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View Full Version : Concerns about new secret trackers

04-22-2007, 07:22 PM
So now we have all these cool new secret trackers, including ScN and RTS, which have evoked some of my concerns. I'm voicing my preliminary perceptions, which are parallel to those of many other FST users, so I've seen.

These trackers plead for so much privacy and only top notch users with high upload capabilities. Well then, why hype it so much in the BitTorrent forum? It's understandable that you want to inform users about the great potential of your tracker, but once people are interested in it, you strike the majority of them down from obtaining invites. Many users have pointed out that this raises the suspicion that this tracker was created only to try to get 5 stars in the WIAW thread.

Staff have apparently warned against any and all invite trading of these secret sites. That's excellent in terms of recruiting only great sharers, but why must you go parading around the BT Invites forum telling users not to trade them? The BT Invites forum is a trading spot for traders to trade invites for all assorted trackers, except for trackers that have specific invite deals with FST (periodically giving out invites in return for FST helping catch account traders). Do these new secret trackers have deals with FST? If not, then you should leave the forbidding of invite trading to your tracker. Meaning, if you catch any traders, then disable them in your tracker. Outside of your tracker, in these public forums, people can do whatever they want as long as it's in agreement with these forums' admins. I understand that you may be trying to warn these users, but why make these premature threats that "If" these traders get into your site, they'll be disabled? I know that you staff of these secret trackers are elite traders on FST. So know you can empathize with other tracker staff, but I find it extremely hypocritical that you can only impose these rules about your tracker after you've finished being such huge traders.

A note to all of you speculating about these trackers: You logically can't. You have to see how it actually plays out, not emptily predicting based on subjective information given to you from tracker insiders.

With that being said, I'd like to wish all the best to these trackers, and I hope that you outlive my perception of some of your faulty logistical tactics.

04-22-2007, 07:28 PM
which tracker is ScN?

04-22-2007, 07:30 PM
You got the point,
but all that typing was for nothing, noone will change his mind.

04-22-2007, 07:32 PM
scn never hyped it in BT forum, it was kept quiet, users hyped on their own.

04-22-2007, 07:34 PM
You got the point

this thread doesn't really have a point

04-22-2007, 07:37 PM
Actually, it does. I'm giving you my opinion of your marketing tactics. You may or may not agree, but I nevertheless enjoy voicing my opinion.

007: I agree, most of this thread, especially the hyping portion, is aimed at one tracker over the other. You may easily guess which one it is.

04-22-2007, 07:39 PM
Actually, it does. I'm giving you my opinion of your marketing tactics. You may or may not agree, but I nevertheless enjoy voicing my opinion.

do you preach every time a tracker that has potential opens?

04-22-2007, 07:40 PM
havnt seen many if not any topics on scn open by staff. RTS has over done it with thread after thread of crap. RTS has is one of the most desperate trackers i have ever seen, 90% of their staff have opened topics begging for users, its really quite a shame that its come to that, but i wouldnt be surprised if Rts was another ScP, on that note donate if you want but i wouldnt until i knew the tracker was there to stay.


FTN & SCT & TL all you will ever need.

my 2 cents

04-22-2007, 07:41 PM
Well I think it makes a point when the person who hyped up the other tracker by posting a Informative thread about the tracker is acctually a staff member on the tracker they promoted lmao

Call it conflict of interest if you will.
I personally would rather have a site rated/reviewed by actual users instead of by the sites own staff.

BTW I have nothing against either of the sites mentioned in this thread. In fact I left a few positive comments in the other threads about each site.

04-22-2007, 07:42 PM
do you preach every time a tracker that has potential opens?

Heavens, no. I'd be full of myself if I did that. (Of course, not too many trackers hype themselves that much ... mostly just ScP and RTS.) I don't recall saying that your tracker has potential, however.

04-22-2007, 07:58 PM
you can't tell how good a tracker is until a couple of months have passed anyway, the secret trackers know they need a big push to get them going to begin with. @ shadowfire you said
parading around the BT Invites forum telling users not to trade them?

i have'nt seen this can you post a link to that? and you can't make people not trade, you can only try to stop it by...well you know. :lol:

04-22-2007, 08:04 PM


Knock yourself out.

Something Else
04-22-2007, 08:23 PM
I agree about the over-hype but I guess they need actual users in the end..

04-22-2007, 08:25 PM
Yeah they do. When will the regular users without 100mb servers be able to get in.

Something Else
04-22-2007, 08:27 PM
or even crappy leeware users....???

04-22-2007, 08:39 PM
Yeah they do. When will the regular users without 100mb servers be able to get in.

I am guessing they will do it once they find some uploaders that have access and fixs there code. :rolleyes:


04-22-2007, 08:39 PM
What is the WIAW thread?

04-22-2007, 08:41 PM
What is the WIAW thread?

What Invites Are Worth. You need to be able to access the invite section to read it.

Friendly Fire
04-22-2007, 09:52 PM
Staff have apparently warned against any and all invite trading of these secret sites. That's excellent in terms of recruiting only great sharers, but why must you go parading around the BT Invites forum telling users not to trade them? The BT Invites forum is a trading spot for traders to trade invites for all assorted trackers

The paradox is so evident. Most, if not all, of the recruiting was made in the invite forum. Staff and users are mostly traders. Asking them not to trade invites is kind of surreal. Just like that thread when someone was trying to trade the other rts (if you believe him). What makes anyone think that these users wont jump ship as soon as somebody offers them sct or ftn? Or the site eventually doesnt live up to expectations.

I dont doubt that this might become a very good tracker. But the starting premisses are all wrong. The speed issue, the userbase selection, the over-hyping. It really looks like it's aimed at something other than making a great tracker. All seems so artificial. Looks truely built for the WIAW, which is the worst indication possible. I really hope i'm wrong.

04-22-2007, 09:57 PM
But the starting premisses are all wrong. The speed issue, the userbase selection, the over-hyping. It really looks like it's aimed at something other than making a great tracker. Looks truely built for the WIAW, which is the worst indication possible.

kinda true

lets see what future brings

04-22-2007, 10:10 PM
Most of this hyping is a direct result of the egoistical nature of the site's admins, who believe that parading around some screen shots will yield them instant respect. The sites do not want to labor and toil to achieve what ScT/FT* has, they believe they will be successful by default. Sadly, the masses follow this skewed notion by the amount of "Need RST" threads seen lately. As I have said before, the over hyping of trackers by admins causes them to die a rather quick and painful death, soon to be forgotten by all. (ScP anyone?)

04-22-2007, 10:19 PM
Why worry about a site rank. The hole Ranking system that is used here is Point less anyways.

When starting a new site the last thing you should worry about is how the site will rank to some on FST. You should worry about getting members working out all the holes on that site as i have been told there is many and seen 1 first hand. Worry about how you will pay for the servers how will you take in donations to pay for these servers. The stupid ranking system should be last on there minds.

Also the other big joke is the fact that the staff of this site are big time account and invite traders, and yet they say they will ban anyone that trades there invites or trades there accounts. What a huge joke.

Also something i did was a whois on there url and got some other info. All you guys if you were smart would check this out before ever signing up at this site. For the ones that dont know its hosted in Dallas Texas. Yes thats right its hosted in the the USA, not to damn bright.

So far this site wont make it 2 months with the way they are going about it. Such a shame.


04-22-2007, 10:23 PM
Hosted in the USA and advertised so blatantly? All the MPAA/RIAA has to do is type in "running the scene", lo and behold the 4th result is a nice description of the site [from this very forum] with key information. RTS makes the MPAA's job just too easy.

04-22-2007, 10:27 PM
Hosted in the USA and advertised so blatantly? All the MPAA/RIAA has to do is type in "running the scene", lo and behold the 4th result is a nice description of the site [from this very forum] with key information. RTS makes the MPAA's job just too easy.

Yep if they were smart they would block search bots and add some meta tags and to top it off hide there faqs/rules page from out side members, if they want to make it so hidden. make them read the faqs and rules after they signup and login. have it set so they can not download untill they read them.


