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04-24-2007, 03:08 PM
Marriage is a great institution, but I'm not ready for an institution yet.....:rolleyes:

Mae West

04-24-2007, 03:19 PM
Mae West
Awwww...:wub: This reminds me of a blog a friend of mine posted on MySpace about "marriage being outdated." It was a story of some whore fucking slut lady who said we should do away with marriage since it doesn't work.

Poor sap just isn't liked. :dry: I was insulted almost.

04-24-2007, 03:24 PM
Been institutionalized for 10 years :(

04-24-2007, 03:29 PM
Mae West
Awwww...:wub: This reminds me of a blog a friend of mine posted on MySpace about "marriage being outdated." It was a story of some whore fucking slut lady who said we should do away with marriage since it doesn't work.

Poor sap just isn't liked. :dry: I was insulted almost.

That's ridiculous, everyone knows marriages work. The greatest capital flows start during divorce. Not to speak of last minute credit card transactions. Marriage is Great. Ask any lawyer.

04-24-2007, 03:35 PM
Mae West
Awwww...:wub: This reminds me of a blog a friend of mine posted on MySpace about "marriage being outdated." It was a story of some whore fucking slut lady who said we should do away with marriage since it doesn't work.

Poor sap just isn't liked. :dry: I was insulted almost.

Yea....Divorce rate about 48% and growing ........is it outdated....:)

04-24-2007, 03:37 PM
Awwww...:wub: This reminds me of a blog a friend of mine posted on MySpace about "marriage being outdated." It was a story of some whore fucking slut lady who said we should do away with marriage since it doesn't work.

Poor sap just isn't liked. :dry: I was insulted almost.

That's ridiculous, everyone knows marriages work. The greatest capital flows start during divorce. Not to speak of last minute credit card transactions. Marriage is Great. Ask any lawyer.

LOl......Ask any lawyer........:D

04-24-2007, 03:38 PM
Nothing wrong with marriage, it's fickle people who are at fault. :dabs:

04-24-2007, 03:39 PM
If someone told you that you had a 48% chance of getting hit by a car when you leave for work in the morning, would you even get your ass out of bed?

P.S. I got hit by a car twice last one is 4 years ago.

04-24-2007, 03:39 PM
Been institutionalized for 10 years :(

Get the same for Armed Robbery......:rolleyes:

04-24-2007, 03:41 PM
Nothing wrong with marriage, it's fickle people who are at fault. :dabs:

40% .......Lot of fickle people......lol

04-24-2007, 03:42 PM
Your wedding day is a cracking day out. All your mates are there, they bring you prezzies. You have a huge slap up meal, a few photos, a bit of a knees-up, and get well and truly drunk.

Basically, you are king and queen for a day. :01:

Weddings > *

Once you are married, it's like any other relationship. marriage is no guarantee of staying together, of course it isn't. As I said, it's all down to the people involved.

04-24-2007, 03:42 PM
Nothing wrong with marriage, it's fickle people who are at fault. :dabs:

40% .......Lot of fickle people......lol

Give me some stats of people who aren't married, how many of them stay together. :idunno:

04-24-2007, 03:46 PM
Yes, let's all just fuck freely and get AIDS.

04-24-2007, 03:48 PM
Why can't I get laid
fixed. :dabs:

04-24-2007, 03:50 PM
Why can't I get laid
fixed. :dabs:
You prick.


04-24-2007, 04:09 PM
Yes, let's all just fuck freely and get AIDS.

This is just a state of mind. I heard that on an African news station. It was from the President's own mouth too, which...proves it.

04-24-2007, 04:10 PM
It's like anything,you have to work hard to get the bestest out of it.
It has it's ups and downs,I've found it's no good keeping things bottled up you have to talk stuff through,rows are part and parcel of it.

04-24-2007, 05:34 PM
40% .......Lot of fickle people......lol

Give me some stats of people who aren't married, how many of them stay together. :idunno:

Why....They're not obliged too..

04-24-2007, 05:39 PM
If someone told you that you had a 48% chance of getting hit by a car when you leave for work in the morning, would you even get your ass out of bed?

P.S. I got hit by a car twice last one is 4 years ago.

There is great risk of getting hit by a car. I'm not sure the average percentage over a lifetime but it's got to be high. It's the same fickle people involved.

04-24-2007, 06:49 PM
Sure, marriage may not be for everybody but a lot of the problem is people that are married fight over one of two things(or both): money and infidelity. Both of which often boil down to a lack of trust (Unless you are just plain poor--that can cause a lot of stress as well). If you trust your partner and are trustworthy yourself, you can work through most anything together. I have been with my wife for going on 10 years -- being married 3 of those years. These last 3 years have been the best of the last 10. You guys can knock marriage all you want, it won't change my feelings for my wife. Being married and having children are the greatest accomplishments in my life. Nothing (my education, my career, etc.) will ever come close to making me feel as whole as I do now.

04-24-2007, 06:50 PM
Are not taxes sweeter when married?

Mr JP Fugley
04-24-2007, 07:44 PM
If someone told you that you had a 48% chance of getting hit by a car when you leave for work in the morning, would you even get your ass out of bed?

