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View Full Version : Sick Of Having Your Dl Cancelled?

06-04-2003, 12:45 AM
If you're not sharing, then WTF are you doing on a P2P Filesharing Program....The operative word being FILESHARING?!?! I am sick and tired of having my dl's cancelled when I offer over a quarter of my measily 40GB for you all to share files off me! I've been trying to dl Finding Nemo for almost 3 days now on a cable modem!!! Every time I connect, my dl is cancelled, even when there's 5 or more sources!! This is straight up bullcrap! If you don't share your files, you are negating the entire purpose of Kazaa. Damned greedy bastards. That's alright though....this is Amerikkka, afterall.....LAND OF THE GREEDY PIGS, why should I have even thought the majority of the people on Kazaa could be any better and rise above the greed? I thought that was the whole underlying point of P2P.....to fuck the machine back that fucks you in the ass on a daily basis, not to contribute to it and show how fucking assimilated & brainwashed you are!!! I should've known it was too much to hope that most people on Kazaa had superceded "the greed", but I guess I've had WAY too much faith in people's natures in general. When it comes down to it, the majority of Americans only think of themselves and can't see past the ends of their own snooty noses....You all are proud to be Americans.......I'M ASHAMED of our immoral greediness, and those of you who don't share your files and cancel dl's make me sick!

06-04-2003, 01:00 AM
damn those 23 thousand users named renee@kazaa, i'll show you yet!

BTW: I'm proud to be an American, so kiss my greedy southern ass biotch!

06-04-2003, 01:03 AM
]i just see if thay are shareing if thay are not i cancell there download and thereis a program you can use that filters out people who donot share it may be the rong link tell me if it is

06-04-2003, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by Tikibonbon@4 June 2003 - 01:00
BTW: I'm proud to be an American, so kiss my greedy southern ass biotch!
*clap clap clap* Good for you. And as for your "southern ass", I'm sure your mama and your sisters and your cousins have already had their share of that ass, so I'll pass. I never said I gave a shit about how ignorantly proud you are to be a brainwashed American, but I AM allowed to express my opinion, dickhead. If you're so DAMN PROUD, then respect MY RIGHT to freedom of speech, you inbred, uneducated, honky loser!

06-04-2003, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by bestoutof2@4 June 2003 - 01:03
]i just see if thay are shareing if thay are not i cancell there download and thereis a program you can use that filters out people who donot share it may be the rong link tell me if it is
Any idea where I can find that program? I don't see a link. Thanks! :)

06-04-2003, 01:24 AM
so, while i should respect your freedom of speech, you should just go and throw out stereotypes? Oh, and by the way i like your mom better, especially when her head is bouncing off my wall from the thrusts. plus the fact she really seems to like those filthy sanchezs i give her.

BTW: once again kiss my greedy southern ass, biotch

06-04-2003, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by Tikibonbon@4 June 2003 - 01:24
so, while i should respect your freedom of speech, you should just go and throw out stereotypes? Oh, and by the way i like your mom better, especially when her head is bouncing off my wall from the thrusts. plus the fact she really seems to like those filthy sanchezs i give her.

BTW: once again kiss my greedy southern ass, biotch
BTW: once again, get an education and learn to talk like us "civilized folk" or shut the hell up. About my mom...very old school dude. My mom would break you anyway, bitch... and you are not offending anyone, just showing your inferior mentality. As for stereotypes, look up the definition....I didn't group all americans...I said most...and that is a fact. If you really were properly educated, you would know that greed rules this country. As for 'southern' stereotypes, you were the one bragging about it like it's something to be proud of...which are you? An American or a Southerner? Make up your mind! I don't go around telling people to kiss my northern ass..lol!!! So, if you're proud of that and advertise it, maybe you deserve to be grouped in with the other southern retards who think it's soooo cool to be a southerner...get a life! And...I'm more proud to be God's child, not America's. So, you keep your greed....and you can also keep your ride straight to Hell when you die.

06-04-2003, 01:44 AM
ok, we can be educated about this. please show me the case studies stating that stereotypes are true, and please don't put up links to white power pages. and since you bring up the bible, might i add that 2/3 of the world is muslim. if you shield yourself behind the bible you have other issues as well.
god tells you that the jews are god's chosen people. not baptists, methodists, pentacostles, ect. are you a jew? also if you pay attention to what you read, you will notice he also says that if the return of christ happened today, YOU would not be saved. i do believe that the bible states that he would save 12,000 members of each of the 12 tribes of isreal. are you a member of the 12 tribes of isreal. sorry i find it hard to believe in someone who basically tells me i am nothing to him.

