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04-12-2007, 02:35 PM
Will be revealed to you. Be prepared for the ensuing shock. Darwin was/is wrong!

If you don't feel you can handle the shock, please leave this thread, without comment, immediately after my next post :) To make things absolutely clear it is not written above, but below. So, I haven't said anything, yet, right?

04-12-2007, 04:35 PM
Nothing but Lies

04-12-2007, 05:36 PM
Okey dokey astound me.

04-12-2007, 05:53 PM
...still waiting...

04-12-2007, 07:16 PM
I have my sunglasses on
i am ready

Blind me with The Truth

04-12-2007, 07:28 PM
It's tasty, but I think it could use a little more seasoning.

04-12-2007, 07:50 PM

04-12-2007, 09:25 PM
OK are you really prepared ?

The serious stuff begins soon. (whatever your choice)

I urge you now, to leave this thread, if you are not absolutely sure,... and prepared.


First cast your eyes to Kenya.

I will continue in my next post to give the weak of heart, time, to depart. It's going to be a long dark night, as you pass through the Gates of Hell, to discover the Truth. :yup:

04-12-2007, 09:37 PM

I'm listening to dodgy soppy music

What's next?

04-12-2007, 09:47 PM
im listening to a mix cd i must made

whatd that got to do with anything tho? :unsure:

04-12-2007, 11:27 PM
I've joined the thread..as per request

04-12-2007, 11:32 PM
The Truth is, what you call "death" has actually occurred. You have all been unconscious for just over three days. My job is first to help you re-member what happened. So don't feel scared. This will be your first reaction. However, You will remember the flash. Re-member it now. It is imperative at this stage, not to try and escape the dawning light or to attempt to go back to you old body. It will be so bright and white you will want to look away. Do not, look directly at it either, but with your eyes sort of, looking downward, and try to relax. You are in the Bardo.


04-12-2007, 11:45 PM
The Truth is You are in the Bardo.

like, bridget bardot ? :unsure:

everyone can fit in her all at once? :sick:

04-13-2007, 07:36 AM
The Truth is You are in the Bardo.

like, bridget bardot ? :unsure:

everyone can fit in her all at once? :sick:

You may create your own reality here Mathea, re-member though, this period lasts a maximum of 49 days of which 3, you have already "wasted"! I will point the "signs" out as they occur and explain what they mean. This all, to prepare you for re-birth to one of a possible 6 realms that will slowly start opening to you in the coming period of time. One of these realms, the attraction will become so great, that unless you keep the vision of the dawning of the white light clearly in you memory, you will be reborn and waste this precious opportunity, like you did countless times earlier. So it's important at this stage to desist from doing anything at all! Relax in the action of no-action. Yes that about it :)

04-13-2007, 08:17 AM
I hear muzac,feel like I'm trapped in a lift,maybe it's the new drugs I'm on and withdrawal from the old. :confused:

04-13-2007, 10:27 AM
The Realms:

1. The Hell realm
2. The Hungry Ghost realm
3. The Animal realm
4. The Human realm
5. The Jealous God realm
6. The God Realm
Along with the 6 realms, it's necessary to understand the notion of the Bardo of Darmata.

..back to my air control tower :)

04-15-2007, 08:59 AM
I shall continue with the "signs" ..

Behold a pale horse; and his name that sat on his, was death.

Revelations: 6:8

The following signs should allow you to ascertain the truth of your passing.

The outer signs...

The first of the 6 types of signs are the outer signs. Their appearance indicates danger to the very life force itself. These are called death omens. ( these I shall list a little later)

Observe your bodies in the days that follow. If you notice that your stomach (!) appears to be shrinking...or sensory Powers become unclear. Should the body speech and mind become become distorted by anxiety. If you mind becomes hyper-active or depressed. Disturbing dreams too. A sudden personality change or the pallor from you skin become indistinct; all these signs indicate the presence of hindrances, that could result in Death.

Believe me, there is nothing worse than dying, when you are already dead!