P.S. I got hit by a car twice.

Did the cunt reverse and have another go at you.

04-24-2007, 07:48 PM

04-24-2007, 08:54 PM
Sure, marriage may not be for everybody but a lot of the problem is people that are married fight over one of two things(or both): money and infidelity. Both of which often boil down to a lack of trust (Unless you are just plain poor--that can cause a lot of stress as well). If you trust your partner and are trustworthy yourself, you can work through most anything together. I have been with my wife for going on 10 years -- being married 3 of those years. These last 3 years have been the best of the last 10. You guys can knock marriage all you want, it won't change my feelings for my wife. Being married and having children are the greatest accomplishments in my life. Nothing (my education, my career, etc.) will ever come close to making me feel as whole as I do now.

Great post :01:

04-24-2007, 08:56 PM

let's see snoop dog top that :unsure:

04-24-2007, 09:52 PM
If someone told you that you had a 48% chance of getting hit by a car when you leave for work in the morning, would you even get your ass out of bed?

P.S. I got hit by a car twice last one is 4 years ago.

Absolutely Not.......U have better odds at Russian roulette......Right....!!!

04-24-2007, 10:07 PM
Sure, marriage may not be for everybody but a lot of the problem is people that are married fight over one of two things(or both): money and infidelity. Both of which often boil down to a lack of trust (Unless you are just plain poor--that can cause a lot of stress as well). If you trust your partner and are trustworthy yourself, you can work through most anything together. I have been with my wife for going on 10 years -- being married 3 of those years. These last 3 years have been the best of the last 10. You guys can knock marriage all you want, it won't change my feelings for my wife. Being married and having children are the greatest accomplishments in my life. Nothing (my education, my career, etc.) will ever come close to making me feel as whole as I do now.

I believe u are happy now......but u have to look further down the Track..
Kids become adolecent....bring problems home....they rebel and parents have no control over them.....
Before long the parents will be blaming each other......over issues like....
Why are they getting speeding fines.....why are they coming home at 3am...
where do they go at night....why are they smoking and drinking.

The parents forget that they should be on the same side,and they start blaming each other over their kids behaviour......


04-24-2007, 10:09 PM
Sure, marriage may not be for everybody but a lot of the problem is people that are married fight over one of two things(or both): money and infidelity. Both of which often boil down to a lack of trust (Unless you are just plain poor--that can cause a lot of stress as well). If you trust your partner and are trustworthy yourself, you can work through most anything together. I have been with my wife for going on 10 years -- being married 3 of those years. These last 3 years have been the best of the last 10. You guys can knock marriage all you want, it won't change my feelings for my wife. Being married and having children are the greatest accomplishments in my life. Nothing (my education, my career, etc.) will ever come close to making me feel as whole as I do now.

I believe u are happy now......but u have to look further down the Track..
Kids become adolecent....bring problems home....they rebel and parents have no control over them.....
Before long the parents will be blaming each other......over issues like....
Why are they getting speeding fines.....why are they coming home at 3am...
where do they go at night....why are they smoking and drinking.

The parents forget that they should be on the same side,and they start blaming each other over their kids behaviour......


So... no kids now either :O

of course, unmarried parents don't do any of that :whistling

04-24-2007, 10:14 PM
I believe u are happy now......but u have to look further down the Track..
Kids become adolecent....bring problems home....they rebel and parents have no control over them.....
Before long the parents will be blaming each other......over issues like....
Why are they getting speeding fines.....why are they coming home at 3am...
where do they go at night....why are they smoking and drinking.

The parents forget that they should be on the same side,and they start blaming each other over their kids behaviour......

......That all seems to be more of an excuse than a reason.

04-24-2007, 10:14 PM
Your wedding day is a cracking day out. All your mates are there, they bring you prezzies. You have a huge slap up meal, a few photos, a bit of a knees-up, and get well and truly drunk.

Basically, you are king and queen for a day. :01:

Weddings > *

Once you are married, it's like any other relationship. marriage is no guarantee of staying together, of course it isn't. As I said, it's all down to the people involved.

Thats right just like Cinderalla.......then six months down the track Poof the Carriage turns back into a pumpkin...

U try and go out with your mates and '' she'll say Oh no u don't.....blah blah blah.

So she stays as Queen and YOU become the Royal Servant...

04-24-2007, 10:21 PM
It's like anything,you have to work hard to get the bestest out of it.
It has it's ups and downs,I've found it's no good keeping things bottled up you have to talk stuff through,rows are part and parcel of it.

In our parents day they didn't take rows to heart....the day after all was forgotten.....

Believe me with todays generation any row could be your last.....

04-24-2007, 10:23 PM
Believe me with todays generation any row could be your last.....

Exactly my point. People are fickle :01:

04-24-2007, 10:23 PM
Are not taxes sweeter when married?

U an Accountant...???

04-24-2007, 10:27 PM
No. Are you a counsellor?

04-24-2007, 10:46 PM
Yes, let's all just fuck freely and get AIDS.