04-22-2007, 10:27 PM
Most of this hyping is a direct result of the egoistical nature of the site's admins, who believe that parading around some screen shots will yield them instant respect. The sites do not want to labor and toil to achieve what ScT/FT* has, they believe they will be successful by default. Sadly, the masses follow this skewed notion by the amount of "Need RST" threads seen lately. As I have said before, the over hyping of trackers by admins causes them to die a rather quick and painful death, soon to be forgotten by all. (ScP anyone?)Well, scp died because it was a big scam. But keeping a site too exclusive is always a bad thing. 5000 should be the minimum user limit for any tracker, and even that is pushing it, I think.:unsure: BTW this site is going, you might have 5000 users in the next 2000 years.

04-22-2007, 10:31 PM
Most of this hyping is a direct result of the egoistical nature of the site's admins, who believe that parading around some screen shots will yield them instant respect. The sites do not want to labor and toil to achieve what ScT/FT* has, they believe they will be successful by default. Sadly, the masses follow this skewed notion by the amount of "Need RST" threads seen lately. As I have said before, the over hyping of trackers by admins causes them to die a rather quick and painful death, soon to be forgotten by all. (ScP anyone?)Well, scp died because it was a big scam. But keeping a site too exclusive is always a bad thing. 5000 should be the minimum user limit for any tracker, and even that is pushing it, I think.:unsure: BTW this site is going, you might have 5000 users in the next 2000 years.

well thats not really true..

I have a buddy that has a torrent site and its well hidden, as 2000 members and no ratio. and you dont see it talked about anywhere as its dont by invites and different rules. maxs members is 2000 and speeds are great and pre times are with in sec.

It comes down to what kind of site you want. If you can keep it private and keep it to your buddys only dont really matter the member base.


04-22-2007, 10:33 PM
Well, scp died because it was a big scam. But keeping a site too exclusive is always a bad thing. 5000 should be the minimum user limit for any tracker, and even that is pushing it, I think.:unsure: BTW this site is going, you might have 5000 users in the next 2000 years.

well thats not really true..

I have a buddy that has a torrent site and its well hidden, as 2000 members and no ratio. and you dont see it talked about anywhere as its dont by invites and different rules. maxs members is 2000 and speeds are great and pre times are with in sec.

It comes down to what kind of site you want. If you can keep it private and keep it to your buddys only dont really matter the member base.

WildNo ratio? So it's a pure leech site?:huh:

04-22-2007, 10:36 PM
well thats not really true..

I have a buddy that has a torrent site and its well hidden, as 2000 members and no ratio. and you dont see it talked about anywhere as its dont by invites and different rules. maxs members is 2000 and speeds are great and pre times are with in sec.

It comes down to what kind of site you want. If you can keep it private and keep it to your buddys only dont really matter the member base.

WildNo ratio? So it's a pure leech site?:huh:

I think the point is that the members can be trusted to seed back what they leech, especially if it's a tight-knit place. Ratios can be obtrusive and there's no need if there's not hitting and running.

04-22-2007, 10:41 PM
i think that FTN is on the way to be a non-ratio site

Also something i did was a whois on there url and got some other info. All you guys if you were smart would check this out before ever signing up at this site. For the ones that dont know its hosted in Dallas Texas. Yes thats right its hosted in the the USA, not to damn bright.
Wild Joke of the Millenium :D

04-22-2007, 10:42 PM
well thats not really true..

I have a buddy that has a torrent site and its well hidden, as 2000 members and no ratio. and you dont see it talked about anywhere as its dont by invites and different rules. maxs members is 2000 and speeds are great and pre times are with in sec.

It comes down to what kind of site you want. If you can keep it private and keep it to your buddys only dont really matter the member base.

WildNo ratio? So it's a pure leech site?:huh:


but it is a very tight group with very strick rules.


04-22-2007, 11:07 PM
Wild, how many PMs asking for that site url have you received?

04-22-2007, 11:25 PM

people i think know i would never give it out.


04-22-2007, 11:36 PM
Let's just make a ranking system based on the tracker's CONTENT, SPEED, RELIABILITY, STAFF, MEMBERS, "COMMUNITY." Not this "rarity" bullshit.

I agree with ya, Shadow.

04-22-2007, 11:39 PM
Let's just make a ranking system based on the tracker's CONTENT, SPEED, RELIABILITY, STAFF, MEMBERS, "COMMUNITY." Not this "rarity" bullshit.

I agree with ya, Shadow.

I think that the things you listed are what should be judged when determining if a tracker is good. However, trading works on a supply-and-demand system, so those that are more rare are "worth" more, and the ranking system is based on said "worth."

04-22-2007, 11:48 PM
I think that the things you listed are what should be judged when determining if a tracker is good. However, trading works on a supply-and-demand system, so those that are more rare are "worth" more, and the ranking system is based on said "worth."

Ok.. say.. you have..

Tracker A: Rarity is top-notch, 3000 User Limit, Pre-times Good, Community very good, Content is not so good, Speed is crap (unless it is new stuff), Only a couple seeders/leechers per torrent on avg, Only new stuff - you can't download old stuff because it is only 0-Day and only "uploaders" can do it, No requests or re-ups. Also, only 1 invite per Extreme User (500GB upped, etc) for entire lifetime.

Tracker B: Rarity is OK, 20000 User Limit, Pre-times Amazing, Community a little lacking because of the size, but people know eachother, Content is Amazing, Speed is top-notch, New stuff AND old stuff, PU+s can upload their on ripped torrents upon request.

I'd rather have Tracker B in a heart beat. I doubt many people here actually cares about rarity over content. For example, neither OiNK, BitmeTV, nor TL are hard to get into (just be respectful, give back to the community, and they will come to you). They are definitely not based on rarity, rather, content and speed.

Oh, btw, I don't know how you max out at F*N on everything.. I downloaded a torrent about a day ago (TV series, season 1 DVD Rip), and I got 20kb/s until this dude came in with a 100kb/s connection to boost it up. :ermm:

04-22-2007, 11:53 PM
I see what you're saying, but a tracker's quality will work itself into the demand aspect of the rarity ranking.

04-22-2007, 11:54 PM
Rarity = hard to find, would you pay £500.00 for a spiderman comic, i wouldn't, but serious collectors would and they wouldn't even read the thing, and if there were 100 copies in circulation they would be worth much more if only one copy existed. also it depends on what everyone else thinks is rare not just one opinion.

04-22-2007, 11:59 PM
I see what you're saying, but a tracker's quality will work itself into the demand aspect of the rarity ranking.

However, it is the opposite when the tracker WORKS for the rarity. For example, giving out invites once in a lifetime, never sharing the URL, only recruiting folks with fast connections, etc.

Catch my drift?

04-23-2007, 12:06 AM
what you you want it to be another demonoid or arenabg? theres loads of sites already that have thousands of users with big adverts for penis enlargement. :dabs:

04-23-2007, 12:07 AM
what you you want it to be another demonoid or arenabg?

Did I ever insist on no ratio rules, crappy staff, no user limit, etc?

I don't think so.. :P

04-23-2007, 12:09 AM
no but thats the opposite to small, secret no invite sites isn't it? and you will get a shitty speed there most of the time. if these new sites want to cater for seederboxers and fast connections it's ok, thats their choice, but advertising it in FST to be a secret site is madness.

04-23-2007, 12:14 AM
I think that the things you listed are what should be judged when determining if a tracker is good. However, trading works on a supply-and-demand system, so those that are more rare are "worth" more, and the ranking system is based on said "worth."

Ok.. say.. you have..

Tracker A: Rarity is top-notch, 3000 User Limit, Pre-times Good, Community very good, Content is not so good, Speed is crap (unless it is new stuff), Only a couple seeders/leechers per torrent on avg, Only new stuff - you can't download old stuff because it is only 0-Day and only "uploaders" can do it, No requests or re-ups. Also, only 1 invite per Extreme User (500GB upped, etc) for entire lifetime.

Tracker B: Rarity is OK, 20000 User Limit, Pre-times Amazing, Community a little lacking because of the size, but people know eachother, Content is Amazing, Speed is top-notch, New stuff AND old stuff, PU+s can upload their on ripped torrents upon request.

I'd rather have Tracker B in a heart beat. I doubt many people here actually cares about rarity over content. For example, neither OiNK, BitmeTV, nor TL are hard to get into (just be respectful, give back to the community, and they will come to you). They are definitely not based on rarity, rather, content and speed.