I shall continue with the "Inner" and the secret signs in my next post.:yikes:


04-17-2007, 02:25 PM
Further signs:)

This one is the more important parts. As the "final" approach begins to manifest itself in your close proximity, you will want to run and hide. Don't. There is nowhere to hide. The end of all shadow. The light should be shining from 3 directions at this stage.

This brings me to next point, SnnY; SnnY actually is one of the signs and also one you will/ should look to for advice as you begin to re-member. Be attracted. Thats safe.

The Trinity.

better know as the Father Son and the Holy Ghost.

What's happening is the "Return". Should I continue. You may add comments. :lol:

Look in the end, you will take with you all that you are.

The return is fast. From two different directions. One direction is down the other is up. First that what's down will welcome the return as it becomes activated by ever increasing erm..gravity waves.

Observe carefully the next 3 days for signs of approaching Trinity. These signs will manifest themselves soon in your close proximity, possibly even trying to draw you attention. Animals will feel it first. They could appear anywhere :) in strange context. Like yesterday a small green frog was hopping through my kitchen.. I had just fired up my Azureus client. As I looked at the frog, something strange happened...

I made photographs ..so I could post some later. ( I know you all think I am off my rocker)

Well, ask anyone, they will confirm your fears, you are right!

You can post a few unexpected encounters here if you like, as one of the images, that will be posted,will be very important .

Try to take time to observe without qualifying what you see and experience the coming week. Feel welcome, any you find worth noting to post them here, in this thread.

... those with meditation experience, this is the perfect time...

2007 and counting...

04-17-2007, 02:33 PM
How many Matrix sequels are we suppose to endure. :dabs:


04-17-2007, 02:42 PM
There are 49 days brotherdoobie and I will only be posting on the more important days; earlier, if you scroll up, I did mention,.. erm well scroll up and start again :) You may thank roscco for the hand ignore function! I have never used it.

Something that also crossed my mind. Peace is not actually what mankind needs. The reason being, war will then be waiting around the corner. Keeping an eye on things. abiding it's time.

Still in this stadium it's irrelevant..ask Spock. :)

NB: Gurdjief suggested reading his books, at least 3 times.

04-17-2007, 03:31 PM
I'll have a quarter of whatever you're on.

04-17-2007, 06:41 PM
There are 49 days brotherdoobie and I will only be posting on the more important days; earlier, if you scroll up, I did mention,.. erm well scroll up and start again :) You may thank roscco for the hand ignore function! I have never used it.

Something that also crossed my mind. Peace is not actually what mankind needs. The reason being, war will then be waiting around the corner. Keeping an eye on things. abiding it's time.

Still in this stadium it's irrelevant..ask Spock. :)

NB: Gurdjief suggested reading his books, at least 3 times.

Nigel,how many times have I told you...don't eat the whole bag at once! :noes:

Actually,tis quite interesting. However, I'm getting spooked. :unsure:
(That last spliff...was a big un! )


04-17-2007, 09:19 PM
I am known at times known to go "off" at a tangent. Glad you are still hanging on if only with the skin of Funký's but :) Do you know where he is bye the way, he shouldbe here too?

Which brings me to my next 6 signs the inner sercret signs

and as someone once quoted, "We really have no time to waste!"

..and mumbing away in some desert "you know this make sense or sence "maybe both looking at your sig bd.. :)

04-17-2007, 09:25 PM
I am known at times known to go "off" at a tangent. Glad you are still hanging on if only with the skin of Funký's but :) Do you know where he is bye the way, he shouldbe here too?

Which brings me to my next 6 signs the inner sercret signs

and as someone once quoted, "We really have no time to waste!"

..and mumbing away in some desert "you know this make sense or sence "maybe both looking at your sig bd.. :)

"The End Is Near!" ;)