Marriage is no a guarantee against aids.....while you're at the office your partner could be screwing your best friend......

Stats say that 10% out of all children born the husband of the mother is not the biological father of the child....

So put that on top off the 48% divorce rate (and climbing) then consider all the
unhappily married couples that stay together for the sake of the children or whoever else.....so what have u got left....???

04-24-2007, 10:50 PM
No. Are you a counsellor?

No ....... I'm a Realist.....U take note of your circle of friends and see if some of

what I say doesn't apply to them.....

04-24-2007, 11:30 PM
Your wedding day is a cracking day out. All your mates are there, they bring you prezzies. You have a huge slap up meal, a few photos, a bit of a knees-up, and get well and truly drunk.

Basically, you are king and queen for a day. :01:

Weddings > *

Once you are married, it's like any other relationship. marriage is no guarantee of staying together, of course it isn't. As I said, it's all down to the people involved.

Thats right just like Cinderalla.......then six months down the track Poof the Carriage turns back into a pumpkin...

U try and go out with your mates and '' she'll say Oh no u don't.....blah blah blah.

So she stays as Queen and YOU become the Royal Servant...

This is where St. George comes in he kills the dragon... and if that doesn't help then you still have Willem of Orange.. to kick the asses of the Irish.. <---- notice that not a word will rhyme with Orange, which is typical Dutch! :unsure:

oeps sooorry...

04-24-2007, 11:36 PM
phew...You nearly had me up that right hand path again.. just in time, I remember-red to pull back.

04-25-2007, 01:19 AM
Where's the stats again?

04-25-2007, 07:17 AM
I think I might have her sussed now .

I mean , I think she's creating a poetic representation of the female body including all it's annoying tendencies.. I really can't wait until we get down to..the more important part.. :w00t: ...all this 5play...

I remember one pleasure center asking me, during the 4play, to sing the Little piggy song.. so I obliged her with the Stones "Satisfaction" ...Still, later I did try the piggy song...and my verdict was...I wish I had listened to her in the first place .. it was really great, and she came with multiple organisms..

04-25-2007, 11:25 AM
This lil piggy went to market,
this lil piggy went cunnilingus

That sorta thing.

04-25-2007, 07:51 PM

Roxxy is David?

Mr JP Fugley
04-25-2007, 08:21 PM
Sure, marriage may not be for everybody but a lot of the problem is people that are married fight over one of two things(or both): money and infidelity. Both of which often boil down to a lack of trust (Unless you are just plain poor--that can cause a lot of stress as well). If you trust your partner and are trustworthy yourself, you can work through most anything together. I have been with my wife for going on 10 years -- being married 3 of those years. These last 3 years have been the best of the last 10. You guys can knock marriage all you want, it won't change my feelings for my wife. Being married and having children are the greatest accomplishments in my life. Nothing (my education, my career, etc.) will ever come close to making me feel as whole as I do now.

I believe u are happy now......but u have to look further down the Track..
Kids become adolecent....bring problems home....they rebel and parents have no control over them.....
Before long the parents will be blaming each other......over issues like....
Why are they getting speeding fines.....why are they coming home at 3am...
where do they go at night....why are they smoking and drinking.

The parents forget that they should be on the same side,and they start blaming each other over their kids behaviour......


I am 25 years married, have four children, aged 21, 18, 14 and 9.

You on the other hand are talking pish.

Only in my experience like.

04-25-2007, 08:22 PM

God kills a kitten every time you forget your correct punctuation/spelling/etymologisation/grammar!

..regarding the other version of this saying, did it ever occur to you; they still keep coming.

04-29-2007, 12:15 PM
lol, marriage is fun for about 2 years, then it becomes, well

04-30-2007, 05:56 AM
......[/quote]That all seems to be more of an excuse than a reason.[/quote]

Yea.....Thats all they need Buddy......and when they go, they take half of what u own.....

And if u have young kids.....You'l be sleeping on a park bench.....

04-30-2007, 09:21 AM
lol, marriage is fun for about 2 years, then it becomes, well

Yea.....Thats all they need Buddy......and when they go, they take half of what u own.....

And if u have young kids.....You'l be sleeping on a park bench.....

You're obviously a bit crap at choosing who to marry :whistling

You're probably a bit crap at other things too. That's OK, it makes the rest of us look better :smilie4:

04-30-2007, 06:44 PM
That all seems to be more of an excuse than a reason.

Yea.....Thats all they need Buddy......and when they go, they take half of what u own.....

And if u have young kids.....You'l be sleeping on a park bench.....

So basically you are making an excuse for yourself by pointing to the bad behavior of others.

The only thing you are saying is that you either don't feel you could trust anyone enough to commit to them, or that you cannot be trusted yourself. You are saying this using others because you don't want to accept responsibility for your own shortcomings.

That or you are just trying to wind up the springs of those of us that don't fit into your "glass half empty" view of marriage.

Sure some people bail out at the first scuff mark, how on earth does that reflect on how you behave?

your opening statement
but I'm not ready for an institution yet would have sufficed. All the pointing to failed marriages is irrelevant to this and is as I said
more of an excuse than a reason.