06-04-2003, 01:54 AM
Ok....I didn't say stereotypes were true, I simply said to look up the definition....put simply, it means applying one trait to an entire group of people. Again, I said MOST....not all. Of course there are Americans who can rise above the greed, but they are few and far between...and those few certainly are not the ones in charge in this country....it is the greedy who rule! Know anything about the top 1% that rules this country? Do you think for two seconds that those greedy bastards have your best interests at heart? Of course they don't! It would be silly of any of us to think so. As for the religion thing...I said I believe in God, I did not say I believe in any modern religion. I didn't put the Bible up against anything....reread my post. Just because I said God does not mean I meant Christianity or the Bible. Now, as for the white power bullshit, I think that's more your arena, being a proud southerner and all. What exactly are you proud of? Slavery? Segregation? Mississippi Burning? The little girls who died in Birmingham? The assassination of MLK J.R.? Seceeding from the Union? The entire Civil War? The KKK? What has the "South" done to deserve your respect and pride?!?

06-04-2003, 02:05 AM
so the northern sates have had nothing but roses coming out of their asses?
damn love all those crack whores in the new england area. and about that civil war deal, if you would do a little research on the subject and not read the history books at school, you would see it was not about the south wanting slaves and the north not, might i remind you that the north WAS NOT slave free. You might find out that the south wanting to increase its voting power wanted to give blacks the right to vote, albeit they would only count as 2/3 of a vote. the north i fear of the power this would give the south would have nothing to do with it. and if you don't believe me that the north wasn't the most welcoming of places for blacks, why don't you read some of richard wrights books on the subject. and since you talk about all these actrocities of the past you are assuming that all white southerners are proud of them, and hear i thought that was feeding the stereo types. what has the north done the deserve your respect and pride?

06-04-2003, 02:09 AM
angellynn26, u can dl as much as u want im netbizkit@Kazaa. so can u Tikibonbon because i dont care. it doesnt take up bandwith (im runnig dsl) i might underderstand if u had dail-up, but if u dont live in the sticks MOST people have dsl.

also jews muslims and christians all belive in the same "god". and back in the day (long ass time ago)(i think correct me if im wrong) the only people that belived in god were jews and muslims.

06-04-2003, 02:13 AM
actually it's more like only 30% max currently have broadband, also muslins believe in allah not god, interesting bit of data, if it were not for muslims, christianity would not exist. the to were similar enough that the muslims did not eradicate them during their holy wars. they also allowed the christians to use their temples.

06-04-2003, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by Tikibonbon@4 June 2003 - 02:05
so the northern sates have had nothing but roses coming out of their asses?
damn love all those crack whores in the new england area. and about that civil war deal, if you would do a little research on the subject and not read the history books at school, you would see it was not about the south wanting slaves and the north not, might i remind you that the north WAS NOT slave free. You might find out that the south wanting to increase its voting power wanted to give blacks the right to vote, albeit they would only count as 2/3 of a vote. the north i fear of the power this would give the south would have nothing to do with it. and if you don't believe me that the north wasn't the most welcoming of places for blacks, why don't you read some of richard wrights books on the subject. and since you talk about all these actrocities of the past you are assuming that all white southerners are proud of them, and hear i thought that was feeding the stereo types. what has the north done the deserve your respect and pride?
Well, you don't have your facts straight, first of all. The southern states didn't want blacks to vote, they wanted their slaves to be counted as 2/3 of a person!!!! That way, the southern states would have a bigger population, giving them more representatives in the House. It had absolutely nothing to do with giving blacks the right to vote!!! Ever heard of Jim Crow laws? Being from the South you should be very familiar with them! They were designed specifically to prevent blacks from voting...duh! Furthermore, the Civil War had everything to do with power, not freeing slaves....I'm well aware of that! Freeing the slaves was an 'afterthought' designed by Lincoln to really get the South's goat during Reconstruction. It was just to piss them off. BTW, before you go there, yes I'm aware Lincoln owned slaves too! As for the north being "slave free", they were considered free states well before the Civil War. They still treated blacks like dogs, but they did not enslave them....you need to check your facts again! AND...I never said I was proud of the North....stop adding words to mine! I actually said I'm ashamed to be an American...if that is true, then what love do I have for the North, answer, none b/c I don't give a crap, which was my WHOLE point. I brought up the southern issue because you seem to be so proud to be one, while at the same time spouting off about how proud you are to be an American! lol. Like I said before, which are you? An American or a Southerner? Last time I checked, the South lost the Civil War and is still a part of the U.S., so why separate the two? THAT was my point. What is the purpose in making sure the world knows you're from the South? Who cares?!? If you can only respond by putting words in my mouth that I never said, then what is your point? Are you going to confront what I'm ACTUALLY saying or just make it up as you go along??

06-04-2003, 02:28 AM
BTW, that Muslim crap you posted is HILARIOUS!!! You shouldn't talk about what you don't know about! "Allah" is the same God as the Christians and Jews! Jews and Muslims have the SAME history up to the point of Abraham. Abraham and his wife were in their 70's and she had not bore him a child. God talked to Abraham and told him he would have a child. So, his wife offered her concubine to mother his child and he slept with her and had a son. That son is the father of the Islamic people. Afterwards, by some miracle, Abraham's wife gets pregnant and they have a son. That son is the father of the Jewish people. The Muslims claim that their father is the special child promised by God and the Jews claim that their father is that child because he was born with Abraham's wife, not concubine. As for Christianity, lol, you are really twisted. Jesus was a Jew, dude. Jesus converted the Jews, not the Muslims!! Do you get anything correct? Where do you get this f*cked up information from?

06-04-2003, 02:30 AM
umm, weren't like 9.5 out of 10 blacks in the south slaves? and why must i be familiar with the jim crowe laws? i'm not a racist. and if you are ashamed to be american, it's legal to renounce your citizenship, or there is canada just north of us. and im not putting words into your mouth, just responding to what you say. i suppose i should be standing up applauding you for your shameful fate of being an american. btw, having served in the military and gone to war for my country, i find that sickening. and should i cower in fear of someone finding out that i live in the south? hell no! i love the area in which i live. damn beautiful country.

06-04-2003, 02:38 AM
It's also legal for me to stand up for what I believe in and fight to change what's wrong in this country! Why must the answer always be to leave? And...if you at least graduated high school, you should know about Jim Crow laws! Apparently history isn't your forte. As far as fighting for this country....goodie for you. Your "sickness" doesn't affect me whatsoever. Neither you nor most every other soldier in our services can tell me that you joined the military solely to protect our freedoms and not for any personal gain in your own life. I wasn't born yesterday, so don't give me that crap. Furthermore, noone ever put a gun to your head and made you join. Lastly, it must suck to be a part of a military operation that is considered to be the biggest BULLY in the entire world! I believe in that as much as you believe in God! lol.

06-04-2003, 02:40 AM
umm, maybe you should go talk to some muslims dude, might learn something.

06-04-2003, 02:42 AM
well u know what will happen those user name u mentioned will just changede there user name now after reading this!! :lol: :lol:

06-04-2003, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by Tikibonbon@4 June 2003 - 02:40
umm, maybe you should go talk to some muslims dude, might learn something.

I'm done with you....you really are ignorant, and I don't have time to talk to idiots. You can reply with whatever you want, it won't bother me and I won't respond. Go back to school or something, but don't talk politics, religion, or history until you have. You know nothing and have replied with nothing but ignorant, unfounded, untrue, unproven responses.

06-04-2003, 02:45 AM
still haven't shown me any proof pendajo

06-04-2003, 02:54 AM
Originally posted by Tikibonbon@4 June 2003 - 02:45
still haven't shown me any proof pendajo
!Jodalo! y !Callate la boca! !Usted es un maleton y un pajero! !A tu mama le gusta que le dan candela por el culo de usted, tambien! Si usted maldice alguien en espanol, usted debe sabe por lo menos lo que usted hace! A proposito, usted necesita obtener una vida.

Arrepentido, pero, quise mostrar usted que usted es estupido.

!Ademas, yo no soy un hombre, hombre, yo soy una mujer! LOL Una mujer hicieron un tonto fuera de usted. !Espero que usted lo aprecie!

06-04-2003, 02:58 AM
thought you weren't coming back little man?

06-04-2003, 04:11 AM
Originally posted by angellynn26@3 June 2003 - 19:45
Every time I connect, my dl is cancelled, even when there's 5 or more sources!!

This message to be directed toward: [names removed to protect the idiots... I mean innocent] for continually cancelling my download...Chances are, the downloads actually STARTED, got a few KBs, then quit.
And the uploaders are blissfully unaware of the whole event -- they're not even cancelling the uploads!

Instead they have chat messages DISABLED and "Optimal Bandwidth While Idle" ENABLED.

Their connection is BADLY overloaded due to "Optimal Bandwidth While Idle" (or possibly unlimited upload bandwidth and 10+ max uploads allowed even when NOT Idle) --

It will allow NEW uploads to start, despite having 20+ going at once (not good on even a low-to-midrange DSL/Cable connection due to contention) and because they have 'popular' files or LOTS of files the number of new requests per second is KILLING OFF all the uploads already going -- thus giving each request a few KBs and then losing connection with them.