Oh, btw, I don't know how you max out at F*N on everything.. I downloaded a torrent about a day ago (TV series, season 1 DVD Rip), and I got 20kb/s until this dude came in with a 100kb/s connection to boost it up. :ermm:

I'd probably take Tracker B over A too. That doesn't mean that Tracker B's worth is greater than Tracker A's, though. Worth is based solely on demand here.

04-23-2007, 12:18 AM
advertising it in FST to be a secret site is madness.

It's an unjust hypocrisy.
But as for your first point. Sorry if you misunderstood me, but what I never meant it should go to another extreme. There is always the middlepoint where the best becomes apparent.

I'd probably take Tracker B over A too.

So would you prefer content/speed/etc than rarity?

04-23-2007, 12:20 AM
However, it is the opposite when the tracker WORKS for the rarity. For example, giving out invites once in a lifetime, never sharing the URL, only recruiting folks with fast connections, etc.
Catch my drift?

No one should have problems with trackers created specifically for people with high-speed connection like no one has problems with music trackers, wrestling trackers and you-don't-wanna-know trackers. Trackers made not to please people outside but to please people *inside*.

But so-called secrecy is a funny part. Information leaked before SCN was started and I was even able to register using security hole. Now they tightened up security and deleted all accounts who got through that. Hope they will learn the lesson - you shouldn't say "we're making top-notch tracker, it will open in a month, here's acronym and url, go tell everyone". You should say "our tracker is up and running, you're in" in private.

04-23-2007, 12:30 AM
I'd probably take Tracker B over A too.
So would you prefer content/speed/etc than rarity?

Who said you can't have content and speed at a rare tracker? I was only making a decision based on your scenario, but those aren't completely realistic comparisons.

04-23-2007, 12:43 AM
Who said you can't have content and speed at a rare tracker? I was only making a decision based on your scenario, but those aren't completely realistic comparisons.

It is kinda realistic..

How about U*-T or TL/RevTT?

04-23-2007, 12:49 AM
U*-T has a better community, forum, irc and staff than TL/RevTT i think. if you want a site with thousands of users who never talk to each other or help each other then TL/RevTT's good for you.

04-23-2007, 01:59 AM
Who said you can't have content and speed at a rare tracker? I was only making a decision based on your scenario, but those aren't completely realistic comparisons.

It is kinda realistic..

How about U*-T or TL/RevTT?

"Concerns about new secret trackers:

I was under the impression that most of this talk was about RTS and SCN.

04-23-2007, 02:55 AM
OH YA!!!! GOT IN!!! im gonna see how good the pre-times are for 24 and heroes tommorow.. im basically gonna judge it on that

04-23-2007, 04:03 AM
Popular shows appear on Chronic in a minute. Do you *really* need better than that?

04-23-2007, 04:53 AM
Popular shows appear on Chronic in a minute. Do you *really* need better than that?

i guess they do.. its for the people that are connected to their pc 24 hours

04-23-2007, 04:58 AM
this thread is hilarious.

04-23-2007, 05:17 AM
Well I think it makes a point when the person who hyped up the other tracker by posting a Informative thread about the tracker is acctually a staff member on the tracker they promoted lmao

Call it conflict of interest if you will.
I personally would rather have a site rated/reviewed by actual users instead of by the sites own staff.

The paradox is so evident. Most, if not all, of the recruiting was made in the invite forum. Staff and users are mostly traders. Asking them not to trade invites is kind of surreal.

Most of this hyping is a direct result of the egoistical nature of the site's admins, who believe that parading around some screen shots will yield them instant respect. The sites do not want to labor and toil to achieve what ScT/FT* has, they believe they will be successful by default.

All sad but true :yup:

04-23-2007, 06:10 AM
a tracker made by all the traders kicked out of the 0-day trackers only to say dont trade this tracker... its so stupid

04-23-2007, 06:23 AM
a tracker made by all the traders kicked out of the 0-day trackers only to say dont trade this tracker

did you read your post? what are you talking about?

04-23-2007, 06:52 AM
a tracker made by all the traders kicked out of the 0-day trackers only to say dont trade this tracker

did you read your post? what are you talking about?

makes pretty good sense to me

04-23-2007, 07:03 AM
all of you guys need to stfu and just let these trackers do their thing

which is to create a small private community based on trusted members that know each other

04-23-2007, 07:21 AM
makes pretty good sense to me

it doesn't to me because no part of the post is true

04-23-2007, 11:13 AM
why doesn't someone make a new torrent site where leeching is the key.. and if you have a ratio over .5 you get banned, but here's the key... we'll talk about how awesome it is jsut like they did with the sites this post was originally talking about.. and we'll see how fast it fills up and then everyone will see how bad it really is and feel dumb.. but then we'll send their ip's to the good sites that require invites and have them banned from there. and then those sites will have open registration again and us mediocre connection people can take it over...

beer please?

04-23-2007, 11:36 AM
why doesn't someone make a new torrent site where leeching is the key.. and if you have a ratio over .5 you get banned, but here's the key... we'll talk about how awesome it is jsut like they did with the sites this post was originally talking about.. and we'll see how fast it fills up and then everyone will see how bad it really is and feel dumb.. but then we'll send their ip's to the good sites that require invites and have them banned from there. and then those sites will have open registration again and us mediocre connection people can take it over...

beer please?

WTF are you talking about? :wacko:

04-23-2007, 11:37 AM
ummm.. ya'll were supposed to jump on my bandwagon...not stop it and question me :(

04-23-2007, 12:10 PM
why doesn't someone make a new torrent site where leeching is the key.. and if you have a ratio over .5 you get banned, but here's the key... we'll talk about how awesome it is jsut like they did with the sites this post was originally talking about.. and we'll see how fast it fills up and then everyone will see how bad it really is and feel dumb.. but then we'll send their ip's to the good sites that require invites and have them banned from there. and then those sites will have open registration again and us mediocre connection people can take it over...

beer please?

sure dude

04-23-2007, 12:35 PM
It's a new site and they want to build a good base of people.They will be inviting more and more people.. I got an invite w/ no trouble. i have no rep point because I don't trade invite/accounts so some of you should have no problems getting in at some point. There are plenty of giveaways going on....


04-23-2007, 12:42 PM
It's a new site and they want to build a good base of people.They will be inviting more and more people.. I got an invite w/ no trouble. i have no rep point because I don't trade invite/accounts so some of you should have no problems getting in at some point. There are plenty of giveaways going on....

feel free to point us in the direction

04-23-2007, 01:29 PM
Does Everyone not get the fact that they are hosted in the Dallas Texas.

They say they offer seeding servers and ftp access. And again hosting in the USA

Do you people not get the fact that FBI can get a warrent walk in to hosting compnay and take that server with out notice... It dont matter where you may live in the world, if servers in the usa they will take them. I have already seen this more then once.

Anyone that signs up to this site is taking a huge risk. Not to mention the staff are all watched and on everyones hit listed, on i dont know how many sites. We chat about it all the time and update each other on there info to keep an eye out on these clowns.

People need to really wake up and start looking at places they join.


04-23-2007, 01:31 PM
cant help feeling a bit unsafe now :/

04-23-2007, 02:07 PM
Does Everyone not get the fact that they are hosted in the Dallas Texas.

They say they offer seeding servers and ftp access. And again hosting in the USA

Do you people not get the fact that FBI can get a warrent walk in to hosting compnay and take that server with out notice... It dont matter where you may live in the world, if servers in the usa they will take them. I have already seen this more then once.

Anyone that signs up to this site is taking a huge risk. Not to mention the staff are all watched and on everyones hit listed, on i dont know how many sites. We chat about it all the time and update each other on there info to keep an eye out on these clowns.

People need to really wake up and start looking at places they join.


whats site you talking about wild? SCN?

04-23-2007, 02:14 PM
Does Everyone not get the fact that they are hosted in the Dallas Texas.

They say they offer seeding servers and ftp access. And again hosting in the USA

Do you people not get the fact that FBI can get a warrent walk in to hosting compnay and take that server with out notice... It dont matter where you may live in the world, if servers in the usa they will take them. I have already seen this more then once.

Anyone that signs up to this site is taking a huge risk. Not to mention the staff are all watched and on everyones hit listed, on i dont know how many sites. We chat about it all the time and update each other on there info to keep an eye out on these clowns.

People need to really wake up and start looking at places they join.


whats site you talking about wild? SCN?


