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View Full Version : Sladinki007 Tracker Being Watched

04-13-2007, 08:12 AM
I have been downloading and uploading variety of stuff for years. I have never been slapped with a Copyright Infringement before. This weekend I got an email from my Cable High Speed Internet Service Provider that they received an email from NBC Universal indicating that I downloaded one of there movies (IDLEWILD) and made unauthorized copying and distribution constitutes copyright infringement under Section 106 of the U.S. Copyright Act. I just want to give everyone the HEADS UP and let you know to NOT DOWNLOAD FROM


I researched this through a variety of search engines and came to the conclusion that its happening to a LOT of people with the Sladinki007 Tracker. Its not just me. Do a Google search and Yahoo search of the tracker. Sladinki007 Infringement is what I looked up. PLEASE EVERYONE SPREAD THE WORD. I AM POSTING THIS IN DIFFERENT FORUMS ACROSS THE WEB.
Enclosed is a copy of the email that NBC (Universal Studios) Sent my ISP.

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please be advised that NBC Universal and/or its subsidiary and affiliated
companies (collectively, NBC Universal) are the owners of exclusive rights
protected under copyright law and other intellectual property rights in many
motion pictures and television programs, including the title(s) listed below
(the NBC Universal Properties). NBC Universal diligently enforces its rights in
its motion pictures.

It has come to our attention that Charter Communications is the service provider
for the IP address listed below, from which unauthorized copying and
distribution (downloading, uploading, file serving, file "swapping" or other
similar activities) of the NBC Universal Property or Properties listed below, or
portion(s) thereof, is taking place. We believe that the Internet access of the
user engaging in this infringement is provided by Charter Communications or a
downstream service provider who purchases this connectivity from Charter

This unauthorized copying and distribution constitutes copyright infringement
under Section 106 of the U.S. Copyright Act. Depending upon the type of service
Charter Communications is providing to this IP address, it may have legal and/or
equitable liability if it does not expeditiously remove or disable access to the
motion picture(s) listed below, or if it fails to implement a policy that
provides for termination of subscribers who are repeat infringers (see 17 U.S.C.

Despite the above, NBC Universal believes that the entire Internet community
benefits when these matters are resolved cooperatively. We urge you to take
immediate action to stop this infringing activity and inform us of the results
of your actions. We appreciate your efforts toward this common goal.

The undersigned has a good faith belief that use of the NBC Universal Property
or Properties in the manner described herein is not authorized by NBC Universal,
its agent or the law. The information contained in this notification is
accurate. Under penalty of perjury, the undersigned is authorized to act on
behalf of NBC Universal with respect to this matter.

Please be advised that this letter is not intended to be a complete statement of
the facts or law as they may pertain to this matter or of NBC Universal's
positions, rights or remedies, legal or equitable, all of which are specifically

Please send us a prompt response indicating the actions you have takento resolve
this matter, making sure to reference the Notice ID number above in your

mailto:[email protected]?subject=RE%3A%20DMCA%20Notification%20Notice%20ID%3A%2014%

If you do not wish to reply by email, please use our Web Interface by
clicking on the following link:

http://webreply.baytsp.com/webreply/webreply.jsp?customerid=14&commhash=5b79c8d4b4273821c509efd2f (http://webreply.baytsp.com/webreply/webreply.jsp?customerid=14&commhash=5b79c8d4681b427382185a7c509efd2f)

Note: If your email program has inserted line breaks into either the
email or web links above, you can copy and paste the entire link in to
you email program, or favorite web browser, respectively.

Have a great day everyone......

04-16-2007, 12:42 AM
Would be quite scary gettin that slapped throught your door.
What country are you from? America?

04-16-2007, 11:54 AM
Nice tip....will stay away from this tracker.

04-17-2007, 01:18 PM
Damn I use this tracker often . Thanks for the heads up ;)

04-17-2007, 02:05 PM
I'm from romania. Here the ISP's encourage you to download illegal material :w00t: