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View Full Version : Deleted a partition

04-22-2007, 12:37 PM

When I got my computer it was partitioned with 20GB put to one side for 'essential' programs. This was a good few years ago now and all these so called essential programs were outdated and useless and had been for a while so I thought the 20GB of space would be more useful for storing my files etc. I assumed that by deleting the partitioned drive the space would move over to system C.

It didn't and now I dont know where this 20GB is to be found.

Could anybody advise me please.

04-22-2007, 12:46 PM
You can use a program called partitin magic to add that extra 20 gigs to youre c drive. If you dont really care about that and you just want the 20 gigs back do theses steps.

1. Right click my computer.
2. left click on manage
3. double click disk management
you should see your hard drive. you will see your C:\ and somthing called unalicated disk space. Right ckick that and create partition.
After you create it format it.