I have not looked up scn as of yet, and not sure i will. But did look up the info on rts and i was shooked to see how easy it was and where they were hosted. I just cant beleave they would put them self in that kind of a risk.

I give it 2 months tops before host is force to take site off line or fbi come in and take servers.

RTS info

IP address:
Looking for ''
Server 'whois.arin.net' reply [1183 bytes in raw data]:
OrgName: SoftLayer Technologies Inc.
Address: 1950 N Stemmons Freeway
City: Dallas
StateProv: TX
PostalCode: 75207
Country: US

I will remove this in about 15 minutes, but you do the math. I am sure most the stuff is faked but the stuff that cant be faked is the server info on where its hosted.


04-23-2007, 02:44 PM
its a little worrying :unsure:

04-23-2007, 02:52 PM
hmmm, somehow i dont think i will be using that site

04-23-2007, 03:00 PM
whats site you talking about wild? SCN?


I have not looked up scn as of yet, and not sure i will. But did look up the info on rts and i was shooked to see how easy it was and where they were hosted. I just cant beleave they would put them self in that kind of a risk.

I give it 2 months tops before host is force to take site off line or fbi come in and take servers.

RTS info


lol, how can one delete an account there?:)

04-23-2007, 03:07 PM
lol, how can one delete an account there?:)

04-23-2007, 03:47 PM
Im waiting for some comment of RTS member especially the MODS...:whistling

04-23-2007, 03:48 PM

04-23-2007, 04:47 PM
Im waiting for some comment of RTS member especially the MODS...:whistling

They are probably thinking of some sort of comeback responce.
Maybe they didnt know you couldnt host torrents in the U.S. or something.
Its a big nono.
Theres quite a few sites that host in the U.S. but I personally wouldnt recommend it.

Me and Wild were talking about them being hosting on SL just last night.
I personally would recommend slapping Staff on sites who are hosted in the U.S. with a big wet fish.
All they do is put their users as well as themselves at risk.
Forget the coding/exploit issues. I recommend move the site to a SECURE server and fast. Anyone who can state they care about their sites users and still host in the U.S. obviously doesnt give a damn about their users.
(My opinion)

04-23-2007, 04:52 PM
Me and Wild were talking about them being hosting on SL just last night.
I personally would recommend slapping Staff on sites who are hosted in the U.S. with a big wet fish.
All they do is put their users as well as themselves at risk.
Forget the coding/exploit issues. I recommend move the site to a SECURE server and fast. Anyone who can state they care about their sites users and still host in the U.S. obviously doesnt give a damn about their users.
(My opinion)

I guess they chose softlayer because of the review on the sct forum :
* SoftLayer
- Great speeds (including Gbit servers) and awesome servers!
- Offers support via online chat and emails are answered almost within an hour (or less) during business hours.


04-23-2007, 04:52 PM
Im waiting for some comment of RTS member especially the MODS...:whistling

They are probably thinking of some sort of comeback responce.
Maybe they didnt know you couldnt host torrents in the U.S. or something.
Its a big nono.
Theres quite a few sites that host in the U.S. but I personally wouldnt recommend it.

Me and Wild were talking about them being hosting on SL just last night.
I personally would recommend slapping Staff on sites who are hosted in the U.S. with a big wet fish.
All they do is put their users as well as themselves at risk.
Forget the coding/exploit issues. I recommend move the site to a SECURE server and fast. Anyone who can state they care about their sites users and still host in the U.S. obviously doesnt give a damn about their users.
(My opinion)

Yep first step right now should be moving the site out of the usa.

Step 2 should be stop offering up access and posting that the site has there own seeding servers. Pretty stupid thing to do, mostly because of risk.

Step 3 fixs all the known holes the site has. Every site as had to do this.

After all this then maybe the site will make it but even still this is just the first few steps out of many if they want a tracker that can make it.

I guess they chose softlayer because of the review on the sct forum :
* SoftLayer
- Great speeds (including Gbit servers) and awesome servers!
- Offers support via online chat and emails are answered almost within an hour (or less) during business hours.


you do know that this hosting company has a history of getting radied. I know of 3 times in last 3 years. Where ftp servers have been taken.


04-23-2007, 04:57 PM
From what I have figured out... The servers are hosted in TX and they plan to move the hosting "soon". I am not sure why they would host them in the States to start with. This not only puts them at risk, but all the users of the tracker. Combine this will several hole in their code, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Maybe they should have asked for help from other Sysops that have experience in this type of thing and really planned out things before the launch. I never wish failure on anyone, but pre-planning and making sure you have everything together is a good idea before launching a tracker.

I also have been amazed at the so called speed of this tracker as well. For a site that had such high requirements, how can you have uploaders that have very poor connections? I had a torrent running last night with 2 seeds and I was only pulling speeds of 20kb at most. To test this i went to another tracker that is a level 2 mind you and pulled the same torrent with 3 seeds at over 90kb. hmmmm

04-23-2007, 05:01 PM
From what I have figured out... The servers are hosted in TX and they plan to move the hosting "soon". I am not sure why they would host them in the States to start with. This not only puts them at risk, but all the users of the tracker. Combine this will several hole in their code, and you have a recipe for disaster.

Maybe they should have asked for help from other Sysops that have experience in this type of thing and really planned out things before the launch. I never wish failure on anyone, but pre-planning and making sure you have everything together is a good idea before launching a tracker.

I also have been amazed at the so called speed of this tracker as well. For a site that had such high requirements, how can you have uploaders that have very poor connections? I had a torrent running last night with 2 seeds and I was only pulling speeds of 20kb at most. To test this i went to another tracker that is a level 2 mind you and pulled the same torrent with 3 seeds at over 90kb. hmmmm

Speed i am sure will be slow at first. Speeds can be slow because the 2 seeders capped there lines or because of all the hops it as to take AKA routing between seeder/leecher.


04-23-2007, 05:06 PM
But that would mean that the seeders capped that torrent at 10kb up. Why would you upload it in the first place if you limit the up on it? There were no other leechers by the way. Also ther would not seem to be a need to cap the up if you are running a 100/100 like so many of them were required to have. Not bashing just curious.

04-23-2007, 05:14 PM
But that would mean that the seeders capped that torrent at 10kb up. Why would you upload it in the first place if you limit the up on it? There were no other leechers by the way. Also ther would not seem to be a need to cap the up if you are running a 100/100 like so many of them were required to have. Not bashing just curious.

Good point.

Like i said it could maybe the routing between you and seeder.

If could be that maybe he is seeding other another site. Or maybe has other torrents running on with more leechers and putting must of the bw on them to get it going good.

Can be many things or it could be that these 2 guys just a a poor home lines.


04-23-2007, 05:26 PM
I just got curious on the site thats why i try to get an invites. and the invites are all over the place. hopefully until now i am not invited..i will back out my application..:D " curiosity killed the cat"..

I am not scared of being caught because i am too far away. I am in china the land of the pirated things.

The thing is my attention will be focused their in building up for a good ratio. then after two or three month.. in case it will close, my effort will be all gone.. I think i will stick to my old accounts and build a good ratio. then try to get some invite on older account. :)

04-23-2007, 05:26 PM
Well to be fair I am d/l a pack now at 800+kbs , though this whole hosting thing kinda freaks me out...It could be a very good site but move the host site asap or you will have a bunch of freaked out users jump ship.. I'll hang for a bit, but I stick w/ my main 2 WB and pisexy most of the time. They both can give my more than "I" need..

04-23-2007, 05:34 PM
One hour ago I was downloading @2MB/s, Im using leeware.

04-23-2007, 05:44 PM
Maybe just a poor choice of torrent on my part. I only tried one, so I am sure not all torrents are being upped at the same speed. I did notice allot of the torrents being taken from FTN as well. I thought they had Scene Release access?

04-23-2007, 06:06 PM
Maybe just a poor choice of torrent on my part. I only tried one, so I am sure not all torrents are being upped at the same speed. I did notice allot of the torrents being taken from FTN as well. I thought they had Scene Release access?

I did pick one w/ enough leechers so I could atleast seed some. I thought it was strange when they were inviting people w/ ftn and sct access. On the other hand it's a way for people like me who aren't on ftn or sct to get some different releases.

