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View Full Version : Vista users tell me your experience!

04-14-2007, 02:36 PM
So I've seen some articles here with people using vista. How is it in your opinion guys?

I got a free retail version of Vista Ultimate from a microsoft rep that came to my college for a seminar and there was only one copy. (Lol!)
I'm also almost finished building my new system with all the best bells and whistles for DX10. Is it good enough to just have a vista install or
is it better to dual boot with XP?

Anyway, has anyone installed the 64bit one? any noticeable performance increases and etc?

peat moss
04-14-2007, 04:10 PM
It is worth trying but if you must have it , do a clean install . Come to your conclusions as I used a early RTM , I'll wait then try again . :)

04-14-2007, 04:16 PM
Well I meant formatting my hard drive and doing a clean install of XP and Vista to dual boot. Only if necessary though.

04-14-2007, 10:21 PM
It's got it's pros and cons, just make sure you have proper drivers available for all your hardware and whatnot. Right now I'm getting sound out of one speaker only which is getting annoying as fuck!!

04-14-2007, 11:06 PM
I installed a barebones vista release to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R., all the new stuff like Aero was disabled, but it didn't seem very special.

04-15-2007, 01:15 AM
i am using vista right now and i like it very much
for me its better than XP


04-15-2007, 06:46 AM
gayer then xp

04-15-2007, 10:41 AM
Turned off all the gheyness, and switched to classic mode. It's OK :dabs:

04-15-2007, 11:39 AM
XP and vista , one core , one system with few techniques changes , As Barnarossa said , Vista , naked , with classic mode is okay to use .

04-15-2007, 02:26 PM
XP and vista , one core , one system with few techniques changes , As Barnarossa said , Vista , naked , with classic mode is okay to use .

:noes: :noes:

they r completely different mate its like the difference bet win2000 and winXP ;) u can't say they r just the same

04-15-2007, 02:58 PM
Wait for hardware and software to catch up otherwise you may have problems. I resorted back to XP because I can't stand it when things are not working or missing.

04-15-2007, 03:01 PM
i had them for about one month!!!now back to XP!!!w8 until you use them...

04-15-2007, 03:55 PM
Well if its hardware issues theres going to be none for me. I'm getting the AMD X2 6000+, 4GB DDR2 800, and 8800GTS superclocked. But I just want to know from user experience OVERALL if they had a lot of bad issues with drivers and software they used back in XP.

04-15-2007, 04:16 PM
i didn't have any drivers issues and about software all popular softwares have vista version now

peat moss
04-15-2007, 10:38 PM
i didn't have any drivers issues and about software all popular softwares have vista version now

I call BS . There's quite a few programs that I like , that still don't work . :(

Lets just say it's a work in fucking progress ? :whistling


This ones better : http://kb.wisc.edu/helpdesk/page.php?id=5175

04-15-2007, 11:39 PM
I work at staples..my experience is that its slow..and stupid. I dont like it at all.

04-16-2007, 02:05 AM
I've been running it for a couple of months. I ran the beta1, but got so frustrated by poor gfx drivers and irritating security stuff and poor software and driver support that i went back to xp.

Now that I am running Ultimate final, I can say that while it certainly is not done, it is very usable. my main priorities from a multimedia pov were to make sure that I could use AC3Filter to upconvert all my music to ac3 5.1 for decoding by my reciever. That works flawlessly (well the same flaws as xp, lol). The gaming support has greatly improved imho, and games are certainly playable. Actually, my first major problem occured today, when I tried to actually do some work and print something. My printer is networked to a downstairs xp pc, and connecting to it will give a stupid out of memory error. The workaround is not at all obvious, and not really documented, so that was a rather large downfall.

But overall, it runs smoothly with my 7800gt, X2 3800+, and 1gig of ram. Aero looks pretty, and more importantly, doesn't get annoying like many bells and whistles.

04-16-2007, 02:11 AM
maybe underneath XP and Vista are different... but on the surface... they are the same... Vista is just sexier and more or less confusing, depending on the way you look at it. I would install Vista, just because its nicer and if you CAN run it, then why not?

as for compatibilty, ive had no problems whats so ever, other than the force feedback on my Formula Force GP steering wheel not working, and thats because Logitech hasnt released a Vista driver yet

btw: im on Ultimate 32-bit.... AthlonX2 4800+, 2x 7900GTX in SLi and 2GB ddr memory

04-16-2007, 04:10 AM
Oh yeah I guess it would be nice for people to put down their specs AND what they use their computers for. I'm mostly going to be using it for gaming and encoding movies I guess.

