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04-26-2007, 04:41 AM

They tell me the wind is in from Africa, last night I couldn't sleep.

Carey, I will have to take a rain check this time...re-member, collect my heart and my Ka, return them to the Sem.

My dearest dearest brother, where are you. I love you and would never leave you. I cannot see your face. I will not leave your side. I cannot see you and my heart yearns for your prescience, your touch, your warm sweet breath. Come to me now, I am your sister from the same Mother.

As Anubis checks the balance and Thoth records the very last moments as he did before. Weigh my heart against Maat's feather, I turn to Osiris and say, "Here I am, I will do it! "

What happened. I call your name here on Earth, yet I cannot sense you here. Has someone brought harm to you. I call your name in the heavens, yet here too I sense you not; do you hear my call. Head my call. I am the sister that you love, here on Earth. There was only ever me, dearest brother, my brother! Where are you now. My name is Carey I yearn for you here.

If you do not show your face today, early as the sun rises, my tears will flow, my body will convulse. The Earth will flood the mountains shift their anchors. Woe is me if my brother is dead. Woe will be your lot too.


The book of Gates

This is not to be read as prose..it is a saying to open the gates of the underworld. These gates are openend now.

04-26-2007, 05:27 AM
Do you by any chance have a working Book of the Dead?
Me, Im just a mere scribe so I couldnt afford one...being born in the 1st Dynasty. I hear Sneferu has a great deal on them once a week at the local flee market. But then again it took him three tries just to get a pyramid right. Although the Red Pyramid is quiet lovely. Anyway let me know.........ISIS..

04-26-2007, 06:12 AM
Do you by any chance have a working Book of the Dead?
Me, Im just a mere scribe so I couldnt afford one...being born in the 1st Dynasty. I hear Sneferu has a great deal on them once a week at the local flee market. But then again it took him three tries just to get a pyramid right. Although the Red Pyramid is quiet lovely. Anyway let me know.........ISIS..

A crane calling in the shade

The crane doesn't have to stand on a high hill, it may be quite hidden when it sounds it's call. yet it's young will hear it's note, will recognize it and give answer.

ISIS, meet I, the living book of Life.