04-23-2007, 06:06 PM
Not only FTN. They even forgot to change the name on a torrent that was stolen from torrentleech...

04-23-2007, 06:08 PM
Well for 2 sites that are wannabe secret sites they ain't exactly keeping a low profile. I found both websites very easily....and with RTS hosted in US and SCN hosted in UK I would be very worried about my security being compromised.

You also need to consider the staff...how much experience do they have. Very little from what I've seen and heard.

All the hype for both sites seems to be coming from within FST. That's not a good sign. I remember when FTN opened the buzz was around the scene....and its still there.

Personally I'm going to keep my distance.

04-23-2007, 06:09 PM
Not only FTN. They even forgot to change the name on a torrent that was stolen from torrentleech...

:O :pinch:

04-23-2007, 06:12 PM
Not only FTN. They even forgot to change the name on a torrent that was stolen from torrentleech...

HAHA busted.

Pre times will be ver slow, as they have to use other sites to get there releases. This is all to funny.


04-23-2007, 06:19 PM
I am curious to see at least one rep to reply to accusations

04-23-2007, 07:30 PM
Alot of new sites start out grabbing files off of other sites.
I just find it funny when these so called sites try bragging about good pre times when they just raping the files off another site.

I dont see the real point in advertising the pre times anyways.
I mean hell 3/3 xvid releases today I beat 2 of the main sites mentioned everywhere for having fast pres and who the hell could give a crap? I know I could care less.

I think a great site should be based more on Community & overall feeling. Sure speed and pre time play a good part in whether users are gonna like the site. But these guys are sourcing off TL so by the time they dl the file and upload it on their own site most of the other sites have it anyways.

04-23-2007, 07:33 PM
not just that, even they don't allow their torrents to be uploaded somewhere else.lol

04-23-2007, 07:36 PM
Well I personally dont see why other sites make an issue if another uploader grabs a file off their site. I mean as long as they seed the file to 1:1 if they grab and run then I can see it being an issue.

I could really care less if people take a file from my site and seed it somewhere else.
Long the uploader dont insult the original releaser. (directed at revtt ;))

04-23-2007, 08:08 PM
btw, Melvinmeow , it seems that your site is also hosted in the US , isn't it ?

04-23-2007, 08:27 PM
btw, Melvinmeow , it seems that your site is also hosted in the US , isn't it ?

it shows as New Jersey but its in Canada

04-23-2007, 08:48 PM
Retorts, RTS "mods"?

04-23-2007, 08:49 PM
Retorts, RTS "mods"?


04-23-2007, 08:54 PM
I dont think you will see any RTS staff Say anything.

Will be a very short lived tracker from the looks of it.


04-23-2007, 08:59 PM
Even if they attack us, they will be reduced to personal attacks, not profession discussions about our opinions. So they may just have nothing much to say.

04-23-2007, 09:26 PM
Popular shows appear on Chronic in a minute. Do you *really* need better than that?

its not like i traded my life for an invite, i got it for free, so now that i'm in... im gonna use it plenty, what i meant was, I HOPE it has 1 minute pre-times.

04-23-2007, 09:35 PM
In as well and I don't give a shit about 1 minute pretimes. What's with the obsession with pretimes.

Content, acceptable speed and a good community is what makes a good tracker.

Site looks fine. And I don't really care where it's hosted ;)

04-23-2007, 09:39 PM
And I don't really care where it's hosted ;)

u should;)

SCN hosted in UK I would be very worried about my security being compromised.

thats not true from what i ve heard mate,
but yeah i guess the best thing is to keep distance and will see what happens...

04-23-2007, 09:42 PM
:lookaroun :cool2:

04-23-2007, 09:51 PM
I dont understand all the need to diss the tracker.
If they want to make a tracker for them self and their friends why cant them?

People seem to be pissed for one or two reasons.
A) they cant get inn
b) They got inn, But are not allowed to use their invites for trades.

I do not agree with the philosophy of the trackers, But who the hell am i to pass judgment on them?
If you have got a invite and dont like the tracker then fine, just dont use it.
If you dont have and are still talking trash, you need to grow up.
Feels like it have become a children's playground here.
Just because you are not invited to a tracker does not give you the right to talk trash about it every single chance you get.

Common, The "value" of a trackers invites should not be the reason for you to want to be there in the first place.

There are tons of trackers out there, if you cant get into one its not the end of the world, move along to the next one.

The first post brought up some interesting points , But it have turned out to be a "lets bash the site that opend 2 days ago" post.

Seems like most of you are wishing the trackers go straight to hell, just becouse your not getting a invite there.

Now give it a rest and let them do what they want to do, let them create the tracker they want to create and who knows with a bit of time they might even become awesome.

04-23-2007, 09:53 PM
Seems like most of you are wishing the trackers go straight to hell, just becouse your not getting a invite there.

I'm pretty sure most people in this thread would have no problem getting an invite.

04-23-2007, 10:00 PM
id2k , as for me, i dont' want an invite to this tracker. believe me, i have more than enough on the other trackers i am a member of , and why should i download the content of those trackers from rts , when i can get it directly ?
but the point of wildbytes and some other posters : they don't care about the tracker, they care about users that may be involved in a potentional high risk of getting letters to their home from fbi , after the database from the servers of the new tracker has been analyzed . more than that, wildbytes and other posters try to help the staff of the new trackers, as it seems that this staff is an amateur one.
btw, did you know that elitetorrents uploader sent for 5 years to jail ?

as for invites , as melvinmeow mentioned , there is no problem of getting one from the security hole :D

04-23-2007, 10:00 PM
I dont understand all the need to diss the tracker.
If they want to make a tracker for them self and their friends why cant them?

People seem to be pissed for one or two reasons.
A) they cant get inn
b) They got inn, But are not allowed to use their invites for trades.

I do not agree with the philosophy of the trackers, But who the hell am i to pass judgment on them?
If you have got a invite and dont like the tracker then fine, just dont use it.
If you dont have and are still talking trash, you need to grow up.
Feels like it have become a children's playground here.
Just because you are not invited to a tracker does not give you the right to talk trash about it every single chance you get.

Common, The "value" of a trackers invites should not be the reason for you to want to be there in the first place.

There are tons of trackers out there, if you cant get into one its not the end of the world, move along to the next one.

The first post brought up some interesting points , But it have turned out to be a "lets bash the site that opend 2 days ago" post.

Seems like most of you are wishing the trackers go straight to hell, just becouse your not getting a invite there.

Now give it a rest and let them do what they want to do, let them create the tracker they want to create and who knows with a bit of time they might even become awesome.

Just to clarify... You might want to read all the posts in this thread. There have been numerous things addressed to the RTS staff that could not have been obtained if we did not have access to the tracker. I think trading is crap anyways and I could give 2 shits about the "rank" of a tracker. The people that did not have access to the tracker clearly stated it in their posts.

People have actually offered up information to the staff of RTS to help them out. So take your I am in and you are not and stick it up ... Nevermind I am not like that. I actually know several people now that are trying to help RTS fix some problems. I would say the first one being... relocate the servers ASAP. They will get raided or closed down soon if they do not. The backlash they may be getting is not all driven at the staff of RTS, but some of the members who think they are badass cause they have a seedbox and got an invite. By the way... I am a member too so maybe I am just jelous cause I want an invite too. :rolleyes:

04-23-2007, 10:23 PM
u should;)

Let me rephrase that. It doesn't have any effect on me where the tracker is hosted.

It would off course be better for all users if it wasn't in the US. I want the best for any tracker, and the members trusting the site location and staff is a must for any good tracker.

04-23-2007, 10:31 PM
I dont understand all the need to diss the tracker.
If they want to make a tracker for them self and their friends why cant them?

People seem to be pissed for one or two reasons.
A) they cant get inn
b) They got inn, But are not allowed to use their invites for trades.

I do not agree with the philosophy of the trackers, But who the hell am i to pass judgment on them?
If you have got a invite and dont like the tracker then fine, just dont use it.
If you dont have and are still talking trash, you need to grow up.
Feels like it have become a children's playground here.
Just because you are not invited to a tracker does not give you the right to talk trash about it every single chance you get.

Common, The "value" of a trackers invites should not be the reason for you to want to be there in the first place.

There are tons of trackers out there, if you cant get into one its not the end of the world, move along to the next one.