04-16-2007, 06:06 AM
I'm mostly going to be using it for gaming and encoding movies I guess.

From what I've read on other forums, vista gaming performance is near piss poor for most people even though they have high end rigs. Others have had good luck with it, so all you can do is try it and see what happens.

04-16-2007, 08:01 AM
I have vista installed on my laptop (dell inspirion 6000d w x300 gfx) and it works fine but does seem more slugish than XP considering its a 2.13 pentium M, it has an experience index of 3.5, with the processor being the bottleneck

My biggest compliant is that my battery is old so it doesn't accurately gauge the remaining charge and vista goes into sleep mode even though the battery still last another half hour. XP had an option to do nothing when the battery got low and vista only has sleep, hibernate, and shutdown.

I only use the laptop for web surfing and viewing movies so it seems fine, but I wouldn't install vista on my desktop which i use for gaming and video encoding.

04-16-2007, 01:44 PM
I'm mostly going to be using it for gaming and encoding movies I guess.

From what I've read on other forums, vista gaming performance is near piss poor for most people even though they have high end rigs. Others have had good luck with it, so all you can do is try it and see what happens.

hmm... i've pretty much ditched my computer gaming since i got my 360... but i did notice a performance difference in games... but im sure thats because the Vista driver do not support SLi for any GPUs other than the GF8 yet ... and right now, the $600 i spent on one of my 7900GTXs is pretty much going to waste...

04-16-2007, 02:50 PM
vista is just a nice upgrade off xp nothing more an nothing less.
some minor things like playing games like battlefield 2142 not gona happen (jet) and my network card ceeps on crashing under vista

04-16-2007, 03:07 PM
and my network card ceeps on crashing under vista

hey... same with me every once in a while! :angry:

04-16-2007, 10:06 PM
and my network card ceeps on crashing under vista

hey... same with me every once in a while! :angry:

Whats the make of your NICS?

04-16-2007, 10:46 PM
Vista is the biggest bullshit ever made, it looks gay, the side bar on the right is only helpful with 16/9 screens cause with normal ones it just takes needed space, everything u do u need to confirm, no way to skip that, security not that much better than XP, maybe even worse, a lot of games don't work on it so u either have to get patches or live with it (and if the games are fake u can't get the patches to work correctly and no cracked patches are released cause supposadly the scene is boycotting vista). Overall, it's shit. Good thing I installed it on my other HD and tried it before updating from XP, couldn't live with having to use it :o

04-17-2007, 12:19 AM
hey... same with me every once in a while! :angry:

Whats the make of your NICS?

D-link extreme something mobobber... dont want to check right now... dlink extremeG i think it is... with latest driver that windows update provided me.

Vista is the biggest bullshit ever made, it looks gay,

woah dude... its pretty nice... nicer than OS X

the side bar on the right is only helpful with 16/9

very true... dual monitors are good... :D

everything u do u need to confirm, no way to skip that

umm.... ya you can... turn off User Account Control... i did... :)

a lot of games don't work on it so u either have to get patches or live with it (and if the games are fake u can't get the patches to work correctly and no cracked patches are released cause supposadly the scene is boycotting vista).

what are you talking about? I'm a hardcore gamer and have 34 games installed rite now... all cracked and working fine... get your facts straight dude... maybe really really really really old games... the oldest games i have installed are CS and the orginal UT and those work fine :blink:

mr. nails
04-17-2007, 04:42 AM
i've been running vista ultimate 64 for over 3 months now and it's perfect. games still lack in fps compared to xp, but that will get better. i've gotten ALL my programs to work and they work just as they did in xp. there are certain things xp had i miss and things that vista has over xp i like. that side bar u can disable. i leave it (24' WS LCD). meh, i just like seeing the widget for my cpu performance and the local temp when @ desktop. all-in-all, vista is still my default OS and i ONLY boot to xp when i wanna game. i think the only prog that does not work is peerguardian 2. awaiting the rc1 on that one, but my kaspersky pretty much takes care of what peerguardian did anywho. ccleaner works, but needs updated BADLY! my pc is mainly used for movies, anime, & world of warcraft. no complaints. amd939 3500, 2gb ram, 6800gtoc.