Peace brotherdoobie

04-17-2007, 11:24 PM
You have inspired me with you verse in the past brotherdoobie but may have totally missed the point, but not the Ferry.<br />
<br />
That what you call <b>The End</b>, has actually occured Friday..go back to the beginning and start again <img src="http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/images/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Smile" smilieid="54" class="inlineimg" /> Thats why this thread will show you the way and hopefully give you all some light.<br />
<br />
As time is running out like a broken hour glass. I will be discussing more interesting things like Ley Lines and the Nazca Lines before Trinity Occurs. And answer questions like, &quot; Can I Eat It&quot; etc.<br />
<br />
What is Trinity.<br />
<br />
Trinity is acually nothing other than when the two other component parts of Our Sun return, re-sychronising renewing. The so called Father The sun and The holy Ghost unifying the system as they return. Our sun being the focal point. (at the moment) You will soon experience a blue flash or rather, re-member it. The end of all shadows. This is a very special time and you have actually already witnessed it and are at the point of return too. Things will be different. At first you wont notice it much.<br />
<br />
You will be searching for rebirth..and a new Mum and Dad, although, strangely, you have already met them. Thats why I will explain the secret signs next . <img src="http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/images/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Smile" smilieid="54" class="inlineimg" />
Up until now I have avoided mentioning Love now its time.

04-18-2007, 12:04 AM
Things will start to dissolve, like when you drop mud in water that's like..the Earth Element seperating out of your Soul. Not the soul as you might think. Loved ones you will hear in the morning.

04-18-2007, 01:17 AM
Let's build the perfect beast,but first we must be willing to disrobe of
our coformity and stand naked underneath a sea of stars,shimmering in
the dead blue sky.

Shall the beast be driven by esoteric engines that follow form rather
than function? Or must our eyes reaffirm their belief in a beauty that
is seldom seen other than in the cold light of logic?

Be aware that the spirits of apathy and ego are out to destroy
our beast,armed with songs sung in the key of dissension.

The rhythm of their beating wings seductive in it's atonal drone.
Hypnotic to the disheveled masses,that yearn for nothing more
than freedom.

Peace brotherdoobie

04-18-2007, 04:16 AM
Let's build the perfect beast,but first we must be willing to disrobe of
our coformity and stand naked underneath a sea of stars,shimmering in
the dead blue sky.

Shall the beast be driven by esoteric engines that follow form rather
than function? Or must our eyes reaffirm their belief in a beauty that
is seldom seen other than in the cold light of logic?

Be aware that the spirits of apathy and ego are out to destroy
our beast,armed with songs sung in the key of dissension.

The rhythm of their beating wings seductive in it's atonal drone.
Hypnotic to the disheveled masses,that yearn for nothing more
than freedom.

Peace brotherdoobie

See, I knew you could do better :)

so now we can hit overdrive.

That's is absolutely a good idea, as time flies in the bar-do . When your time to be reborn arrives . Assuming you have led an exemplary life and not absorbed too much carbon... the next step should be easy, and remember you are empowered with Sidhis ( powers) that you will be able to perform all sorts of otherwise impossible miracles. due to you being freed of you physical body. You will become inundated with all sorts of stimuli. The difficulty is that you will have all round vision and basically you are seeing to much and have no center point. It will make you feel very giddy indeed. This stadium is symbolically represented by a Buddha with four heads.

One more thing before we approach the womb. It's possible to choose the womb in which you want to be reborn. It will better for spiritual accomplishment to be born a man. This is why it's necessary to learn a few mantras, so that even if you can't stop yourself from being reborn, you can at least close the entrance to unsuitable wombs. This is a very important moment of choice. There is still the effect of duality, in-working, so we are still confronted with the concept of good and bad. On an ultimate level this all has very little meaning,. but until we reach that level..it's all we have to work with.

04-19-2007, 11:56 AM
At this stage :) (the lounge Lizards are going to hate me for this..hehe) Just before you get like "sucked in" to the nearest womb that comes along, you must stop and imagine,

http://www.mensap2p.com/Imagine_If/Australia%20wins%20ahes.jpg Damn! erm I mean the wrong .. one..

I meant ... http://www.mensap2p.com/Imagine_If/Chicken-Peacock-w-caption2.gif

heh another "wrong" one.

By this time this should appear clearly before your eyes, http://www.mensap2p.com/Imagine_If/Ollantaytambo-mountain-ruin.jpg

then this, now cast your eyes downward..s


This is The Father. :oops:

04-19-2007, 11:57 AM
The Son you already know....