The first post brought up some interesting points , But it have turned out to be a "lets bash the site that opend 2 days ago" post.

Seems like most of you are wishing the trackers go straight to hell, just becouse your not getting a invite there.

Now give it a rest and let them do what they want to do, let them create the tracker they want to create and who knows with a bit of time they might even become awesome.

First off i was going to offer some help to theses guys and point out some problems they have. But then they say do not trade your invites and or accounts. This got me kind off pissed off as these clowns are some of the biggest traders in all of the BT world. They think its ok to trade other sites that dont want there stuff traded but its not ok for people to trade there shit. I mean come on. Then after reading some other shit with some other people on msn and irc i did some more digging and found out alot more info so i posted it. I have other info but whats the point. No one here will listen to anything any of us have to say anyways.


04-23-2007, 10:57 PM
If you dont have and are still talking trash, you need to grow up.

Getting sued and shut down for having an American-hosted tracker is childish? No, it is very real and almost imminent after seeing ET's fate.

04-23-2007, 11:05 PM
why did id2k's login name change to Cheffy?

look at post 108 and then post 110. they both quoted the same post, but the username changed in that short timeframe.

04-24-2007, 12:07 AM
First off i was going to offer some help to theses guys and point out some problems they have. But then they say do not trade your invites and or accounts. This got me kind off pissed off as these clowns are some of the biggest traders in all of the BT world. They think its ok to trade other sites that dont want there stuff traded but its not ok for people to trade there shit. I mean come on. Then after reading some other shit with some other people on msn and irc i did some more digging and found out alot more info so i posted it. I have other info but whats the point. No one here will listen to anything any of us have to say anyways.

Lots of people have expressed interest in what you've said, and thank you for the heads up on the server location. You may not get the sort of fealty you've gotten used to on your own forums, but I think there are plenty of people here who appreciate the info; I certainly do.

lysine: Some of us are trying (unsuccessfully) to stay a step ahead of all the prying sysops here :ph34r: :lol:

*hides from kimii*

04-24-2007, 12:20 AM
Requested a nick change like 3 days ago, thats why it changed :p
My first nick seems so impersonal, just toss up 3 random letters and a number.

Like i said, i do not agree with some of the things they do.
And yes there are actually some post that are usefull.
But for the most part, the posts are just trying feel good about them self for not having an account there.

If they want to make an "elite" tracker for all the people with 2000 post + on this forum and a minimum of 5mbit upload they are allowed to do so.
It should not piss you off that they are doing it.

Im not saying all posts are rubbish, But dont say that some of the post here are not only posted to make fun of the tracker.
Instead of posting the negative things they should work on here, they should post it on the internal forums for the tracker.

All im saying is let them do their thing. If you dont like the tracker,the idea for the tracker or the mods. Then simply leave it alone.
It cant be that hard, just seems like some of you have it like your life purpose to make sure this tracker crash and burn.

(and if you have been making friendly and helpful posts, then ofc im not addressing you)

04-24-2007, 09:35 AM
Raul07 (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/raul07-163036), edit ur post.
u r not allowed to post the link of SCN.

04-24-2007, 10:54 AM

04-24-2007, 12:19 PM
Requested a nick change like 3 days ago, thats why it changed :p
My first nick seems so impersonal, just toss up 3 random letters and a number.

Like i said, i do not agree with some of the things they do.
And yes there are actually some post that are usefull.
But for the most part, the posts are just trying feel good about them self for not having an account there.

If they want to make an "elite" tracker for all the people with 2000 post + on this forum and a minimum of 5mbit upload they are allowed to do so.
It should not piss you off that they are doing it.

Im not saying all posts are rubbish, But dont say that some of the post here are not only posted to make fun of the tracker.
Instead of posting the negative things they should work on here, they should post it on the internal forums for the tracker.

All im saying is let them do their thing. If you dont like the tracker,the idea for the tracker or the mods. Then simply leave it alone.
It cant be that hard, just seems like some of you have it like your life purpose to make sure this tracker crash and burn.

(and if you have been making friendly and helpful posts, then ofc im not addressing you)

Reason I didnt post my comment about the invites bug on their site direct, is because I removed my own account after I found out the location of their server for security reasons. They just informed me they are switching to a new host over the next couple of days. So all should be good in that area. Least it shows they are taking the criticism to heart and trying to fix things.

04-24-2007, 12:28 PM
Requested a nick change like 3 days ago, thats why it changed :p
My first nick seems so impersonal, just toss up 3 random letters and a number.

Like i said, i do not agree with some of the things they do.
And yes there are actually some post that are usefull.
But for the most part, the posts are just trying feel good about them self for not having an account there.

If they want to make an "elite" tracker for all the people with 2000 post + on this forum and a minimum of 5mbit upload they are allowed to do so.
It should not piss you off that they are doing it.

Im not saying all posts are rubbish, But dont say that some of the post here are not only posted to make fun of the tracker.
Instead of posting the negative things they should work on here, they should post it on the internal forums for the tracker.

All im saying is let them do their thing. If you dont like the tracker,the idea for the tracker or the mods. Then simply leave it alone.
It cant be that hard, just seems like some of you have it like your life purpose to make sure this tracker crash and burn.

(and if you have been making friendly and helpful posts, then ofc im not addressing you)

Reason I didnt post my comment about the invites bug on their site direct, is because I removed my own account after I found out the location of their server for security reasons. They just informed me they are switching to a new host over the next couple of days. So all should be good in that area. Least it shows they are taking the criticism to heart and trying to fix things.

We were never going to stay in the US, this was only ever for the first 10 days, before we bought a good server in NL.

04-24-2007, 02:25 PM
Reason I didnt post my comment about the invites bug on their site direct, is because I removed my own account after I found out the location of their server for security reasons. They just informed me they are switching to a new host over the next couple of days. So all should be good in that area. Least it shows they are taking the criticism to heart and trying to fix things.

We were never going to stay in the US, this was only ever for the first 10 days, before we bought a good server in NL.

Sure :rolleyes:

Starting a site.

Rule 1 have a host and site up and 100%

Rule 2 Test

Rule 3 Open doors or turn on invites.

Not set up a site open doors and play around then move the site. Why do a setup twice. You had no plans to move or you whould have done it right from the get go.


04-24-2007, 06:18 PM
The first impression is the most crucial...

04-24-2007, 09:23 PM
too long to be honnest :|

04-24-2007, 09:28 PM
too long to be honnest :|

Me or this thread?

04-24-2007, 09:45 PM
too long to be honnest :|

Me or this thread?

Yeah you!

04-24-2007, 09:57 PM
its only 12 inches jeez is that too long?

Patriot foreve
04-25-2007, 09:59 AM
Although i think that the thread has alot of positive points liked the big advertisments on what's supposed to be asecret tracker but it seems that it has turned to be an attack on the new trackers (RTS,SCN or even torrentit)

These Trackers either have started afew days ago like RTS (around 4 days i think) or is going to start in 2 days like (SCN) or in acouple of weeks like (TiT)

None of these trackers will begin to be the best because that takes time but u can feel the hard work of these trackers aiming to be good trackers

I am amember at RTS and SCN and i know some of the staff there and i know that they are working hard to move their tracker up to be one of the best

Regarding RTS and as amember there i really enjoyed their packs very well and their forums there is too much active and yesterday they beated sct pre time in acouple of torrents

They still needs alot of improvemnet because their 0-day stuff isn't really that good but their packs are awesome and from what i heard they are trying to reach 1000 torrents in 2 weeks which is an awesome quantity in my opinion

and For The security i saw that they made an announcement yesterday that they will be moving to NL

and for the rarity thing and the words that they wanna be ranked at the top by not allowing trades ,i don't think that might be true atm because for them to be ranked it's gonna take awhile and i saw plenty of giveaways flowing in the invites section and all of us were given 10 invites to send so if they cared about rarity they wouldn't have given invites and ask people to giveaway them

I think all these new trackers needs time to see what they will become,if they become good trackers then that would be an addition to the current trackers available and if they turned to be bad then they will be forgotten soon

and for those who are saying that the tracker may have security issues then why don't u pm their sysop and tell him what u found but i think instead of trying to talk about security problems in this new trackers u should look at your tracker first and try to improve your shitty speeds and fix your holes especially because some of the trackers u r running were hacked before :lol:

Give the new trackers time and let's see what will happen :yup:

04-25-2007, 11:47 AM
and for those who are saying that the tracker may have security issues then why don't u pm their sysop and tell him what u found but i think instead of trying to talk about security problems in this new trackers u should look at your tracker first and try to improve your shitty speeds and fix your holes especially because some of the trackers u r running were hacked before :lol:

Well my friend it doesn't work this way. People who discovered security holes could notify a sysop BUT any help to members who signed-up without knowing about security holes, is highly appreciated.

