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04-25-2007, 09:15 PM
Well I ship off this May, thye're gonna be sending my itinerary soon (but its the military beuracracy so I dont depend on that very much).

Just wanted to know, are there any tips from members here who have ever undergone Military Officers (or even non-commisioned) training?

Every bit helps I guess, I've heard some wicked stories about it, how its the most fun you'll ever have tied in with how much you wanna kill yourself due to it being the hardest thing you'll ever do.


04-25-2007, 09:21 PM
In the UK you achieve non commissioned status the hard way. Up through the ranks.:)

04-25-2007, 09:23 PM
PM me bud... 11 years USAF here

04-25-2007, 10:19 PM
Canada has a military? :huh:

04-25-2007, 10:29 PM
j2k4!! They do indeed have a military. They use billy clubs however instead of guns. If that doesnt subdue the enemy they make them listen to Living with War by Neil Young.

04-25-2007, 10:43 PM
j2k4!! They do indeed have a military. They use billy clubs however instead of guns. If that doesnt subdue the enemy they make them listen to Living with War by Neil Young.


Sundered by an aural antiquity. :shutup:

04-26-2007, 01:12 AM
In all fairness to our Neighbors to the North they did land at Normandy.
Just in time to unfold the bicycles the Brits had with them.

I do like Canada for one thing...Strange Brew. A true watershed moment in movie making. Oh and another. It gives the poor wittle polar bears somewhere to go when Gorebal Warming really kicks in.

04-26-2007, 07:17 AM
LOL @ Max

yea man, if our clubs dont work we just order a mass retreat and go home to our poutine and beautiful women and good canadian beer

our military truly sux tho, more and more experience NCO's and CO's are leaving due to underpaid work and just horrible military beauracracy.

I may not like the US gov't, but I sure as hell love the US military, times like this I wish I were in the USN flying off of carriers in mah big old f18 :D

04-29-2007, 03:18 AM
I may not like the US gov't, but I sure as hell love the US military, times like this I wish I were in the USN flying off of carriers in mah big old f18 :D
Canada doesn't have aircraft carriers ?

PM me bud... 11 years USAF here

As Pilot ? :O

04-29-2007, 07:27 AM
In all fairness to our Neighbors to the North they did land at Normandy.
Just in time to unfold the bicycles the Brits had with them.

I do like Canada for one thing...Strange Brew. A true watershed moment in movie making. Oh and another. It gives the poor wittle polar bears somewhere to go when Gorebal Warming really kicks in.

You forgot about somewhere to run to, to avoid conscription.:P

04-29-2007, 11:50 AM
How (right?) you are bob.

04-29-2007, 01:09 PM
In all fairness to our Neighbors to the North they did land at Normandy.
Just in time to unfold the bicycles the Brits had with them.

I do like Canada for one thing...Strange Brew. A true watershed moment in movie making. Oh and another. It gives the poor wittle polar bears somewhere to go when Gorebal Warming really kicks in.

You forgot about somewhere to run to, to avoid conscription.:P

They'd have come to you too, Bob, if it weren't for that infernal pond.

04-29-2007, 01:25 PM
How ironic would that be? The "conscientious objector" leaving the U.S to go to England to avoid persecution(perceived indeed). I'd tell them "I think WE already did that in the reverse."
Oh well. I'd rather they leave now than have to look at a TIME cover with one of them putting a daisy in the barrel of a rifle.

04-29-2007, 04:00 PM
How ironic would that be? The "conscientious objector" leaving the U.S to go to England to avoid persecution(perceived indeed). I'd tell them "I think WE already did that in the reverse."
Oh well. I'd rather they leave now than have to look at a TIME cover with one of them putting a daisy in the barrel of a rifle.

You have raised an interesting question. Did these conscientious objectors carry guns for personal safety?:lol:

That many of them crossed the border into Canada that the Canadian forces now have difficulty recruiting people who's fathers did not come from the USA. Or do they accept anybody?:whistling

Mr JP Fugley
04-29-2007, 06:15 PM
Why do Canadia need an army, the USA has one.

04-29-2007, 07:45 PM
Why do Canadia need an army, the USA has one.

To give Cpt_Azad a career.:wacko:

04-30-2007, 12:00 AM
Why do Canadia need an army, the USA has one.

To give Cpt_Azad a carer.:wacko:Fixed

04-30-2007, 10:16 AM
Why do (fill-in-the-blank) need an army, the USA has one.