04-19-2007, 11:58 AM
The Truth is: Nigel is on drugs. :dabs:

04-19-2007, 12:04 PM
Of course, that question you should have presented to me about here.. http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/p-the-truth-post1909560/postcount8

04-19-2007, 12:05 PM
Just trying to save others some time. :smilie4:

Off to school for me. I am going to be smart.

04-19-2007, 12:08 PM
Off to school for me. I am going to be smart.A change is as good as a rest.

04-19-2007, 12:10 PM
Off to school for me. I am going to be smart.

Life is like a box of chocolates, for herbert harrison

04-19-2007, 12:13 PM
:cry: Still viewing...

04-19-2007, 12:15 PM
Just trying to save others some time. :smilie4:

Off to school for me. I am going to be smart.

That's quite interesting. You want to save others some time, by trying to undermine my character. :P

04-19-2007, 02:32 PM
*Keyword: try[ing]


04-19-2007, 02:39 PM
The Truth: is Nigel is on drugs. :dabs:

/fixed :P

04-19-2007, 06:03 PM
Then I think I better go and start new Thread on the Everything Related forum.. .. BFTFRPTTTH, which is short for "Better forget the fecking reputation points"

04-19-2007, 06:20 PM
Back to the truth, we are now going with in our thoughts to a time when the gravity was a lot weaker on Earth, than it is today.

First while I copy the images you will be seeing...I will get some coffee, which is not to be found in that great molecular cloud we just past on the right...

04-19-2007, 06:29 PM

oeps that one again..I think someone is trying to tell us something...:unsure:



we are now "homing" in our first place of destination, before the Moon was captured by the Earths gravity.




..phew..are you all still there, let me count, to be sure you all got through the neck of the womb.



this image is not so clear, yet, that's not my fault but yours. Soon your vision will sharpen and the obstructions will clear away and you will see. While that process is O-ccurring, I will grab some of that alcohol from Orion's nevel that I borrowed as we flew through it.

04-19-2007, 07:19 PM

our starting point.

If you look carefully. you can see exactly the longitude and latitude, then it's a piece of cake, to find it with Google local or better still. Google Earth. you can get it here. http://earth.google.com/ .it would be a handy tool to posses in the "Bar-do" It will give you wings so to speak...

04-20-2007, 12:22 PM
Even in heaven there are times to reflect, grab some beer or a spliff during the commercials.. this is for those moons. remember, we have not yet reached Trinity.

One night a man had a dream.
He dreamed he was walking along
the beach with the Lord.

Across the dark sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene, he noticed
two sets of footprints in the sand,
one belonging to him and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life
there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the
very lowest and saddest times in his life.
This bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it.

"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life there is
only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when I needed you most
you would leave me."

The Lord replied "My precious, precious child,
I love you and would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints in the sand,
it was then that I carried you.


04-20-2007, 01:48 PM
Now I don't know if it was quoted by "anon" or a non, but the harder stuff, is approaching rapidilily http://www.mensap2p.com//Rafi/FreeLans/20070418/Afb018.jpg and time is running out.:yup:

As, an image says as ever a thousand words, and time is running out, a new image is what is called for.


04-20-2007, 01:58 PM

From space it looks similar to this now for me, in fact I can see already that little blue and white jewel, You call Earth...

Tigers should be able to see Me now, and will feel concerned.


..No time to spare..was that Alice in Wonderland? Or someone singing carols at Christmas?

04-20-2007, 04:09 PM
It's nearly time for the Absolute Truth. So Re-member what I have shown you; and also, this, that I will be there to help you, my name is Imagine.


A glimpse of Trinity one day for Union just before you,



The Vortex


..and wake up as a baby..... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v143/brendastarr/IMG_2144.jpg :wub::wub::wub:

Subscribe now to, "Your Personal Reincarnation Thread" coming soon ( In 42 days)

04-21-2007, 12:39 PM
The Truth ends here. What follows is the Realm Of The Hungry Ghosts... I suggest you get yourself prepared for what follows...it's going to be a bumpy ride, uc.