If you notify a sysop, how would you know if and when they will find/fix the holes?

At least if you notify simple members, you are helping them at least to be cautioned, notified of the danger of U.S. hosting, especially if they are U.S. citizens.

04-25-2007, 01:01 PM
Although i think that the thread has alot of positive points liked the big advertisments on what's supposed to be asecret tracker but it seems that it has turned to be an attack on the new trackers (RTS,SCN or even torrentit)

These Trackers either have started afew days ago like RTS (around 4 days i think) or is going to start in 2 days like (SCN) or in acouple of weeks like (TiT)

None of these trackers will begin to be the best because that takes time but u can feel the hard work of these trackers aiming to be good trackers

I am amember at RTS and SCN and i know some of the staff there and i know that they are working hard to move their tracker up to be one of the best

Regarding RTS and as amember there i really enjoyed their packs very well and their forums there is too much active and yesterday they beated sct pre time in acouple of torrents

They still needs alot of improvemnet because their 0-day stuff isn't really that good but their packs are awesome and from what i heard they are trying to reach 1000 torrents in 2 weeks which is an awesome quantity in my opinion

and For The security i saw that they made an announcement yesterday that they will be moving to NL

and for the rarity thing and the words that they wanna be ranked at the top by not allowing trades ,i don't think that might be true atm because for them to be ranked it's gonna take awhile and i saw plenty of giveaways flowing in the invites section and all of us were given 10 invites to send so if they cared about rarity they wouldn't have given invites and ask people to giveaway them

I think all these new trackers needs time to see what they will become,if they become good trackers then that would be an addition to the current trackers available and if they turned to be bad then they will be forgotten soon

and for those who are saying that the tracker may have security issues then why don't u pm their sysop and tell him what u found but i think instead of trying to talk about security problems in this new trackers u should look at your tracker first and try to improve your shitty speeds and fix your holes especially because some of the trackers u r running were hacked before :lol:

Give the new trackers time and let's see what will happen :yup:

Please dont put TiT in with RTS and SCN. TiT will not have any problem making a great tracker. The staff/coder/uploaders for the most part will all be back. TiT i am sure will be one of the best sites again with in a month of opening the doors. They already have a great member base just waiting to get back in.

RTS nad SCN are both unproven and there staff unproven. Now i am not saying they wont be good or a great site but its going to take them a hell of a long time.

Plus i feel 1 of the 2 new trackers RTS and or SCN will fail and close up shop. Based on how some of them are already started.

and for those who are saying that the tracker may have security issues then why don't u pm their sysop and tell him what u found but i think instead of trying to talk about security problems in this new trackers u should look at your tracker first and try to improve your shitty speeds and fix your holes especially because some of the trackers u r running were hacked before :lol:

Well my friend it doesn't work this way. People who discovered security holes could notify a sysop BUT any help to members who signed-up without knowing about security holes, is highly appreciated.

If you notify a sysop, how would you know if and when they will find/fix the holes?

At least if you notify simple members, you are helping them at least to be cautioned, notified of the danger of U.S. hosting, especially if they are U.S. citizens.

Well most of the holes in there code can be fixed by reading a thread in tbdev. not all but most holes. They just did not plan this out very good and rushed to open the doors. Which i think will end up in failure. But thats just what i think.


04-25-2007, 02:14 PM
In reguards to the trackers being hacked... Can you name 1 site that hasnt been hacked at 1 point?

SCT was hacked.
TL was hacked.
Hell even Jaits site was hacked. (Contrary to what they may tell you.)

All these sites being hacked is what acctually made me point out some of the issues both sites had. Ive been there and done that. When alot of the currently existing sites were hacked there wasnt as much available knowledge at our disposal about how to prevent these.
I know alot of coders over look simple things (Myself included) which is why its always good to get a 2nd opinion to seeing if the source is secure or not.

As far as beating SCT pres. Anyone can do that. Ill say this again. It all depends which site has an active uploaders watching whats pre'ing. Whoever jumps the gun first gets the file first. But in any case SCT pre times havent been all that great lately. They could easily have just downloaded the file off TL or anywhere else and beating SCT pre on a few particular files. No 1 site beats every other site all the time.

04-25-2007, 04:00 PM
Please dont put TiT in with RTS and SCN. TiT will not have any problem making a great tracker. The staff/coder/uploaders for the most part will all be back. TiT i am sure will be one of the best sites again with in a month of opening the doors. They already have a great member base just waiting to get back in.

TiT is coming back?! OMG! OMG! OMG!

I'll be one of them folks waiting for TiT to open again.. those guys were the best. Their community and content were awesome! Ah.. I wish the old times will be relived again.. :happy:

Sorry for the offtopic post btw, I had to jump up and down.. :D you guys go on with your bitching and bickering! This thread is so fun.. :P

04-25-2007, 04:08 PM
Please dont put TiT in with RTS and SCN. TiT will not have any problem making a great tracker. The staff/coder/uploaders for the most part will all be back. TiT i am sure will be one of the best sites again with in a month of opening the doors. They already have a great member base just waiting to get back in.

TiT is coming back?! OMG! OMG! OMG!

I'll be one of them folks waiting for TiT to open again.. those guys were the best. Their community and content were awesome! Ah.. I wish the old times will be relived again.. :happy:

Sorry for the offtopic post btw, I had to jump up and down.. :D you guys go on with your bitching and bickering! This thread is so fun.. :P

Where you been bro? Sleeping? :lol: There are several threads withthe TiT info for ya.

OK someone start some crap, cause I am bored this morning and I don't have the energy yet.

04-25-2007, 04:39 PM
Where you been bro? Sleeping? :lol: There are several threads withthe TiT info for ya.

OK someone start some crap, cause I am bored this morning and I don't have the energy yet.

:lol: Ok ill instigate something but ill switch to my dupe account first. :w00t:

04-25-2007, 04:41 PM
Yea, Kinda been sleeping with regards to the whole torrent scene for a while now.. Was too drawn with events in real life!

Kudos to you for starting this thread.

04-25-2007, 04:47 PM
Where you been bro? Sleeping? :lol: There are several threads withthe TiT info for ya.

OK someone start some crap, cause I am bored this morning and I don't have the energy yet.

:lol: Ok ill instigate something but ill switch to my dupe account first. :w00t:

:lol: Ok well keep it entertaining please. I need a good subject so that I can add my colorful comentary to it. Oh and I have my pen ready to connect the dots. ;) I bought a new one last night. Sneaky bastards. :lol:

04-25-2007, 04:57 PM
Well i believe my friend SHUVT here has found his calling.

04-26-2007, 05:58 AM
So now we have all these cool new secret trackers, including ScN and RTS, which have evoked some of my concerns. I'm voicing my preliminary perceptions, which are parallel to those of many other FST users, so I've seen.

These trackers plead for so much privacy and only top notch users with high upload capabilities. Well then, why hype it so much in the BitTorrent forum? It's understandable that you want to inform users about the great potential of your tracker, but once people are interested in it, you strike the majority of them down from obtaining invites. Many users have pointed out that this raises the suspicion that this tracker was created only to try to get 5 stars in the WIAW thread.

Staff have apparently warned against any and all invite trading of these secret sites. That's excellent in terms of recruiting only great sharers, but why must you go parading around the BT Invites forum telling users not to trade them? The BT Invites forum is a trading spot for traders to trade invites for all assorted trackers, except for trackers that have specific invite deals with FST (periodically giving out invites in return for FST helping catch account traders). Do these new secret trackers have deals with FST? If not, then you should leave the forbidding of invite trading to your tracker. Meaning, if you catch any traders, then disable them in your tracker. Outside of your tracker, in these public forums, people can do whatever they want as long as it's in agreement with these forums' admins. I understand that you may be trying to warn these users, but why make these premature threats that "If" these traders get into your site, they'll be disabled? I know that you staff of these secret trackers are elite traders on FST. So know you can empathize with other tracker staff, but I find it extremely hypocritical that you can only impose these rules about your tracker after you've finished being such huge traders.