04-17-2007, 03:03 PM
By the way guys. I installed it already and I have to say.. its pretty good and I'm learning how to use the new interface. Here is my config:

EVGA Nforce 590 AM2 SLI motherboard
AMD X2 6000+
2x(2x1) G.skill 4-4-4-12 Ram
Nvidia 8800GTS superclocked

Lets keep up the user experience stories for other people!

i've been running vista ultimate 64 for over 3 months now and it's perfect. games still lack in fps compared to xp, but that will get better. i've gotten ALL my programs to work and they work just as they did in xp. there are certain things xp had i miss and things that vista has over xp i like. that side bar u can disable. i leave it (24' WS LCD). meh, i just like seeing the widget for my cpu performance and the local temp when @ desktop. all-in-all, vista is still my default OS and i ONLY boot to xp when i wanna game. i think the only prog that does not work is peerguardian 2. awaiting the rc1 on that one, but my kaspersky pretty much takes care of what peerguardian did anywho. ccleaner works, but needs updated BADLY! my pc is mainly used for movies, anime, & world of warcraft. no complaints. amd939 3500, 2gb ram, 6800gtoc.

Peerguardian works for me. The forums said it works for Vista except for blocking HTTP doesn't work I believe.

04-17-2007, 07:04 PM
game crashes cuz it uses too much ram

04-18-2007, 12:23 AM
By the way guys. I installed it already and I have to say.. its pretty good and I'm learning how to use the new interface. Here is my config:

EVGA Nforce 590 AM2 SLI motherboard
AMD X2 6000+
2x(2x1) G.skill 4-4-4-12 Ram
Nvidia 8800GTS superclocked

NICE MAN!!! how much did you spend on that?

04-18-2007, 03:02 AM
Lol.. I spent about 1.5k along with some other parts I didn't mention.

Edit: Just as a warning for you guys. 32bit windows doesn't register 4GB ram if you have 4GB except for windows server 2003. So if you guys want to use the full 4GB ram, you gotta make the switch to 64bit. As for me. I can make do without the 1gb of ram since support will have to go to 64bit sooner or later.

04-19-2007, 12:44 AM
Lol.. I spent about 1.5k along with some other parts I didn't mention.

Only? wow... times change... when i made my super computer 2 octobers ago... i spent 4 GRAND! welll... i din... it was a present... so what i actually did was goto tigerdirect and sort by price and chose the most expensive one... then read bout it later. :cool:

09-11-2007, 10:23 AM
Vista is the biggest bullshit ever made, it looks gay, the side bar on the right is only helpful with 16/9 screens cause with normal ones it just takes needed space, everything u do u need to confirm, no way to skip that, security not that much better than XP, maybe even worse, a lot of games don't work on it so u either have to get patches or live with it (and if the games are fake u can't get the patches to work correctly and no cracked patches are released cause supposadly the scene is boycotting vista). Overall, it's shit. Good thing I installed it on my other HD and tried it before updating from XP, couldn't live with having to use it :o
thats why i got two 19"widescreens.
just turn off confirming thingy
games is still gay under vista

but in the end i still do like vista :rolleyes:

09-11-2007, 02:07 PM
I Love Vista
The only issue I had was getting the game Call of Duty 2 to work, but I got it working
everything else I have installed has worked fine.
just make sure you get all the updates as they come out.

09-11-2007, 02:57 PM
I tried Vista for about a week and I switch back to XP. My conclusions about Vista, it's a hungry resources OS. Aero is the only things great about Vista. I can live without Aero atm.

Those ppls who like Vista becos it's new. No one ever stated the pros of using Vista.

I don't see a reason why switch to Vista when XP is still usable.

09-11-2007, 05:29 PM
disable search indexer, system raper. set to merely the startmenu.
Also defragmentation is set to auto, disable to manual
tweak the fuck out of it and it does wonders.

uac is astoundingly mindboggling.

yeah vista has a lot of issues, but some virtues.

09-11-2007, 09:40 PM
Best tip I could give you regarding Windows Vista would be to switch back to Windows XP until they release Service Pack 1

09-11-2007, 10:12 PM
Best tip I could give you regarding Windows Vista would be to switch back to Windows XP until they release Service Pack 1Why? A little detail here would go a long way.

09-13-2007, 09:22 AM
I used to use GoBack to protect my XP, and now return to AyRecovery to protect my Vista, since goback does not support Vista, everything went well so far

09-14-2007, 02:56 AM
Vista runs perfect through bootcamp on my mac, but it wouldn't install on my girlfriends six month old laptop, which was a real drag because that's why I got it.
I think I like XP more but Vista is just so flashy.