06-04-2003, 04:18 AM
Originally posted by angellynn26@4 June 2003 - 02:54
!Jodalo! y !Callate la boca!  !Usted es un maleton y un pajero!  !A tu mama le gusta que le dan candela por el culo de usted, tambien!  Si usted maldice alguien en espanol, usted debe sabe por lo menos lo que usted hace!  A proposito, usted necesita obtener una vida.

Arrepentido, pero, quise mostrar usted que usted es estupido.

!Ademas, yo no soy un hombre, hombre, yo soy una mujer!  LOL  Una mujer hicieron un tonto fuera de usted.  !Espero que usted lo aprecie!
Now that the moron is gone, I'll translate for those of you who come across this post. I won't translate the third sentence that starts with "A tu mama", because most anyone would consider it way too vulgar.

F*ck you and shut your mouth! You are a son of a bitch and a jerk-off. If you curse someone in spanish, you should at least know what you are doing. By the way, you need to get a life.

Sorry, but, I wanted to show you that you are stupid.

In addition, I am not a man, man, I am a woman! LOL A woman made a fool out of you! I hope you liked it!

If you are going to cuss someone out in spanish, know what you are doing and at least spell it right! Pendajo isn't a word....pendejo is and it means 'idiot', not asshole like most people think. If you want to call someone an asshole, try: el de atras or rulacho. "Rulacho" is mexican slang for asshole and translates literally into English. El de atras literally means: the thing in your bottom.

06-04-2003, 04:20 AM
why does the spinal tap song, bitch school keep popping into my mind?

put me in my place calling me a son of a bitch and a jerk off, thought you were educated little man

06-04-2003, 04:45 AM
LOL...it's allllll good man. Would you like some more spanish? Oh, that's right....you couldn't respond until I TOLD you what I said...you had no clue! Who are you to talk about intelligence? Where'd yours go? Maybe that's why you hate God so much...when he was passing out brains, he must've forgotten to tell you about the meeting!

You can shut me off, but can you resist seeing what I post? Are you afraid? If you can't take the heat, don't start the fire!

06-04-2003, 04:50 AM
no, no, please continue, seems to me you are really getting off to this, gotta get your kicks anyway you can i quess.

06-04-2003, 04:50 AM
Quote from Switeck
[/QUOTE]Chances are, the downloads actually STARTED, got a few KBs, then quit.
And the uploaders are blissfully unaware of the whole event -- they're not even cancelling the uploads!

Instead they have chat messages DISABLED and "Optimal Bandwidth While Idle" ENABLED.

Their connection is BADLY overloaded due to "Optimal Bandwidth While Idle" (or possibly unlimited upload bandwidth and 10+ max uploads allowed even when NOT Idle) --

It will allow NEW uploads to start, despite having 20+ going at once (not good on even a low-to-midrange DSL/Cable connection due to contention) and because they have 'popular' files or LOTS of files the number of new requests per second is KILLING OFF all the uploads already going -- thus giving each request a few KBs and then losing connection with them. [/QUOTE]

Hey...I never thought about that, thanks. I will remove their names from the post then just in case it is a mistake. I would hate to hurt someone that didn't deserve it...

06-04-2003, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by SERIAL KILLER@4 June 2003 - 08:45
Who asked you?!? :swear:

If you have nothing to contribute, why bother?

06-04-2003, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by angellynn26+4 June 2003 - 09:00--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (angellynn26 @ 4 June 2003 - 09:00)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--SERIAL KILLER@4 June 2003 - 08:45
Who asked you?&#33;? :swear:

If you have nothing to contribute, why bother? [/b][/quote]
Looks like somebody has a attitude problem....prehaps anger management classes lol..... :lol: :lol: ....This is sure a fun chat .....

06-04-2003, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by DarkBlizzard+4 June 2003 - 09:05--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DarkBlizzard @ 4 June 2003 - 09:05)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -angellynn26@4 June 2003 - 09:00
<!--QuoteBegin--SERIAL KILLER@4 June 2003 - 08:45
Who asked you?&#33;? :swear:

If you have nothing to contribute, why bother?
Looks like somebody has a attitude problem....prehaps anger management classes lol..... :lol: :lol: ....This is sure a fun chat ..... [/b][/quote]
Looks like you&#39;re trying to instigate a fight... I&#39;m too tired right now, maybe some other day&#33; lol

06-04-2003, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by angellynn26+4 June 2003 - 09:15--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (angellynn26 @ 4 June 2003 - 09:15)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -DarkBlizzard@4 June 2003 - 09:05