A note to all of you speculating about these trackers: You logically can't. You have to see how it actually plays out, not emptily predicting based on subjective information given to you from tracker insiders.

With that being said, I'd like to wish all the best to these trackers, and I hope that you outlive my perception of some of your faulty logistical tactics.

Never pay for File Sharing!

Trading here is is actually barter; which is another form of payment

A type of File-Leeching that FileSharingTalk.com specifically warns against, probably the worse kind too. The trading of complete power+ accounts, (often with leech buffer) is fraud. These members advertising openly the trade of such accounts, should be immediately banned IMO.

So.."Don't Cry To Me Argentina!"

04-26-2007, 06:38 AM
Regarding RTS and as amember there i really enjoyed their packs very well and their forums there is too much active and yesterday they beated sct pre time in acouple of torrents

They still needs alot of improvemnet because their 0-day stuff isn't really that good but their packs are awesome and from what i heard they are trying to reach 1000 torrents in 2 weeks which is an awesome quantity in my opinion

ummm..... they just steal their packs from FTN and other trackers. they cant even make their own packs. can't even rename the directory lol

04-26-2007, 11:09 AM
You can tell who's a member by all the kool guy points they have...I guess i'm not that kool because I refuse to trade. I disabled my account...

04-26-2007, 04:08 PM
You can tell who's a member by all the kool guy points they have...I guess i'm not that kool because I refuse to trade. I disabled my account...

Rep given... Bit your quitchen. :lol:

04-26-2007, 05:41 PM
Well i believe my friend SHUVT here has found his calling.


04-26-2007, 05:45 PM
Well i believe my friend SHUVT here has found his calling.

I am not sure... I was never that good at the connect the dots coloring books when i was kid. I always ended up with a giraffe when the damn thing was suposed to be a puppy. So no worries all of you with alternate identitiies here it may take me quite some time. :lol:

04-26-2007, 05:46 PM
Regarding RTS and as amember there i really enjoyed their packs very well and their forums there is too much active and yesterday they beated sct pre time in acouple of torrents

They still needs alot of improvemnet because their 0-day stuff isn't really that good but their packs are awesome and from what i heard they are trying to reach 1000 torrents in 2 weeks which is an awesome quantity in my opinion

ummm..... they just steal their packs from FTN and other trackers. they cant even make their own packs. can't even rename the directory lol

stealing stolen packs, thats a good one, you come up with that on your own?

04-26-2007, 05:47 PM
ummm..... they just steal their packs from FTN and other trackers. they cant even make their own packs. can't even rename the directory lol

stealing stolen packs, thats a good one, you come up with that on your own?

Well he did add the "directory" I think... LOL

04-26-2007, 08:38 PM
Damn you......ha ha ha ha

04-26-2007, 09:20 PM
The point of Bittorent is to share with each other.

Since invites came along everyone started to get gready of who should get an invite or not, so its hard to get invites to any tracker now :/

Best way to stop it, is for people to stop being egoistic and just share more! (Both Invites and Files)

04-26-2007, 09:21 PM
not true,
to this day I have given out and recieved more invited for free then I have traded away/for.
I know I am not the only one out there like this.

04-26-2007, 09:22 PM
Well that's because along with BitTorrent came the eternal leechers, various antipiracy groups got more aggressive and other bad stuff.

Edit for above post: I have never ever traded an invite. Given back out of appriciation a few, but I would have got them for free, so that's not trading. And I have given out lots to users who proved to be good seeders and not just leechers.

04-26-2007, 09:23 PM
not true,
to this day I have given out and recieved more invited for free then I have traded away/for.
I know I am not the only one out there like this.

Maybe you were lucky, but not everyone gives them out for free just like that.

04-26-2007, 09:31 PM
Build your ratio on some site that you are on, without cheating, then use that as proof. Go out of your way just to be nice to other users. E.g. uploading requests. And just give it time.

The reason users don't go handing out invites right and left, is because of the risk that they might be inviting cheats etc. which will put their own accounts in jeopardy.

After doing that for a while, you will see how nice other people are, and that it's just as much about the community.

I'm not talking about some of the trade whores here, I'm sure there are a few of those. But the others are decent people.

Edit: Also I would think twice before handing out an invite to someone, who uses torrent Pro instead of n00b.

04-26-2007, 09:40 PM
yup, i get the fear too...
one of the peeps i recently invited somewhere was accused of cheating on another site in a post here... didn't make me happy, but thats the risk you run giving away invites. As stated before, be nice, go out of your way for others, and they may do the same for you. I am still keen on giving away invites even after this incident.

04-26-2007, 09:54 PM
Edit: Also I would think twice before handing out an invite to someone, who uses torrent Pro instead of n00b.

I've used torrents for a long time, I've seeded like 100GB on several Full Season TV Shows, so why would I have that corny title? :lol:

04-26-2007, 10:36 PM
Edit: Also I would think twice before handing out an invite to someone, who uses torrent Pro instead of n00b.

I've used torrents for a long time, I've seeded like 100GB on several Full Season TV Shows, so why would I have that corny title? :lol:

Well does that make you a Pro. Do you know what Pro stands for?

A Pro makes a living out of what he does, so does that mean that you run torrentsites skimming money? or you sell your downloads, or maybe invites? Maybe you burn lots and lots of CDs and DVDs that you sell to people incl. coverart and the works? Maybe you program or modify clients to cheat and sell them???

Which is it? Because being a pro does not mean that you know how to use a torrent client or that you uploaded 100 GB of some show.

Just thought you would want to know ;)

Edit: Sorry for going off topic, but it was just too damn tempting :D

04-26-2007, 11:07 PM
Well does that make you a Pro. Do you know what Pro stands for?

bla bla bla I write a lot of crap because I think I am so cool which I am not.

Like you say yourself Bla bla bla, lots of crap in that post so now I could understand why you would call yourself a noob and thats because you spam like one with stuff that people doesnt give a crap about :whistling

Stop fish for points, stop being lame, and try stay ontopic now :pinch:

04-27-2007, 12:37 AM
Well I'm in and you're not

And before you start some pissingmatch here, almost everybody here has uploaded 100s of GB

04-27-2007, 01:06 AM
ummm..... they just steal their packs from FTN and other trackers. they cant even make their own packs. can't even rename the directory lol

stealing stolen packs, thats a good one, you come up with that on your own?

um huh? one of the mods d/led a FTN pack then u/led it on RTS without even botherin to change the name of the torrent...still had FTN in it... then got banned from FTN for doing so.

i have screenshot proof but wont post in public cuz it was a staffer who uploaded it.

04-27-2007, 01:12 AM
um huh? one of the mods d/led a FTN pack then u/led it on RTS without even botherin to change the name of the torrent...still had FTN in it... then got banned from FTN for doing so.

i have screenshot proof but wont post in public cuz it was a staffer who uploaded it.

you havent quite understood..

i think he was referring to the fact that the movie packs or whatever are all pirated and 'stolen' from the copyright owners in the first place... no matter what site put the collection together.

04-27-2007, 01:15 AM
um huh? one of the mods d/led a FTN pack then u/led it on RTS without even botherin to change the name of the torrent...still had FTN in it... then got banned from FTN for doing so.

i have screenshot proof but wont post in public cuz it was a staffer who uploaded it.you havent quite understood..

i think he was referring to the fact that the movie packs or whatever are all pirated and 'stolen' from the copyright owners in the first place... no matter what site put the collection together.

i know what he meant. im just sayin patriot is saying they have great packs and all that, but they just steal them from other trackers and dont even compile them themselves.

04-27-2007, 01:48 AM
you havent quite understood..

i think he was referring to the fact that the movie packs or whatever are all pirated and 'stolen' from the copyright owners in the first place... no matter what site put the collection together.

i know what he meant. im just sayin patriot is saying they have great packs and all that, but they just steal them from other trackers and dont even compile them themselves.

Yeah well, every site has to start on some ground.

06-30-2007, 08:21 PM

06-30-2007, 08:50 PM
why did you bump this thread?

06-30-2007, 08:50 PM
yeah, wtf?