh:

I think you need you take two aspirins and go to bed and call you doctor in the morning. :rolleyes: B)

but I do thank you for the answer you gave me I will try it and see if it works.

stupid is what stupid does.................................................. :blink: raydeen54 I sure hope you read this javni just be cool.ok.

06-02-2003, 05:38 AM
Stupid is not reading the sites FAQs.