Originally posted by -angellynn26@4 June 2003 - 09:00
<!--QuoteBegin--SERIAL KILLER@4 June 2003 - 08:45
Who asked you?&#33;? :swear:

If you have nothing to contribute, why bother?
Looks like somebody has a attitude problem....prehaps anger management classes lol..... :lol: :lol: ....This is sure a fun chat .....
Looks like you&#39;re trying to instigate a fight... I&#39;m too tired right now, maybe some other day&#33; lol [/b][/quote]
...look at that......i turn a fight into a joke :lol: :lol: People sure act different when they are sleepy... :rolleyes: ....look at my sig&#33;

06-04-2003, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by DarkBlizzard@4 June 2003 - 09:17
...look at that......i turn a fight into a joke :lol: :lol: People sure act different when they are sleepy... :rolleyes: ....look at my sig&#33;
lol...I&#39;m an instigator...seems you are the same. Maybe we can have a fight someday... :lol: :lol: :P

If you ever start one with me, just know I don&#39;t take any of it personally....it&#39;s all fun and games to me :rolleyes:

06-04-2003, 09:23 AM
I&#39;ll be sure to piss you off as often as possible... :)

06-04-2003, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by DarkBlizzard@4 June 2003 - 09:23
I&#39;ll be sure to piss you off as often as possible... :)
LOL I&#39;ll be sure to have fun with it&#33; :lol: :P :lol:

I&#39;m heading to law school, and arguing comes naturally to me...can&#39;t help myself...

06-04-2003, 09:27 AM
ahh&#33; I cant keep up with writing stuff....im talking in like 10 topics...

06-04-2003, 09:29 AM
Well, it&#39;s bedtime for me newayz....

I&#39;m sure we&#39;ll be fighting in no time&#33; lol lol lol

:lol: :D :lol: ;)

06-04-2003, 09:31 AM
its 4:15 AM here.....ive been up for a while.... :) ....ok well i dont think we&#39;re supposed to chat like this in this section....thats for in the lounge

06-04-2003, 11:00 AM
errr by the way guy&#39;s/gals it&#39;s not just the poor old Americans that don&#39;t share. it&#39;s universal &#33; i come from down under and it&#39;s just the same here.
m8t :D

06-04-2003, 12:38 PM
This is off-topic, but all the arguments about Christian, Jews and Muslim catches my attention. I&#39;m a free-thinker, and I&#39;m not into religion, just very curious about the topics on: they are from the same believe (initially), whats the holy war about and its consequence on both religions.

Anyone can recommand any websites that deals with the topics I&#39;d mentioned above? Btw, pls don&#39;t ask me to read bible.

Sorry to side track from the topic, anyway &#39;cancel dl&#39; action may also due to Supernode jumping, a method which I employed sometimes, in hope for finding some source to download for the rare files which sit idling in my sharefolder for months.

Other time when theres only 1 uploading, the upload speed can read 1.07K which I don&#39;t understand as my upload Bandwidth is 256K, and after a while it just &#39;abort&#39;, which the user may see as &#39;cancel&#39;.

06-04-2003, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by m8t+4 June 2003 - 06:00--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (m8t @ 4 June 2003 - 06:00)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>:D
errr by the way guy&#39;s/gals it&#39;s not just the poor old Americans that don&#39;t share. it&#39;s universal &#33; i come from down under and it&#39;s just the same here.
m8t :D[/b]In Australia, there are ISPs which limit users to 5 GB of bandwidth a month or less...
They either leech or may end up with a bandwidth bill that looks like they&#39;re buying a new computer.<!--QuoteBegin--tyk@4 June 2003 - 07:38
Sorry to side track from the topic, anyway &#39;cancel dl&#39; action may also due to Supernode jumping, a method which I employed sometimes, in hope for finding some source to download for the rare files which sit idling in my sharefolder for months.

Other time when theres only 1 uploading, the upload speed can read 1.07K which I don&#39;t understand as my upload Bandwidth is 256K, and after a while it just &#39;abort&#39;, which the user may see as &#39;cancel&#39;.[/quote]If you cancel an upload -- they see "need more sources", "searching", or it may even continue downloading if other sources are sending that file to them.

On your end, a spontaneously failed upload shows up as "aborted" while one you cancelled shows up as "cancelled" -- however REDUCING your max uploads will cancel the current uploads if there&#39;s too many going. This is why people who&#39;ve run &#39;optimal bandwidth while idle&#39; see whole screens of cancelled uploads... and one of the many reasons why I HATE it.

If an upload is running slow for your connection and next-to-nothing else is going on -- it&#39;s probably a problem on the other end.