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View Full Version : Linux and Apache experts Please HELP!

04-26-2007, 09:18 AM
I have a leeware seedbox running fedora fc6, and apache 2.2.3 is running
I have files in var/www/html that I want to download via HTTP but I get 403 Forbidden message.
I had other files in that directory before and I was able to download them successfully but not anymore!
I tried chmod 777/755/711/chmod +x
nothing worked, what I am doing wrong I have no idea! I was able to download files from that directory before!
please help me I am stuck and I need to do this my server is full I need to empty some of the stuff. And I do not wanna download via SFTP because I wanna save the files on rapidshare.com which only takes direct HTTP and FTP links
Thank you in advance, your help is greatly appreciated