04-30-2007, 03:39 PM
Yeah the U.S has the Army,but who the hell said we could use it?
I refer all to Generals Sherman and Grant's concept of "Total War"
Grant was called a butcher by Mrs. Lincoln during his Overland Campaign.

Grant understood that he had the muscle and the men to get the job done. The reason the Union Army rallied around U.S Grant was because all the Gen. before him had put their tails between their legs and fell back to
re-group. Grant realized he had the superior numbers and methods to wage war.

My point is that we do have the worlds most advanced Army. But we can't use it! When did the idea of War change from Domination,Submission,and Annihilation of the enemy to "Is that bomb gonna hurt somebody?"

This kind of "Humanitarian Warfare" is exactly the kind of thing that is going to cost the U.S and Europe countless body bags because there are countries...need I name them...that don't play by these namby pamby rules.

The media and all these watchdog groups need to wake up and let the people who are dealing with reality do their jobs...fully.

04-30-2007, 04:57 PM
Yeah the U.S has the Army,but who the hell said we could use it?
I refer all to Generals Sherman and Grant's concept of "Total War"
Grant was called a butcher by Mrs. Lincoln during his Overland Campaign.

Grant understood that he had the muscle and the men to get the job done. The reason the Union Army rallied around U.S Grant was because all the Gen. before him had put their tails between their legs and fell back to
re-group. Grant realized he had the superior numbers and methods to wage war.

My point is that we do have the worlds most advanced Army. But we can't use it! When did the idea of War change from Domination,Submission,and Annihilation of the enemy to "Is that bomb gonna hurt somebody?"

This kind of "Humanitarian Warfare" is exactly the kind of thing that is going to cost the U.S and Europe countless body bags because there are countries...need I name them...that don't play by these namby pamby rules.

The media and all these watchdog groups need to wake up and let the people who are dealing with reality do their jobs...fully.

The people who are dealing with the reality of the war in Iraq said that we should withdraw our troops immediately as they are just exasperating the situation. I am talking about the commanders of the US forces in Iraq.


05-01-2007, 12:20 PM
The commanders version of reality is a retarded one. That was part of my point. If they were allowed to fully engage the insurgents we would have a different situation on the ground. They are not allowed to use the full capabilities of the U.S arsenal.

Total War was my main point. We must go All
In or get off the pot. Let's quit dicking around here. It is either now(on our terms) or later(on theirs). Military and War in general is about pre-emptive thinking not reactionary.

One must take the fight to the enemy. We must set the terms of battle and we must be the ones who ultimately decide when and where battles are fought. Easier said than done,agreed. But this is the essence of battle.

Back to U.S Grant..if I may. During the Overland Campaign most
were telling Grant Bobby Lee this and Bobby Lee that. Grant said "I'm tired of hearing about Bobby Lee. Tell me what your gonna do to him and not what he will do to you." It's that kind of untied assertiveness that is needed now more than ever.

I only want to take the fight to the enemy fully and with complete desire for full and total victory. I'm not too sure that the world is willing to allow such a fight to take place. We will pay for this in the end when the enemy is the one calling the shots.

05-01-2007, 12:52 PM
The commanders version of reality is a retarded one. That was part of my point. If they were allowed to fully engage the insurgents we would have a different situation on the ground. They are not allowed to use the full capabilities of the U.S arsenal.

Total War was my main point. We must go All
In or get off the pot. Let's quit dicking around here. It is either now(on our terms) or later(on theirs). Military and War in general is about pre-emptive thinking not reactionary.

One must take the fight to the enemy. We must set the terms of battle and we must be the ones who ultimately decide when and where battles are fought. Easier said than done,agreed. But this is the essence of battle.

Back to U.S Grant..if I may. During the Overland Campaign most
were telling Grant Bobby Lee this and Bobby Lee that. Grant said "I'm tired of hearing about Bobby Lee. Tell me what your gonna do to him and not what he will do to you." It's that kind of untied assertiveness that is needed now more than ever.

I only want to take the fight to the enemy fully and with complete desire for full and total victory. I'm not too sure that the world is willing to allow such a fight to take place. We will pay for this in the end when the enemy is the one calling the shots.

Do you advocate the dropping of nuclear weapons in Iraq? That would count as 'total war''. I cannot think offhand any invading country that has won against guerilla warfare.

Sorry, I forgot about Grenada.:whistling

05-01-2007, 01:03 PM
http://www.arrse.co.uk/ good luck ;)

05-01-2007, 02:00 PM
Oh Bobby how did I know you were gonna say the "N" word?
No I don't.