04-21-2007, 01:00 PM

and we shall be borrowing Dr. Who's Tardis too :-D

04-22-2007, 06:08 PM
truth be told i dont think i'll ever get a bitmeyv invite ...now im just telling the truth as see it but i still :lol: try

04-22-2007, 06:28 PM
You probably think, after my close encounter with RoXXy, that that question, would leave me without words?

Wrong again. The reason actually is you already have it. Unfortunately, due to your present position in time-well.... ask RoXXy, at this stage the source is also irrelevant. ( ask Spock)

You do need to do some Soul seeking then, weendan. Yes that should help. Ignore that no-good spammer thewizeard, he might try to encourage you to add him to your friends list..just remember what I mentioned to you , below.. not above .

04-22-2007, 06:47 PM
thank you ol wiseone some times i do need to look beyound my mortal setting ,,i get caught up in so easily at time i just need to get grounded

04-23-2007, 10:13 PM
At this stage signs of death should be increasing until it comes very close to you indeed. Similar to the way death deployed itself in the film, "Final Destination". The media will also be overflowing. Up until now it's been a "Far From My bed Show!" Things are about to change rapidly. Do not be concerned. You cannot be affected, as you are already, dead.

Ok the last instructions ...

In order to "die "well, with a feeling of joy and confidence, and to remain aware of the spiritual deity that's been dawning , it's essential to familiarize yourself with Holy Scriptures now. :yup:

Remember as you immerse yourself, not everything you read in books is true.

04-24-2007, 04:37 PM
Right, thanks to the input of brahbarossa, the next form we will be studying is the Dodecahedron, and it significance to us during Trinity.


04-25-2007, 12:03 PM
Today is a free day. If you have any nagging questions about mysteries you would like to have unravelled. or explained Then post them here.. Anything you like.. Remember the kids though, those sort of questions you can better ask me in PM. :D

04-27-2007, 10:43 PM
..back to business. :)

Fossils, are life forms of the future, not of the past. It would be far wiser to leave these future forms, in rest, their time has not arrived.

While this truth, sinks in...we, (us) we will unpeal one more layer of truth; leyers rather like an onion...

Erosion once more.. starts at the top, and works it's way downward as was mentioned earlier..

What now are ley lines and have they a connection to, and a similarity with the Nazca Lines?

Do Titans still live in what we now call Peru? Can you show me one using Google Earth, or Google Local?




05-02-2007, 03:32 PM
Years ago, as a young soul, I went looking for the truth. It was not encouraged by my family. Something seemed wrong with the truths the different churches were proclaiming.

Reaching the age of 33; due to negative circumstances, I found myself living in Antwerp. During my stay there, some strange coincident, brought me in contact with a member of the Belgium Royal family.
This contact was to reveal something about an interesting theft, that took place just before the war in Gent; and up until today has not been solved.

Out of the St. Bavo Cathedral on I believe, 10 April 1934 two panels were stolen from the most important Belgium Painting, known as drieluik Het Lam Gods by the brothers, Hubert (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubert_van_Eyck) and Jan van Eyck (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_van_Eyck)..

In a daring raid that unfortunate night, two of the panels were stolen. One of the panels was later recovered. Due to dishonest church members of the St. Bavo Catholic Church, the recovery of the panel the "Rechtvardige Rechters"was foiled and until today, the missing panel has officially not been recovered. A replica of the panel, is now in place. This is what it looks like. It is I Suppose meant to show the total cosmic and Earthly environment, regarding the adoration of the Lamb, who is Jesus. Look for yourself.



The information I received from that Belgium Prince could eventually lead to the discovery and recovery, of the original panel missing panel. We shall see.


05-06-2007, 11:40 AM
As some of what I mentioned earlier is now "coming to Pass" Kenya, where the the first glimpse of The Truth is now manifesting.. You will need to scroll up.

What is actually happening? In Space, a Red Dwarf Star, is rapidly approaching our Solar System, intent on ravage. As above so below. Now slowly these related truths will unroll as The Dwarf Star gets closer and closer to Earth, on it's journey around the focal point, our Sun. Last time passing, it left annihilation in its wake; but gave us our Moon, which was a problem for the forms gigantica living on Earth then. It might take it back again this passing.We shall have to prepare ourselves. This will necessitate a change of physical location, and well to South America, if you wish to survive the coming Trinity.

05-06-2007, 04:19 PM
As I said earlier I will mention it again. The Crane will not be on a high hill when it sounds it's call to it's young. However, it's young, will hear the call and reply. Now these words will actually become much clearer to you,later. Time is short, we need to awake from teh slumbers..wake soon, as I let you all sleep to long.

An almost impossible feat, is making time stand still. However there is a way, it's a little trick I learnt. A trick of the light.

First imagine a light. Any colour, now imagine it slowly settling upon the crown of your head. It's blue in colour now. Let it take on the form of a sickle. Below the sickle is a dish. The light now starts to revolve upon the dish in a clockwise fashion. Darkness now begins to gather at your foot soles. This darkness spreads upward, and fills your body with Black Light, this stay only for a short time and soon begins to flow out through the crown of your head. Now, here we go, the delaying tactics, the blue light, very slowly begins to gather strength and filter down right into your brain. This was filled with darkness. What happens now, the light meets the darkness and you should at this stage experience a blue flash, that spreads quickly through your body. It seals the flow of darkness entering your body. You might even experience the smell of something smoldering.

Now at this stage, it's important not to be distracted. Which is why I will leave a thought that will keep you occupied until I have made some coffee, grabbed my tobacco, and got back here in the Bridge of the Enterprise, or through the doors of the Tardis, whatever vehicle you decide to use, your choice.

Two vehicles stand now gleaming before you. A large one, another much smaller, but identical for the rest. I suggest you take the larger vehicle. As we are taking a short trip to Nazca, to inspect the tools and the servants. Then to a small but important village deep in dark unknown Jungles of Peru and Bolivia close to

Machu Picchu

and more important http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ollantaytambo


05-18-2007, 09:46 AM
Just to make things clear, what will be revealed to you is secret. At no time may you divulge secrets you learn in this thread to others who live outside of it .

Also, something else; any likeness to any living person, within the FileSharingTalk community or outside of it, in this thread, is fictitious, and might or might not, be purely coincidental and could also be a manifestation of synchronicity, as explained by C.G. Jong; who liked to throw coins, to find out what was really wrong with his patients. Often he had success...

All truths are positive and all lies are negative. This is well known by Politicians... and a certain mathematician. Politicians first tell all the lies they need to, to be voted into office. When in office they continue to lie. Mathematicians know how it works, two negatives make a positive and positives are truths..

This following the time proved and thus universal law, otherwise known as equation,

- x - = + (truth)


lies x lies = Truth

It's obvious then, all Tony Blair has to do is make sure the number of lies remain even in number. ( and add a few X X X X)He would be wise to take that mathematician into employment, who is also aware of Quantum Politics, to help make it all "un-happen", because after the *27 th some people could just start counting, and discover it's a prime number.

* although 27 is an unequal number, and appears ominous, it is divisible a number of times ( true an odd number of times too,... but we can get round that using a little geometry and algebra)

Moving forward as time is rapidly running out, and there is much to be done in the little time we have left..More truth coming very soon...later today, to be precise ..also keep an eye on CNN for news of the coming Trinity.

05-18-2007, 10:18 AM
Would this be BT related...
:huh: :w00t:

05-18-2007, 10:25 AM
Would this be BT related...
:huh: :w00t:

Of course what happens here will have it's effect on the outside world :)

The Flood

We are looking for a new Noah.
Soon a flood will come that it will swamp even the highest peaks. The rainbow has lied to us... Which is why you should read this, carefully.
The waters of the Earth will be attracted to our Mother Star and try to reach out to touch and honour Her as She re--visits Her Child, your Sun. The Father is also approaching, arriving soon, as this will be a happy family re-union. This re-union is remembered deep within the Soul, where they rest as archetypes; and is also known as the Trinity.
There is one more member of the family arriving.
His number is 4 which is the last number.
Now, there is one more number to add, the first person to print this total, and the total, including their own own personal number, will receive something special. :)
This is the method to work out your own personal number (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/f-funny-stuff-11/t-t-koffieshop-dutch-109468/page2#post1991180)